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Everything posted by Medic

  1. Medic


    You have a really valid point about charcoal. Your first night should be spent in sheer terror if you fail to find any coal and thus get any torches. The good thing about beds is moving your spawn point, especially if you wind up in a desert or something, but skipping to day does make the monsters-come-out-at-night incredibly trivial. I've always appreciated torches, which is why I always have a stack of them somewhere. I suppose the lack of mystery really doesn't help. Of course we're going to learn a lot of the tricks of the game, but there has been a LOT of stuff that has made the game easier. Stacking food makes things so simple. Then again, I've been playing since the end of Alpha, so maybe it is just nostalgia.
  2. Medic

    League of Legends

    It's dunk time. I really need to try Master Yi again. Like Volibear, he's one of the very first champions I played and subsequently hated because I didn't understand the game. The only reason I own Nunu and Koggles is because they were the first champions where my score wasn't 0/5/1 or something similar. I played so many games with just Nunu, desperately saving up to get Kog'Maw. Then I discovered supports.
  3. Am I weird for so rarely being caught out with homework and tests and stuff? Or am I just organised?

    1. Batty Batterson
    2. Doopliss2008


      I do it as soon as its out, then, I can sit back and relax.

    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      I do like two problems or paragraphs or whatever as soon as it's out, then forget about the assignment until the night before and quickly do as much of the rest as I can stand.

    4. Show next comments  135 more
  4. Medic

    League of Legends

    Ah. Surely just farming your Q on Nasus is hard though unless the enemy top champion is just ignoring you. Then again, my experience with Nasus comes from ARAM and One For All. Yeah, Nasus VS Ziggs, good luck farming. I miss One For All, but when it next comes back, everyone will just pick Ziggs, Lux, Ezreal and whoever else is powerful on their own.
  5. Medic


    Thing is, hunger interrupts menial tasks, like digging mines and boring things like walking. Yes, I can jump off a small cliff and regenerate my health, but with so much food around these days, you might as well just take damage and eat your pork chops or other food of choice. Hunger is just a nuisance. Pointless is the wrong word for potions. More 'broken'. It's high risk to get your brewery started, but once you've got one nether wart, some soul sand and one blaze rod, making potions is a piece of piss and you are now a billion times better at PvP than anyone with just armour and weapons. And don't get me started on how horrible and pointless the End is.
  6. Medic

    Well I Know Where I'm Never Going

    The article says they suck the blood of their young, not human blood.
  7. Medic


    Hunger is pointless once you've set up a home and everything. There are so many food items that dying from starvation or low health because of starvation seem utterly stupid. Also, I could travel to the edge of the Minecraft map and never run out of food, because I can just slaughter every cow, pig and chicken I see. Pass through a jungle or two and you get melons with ease. Villages have wheat, carrots and potatoes, yet more easy food. It's only ever an issue to new players who don't know how to deal with hunger. Potions are needlessly hard to acquire but have a nasty habit of screwing up the already iffy Minecraft PvP side of things. Nether fortresses are a nice addition to an otherwise boring Nether but unless you know that they spawn regularly mainly in the Z coordinate, you could spend forever looking and never finding one, and even then you need to hope there's a Blaze Spawner and a nether farm there. PvP in Minecraft was always rather one-sided, whoever has the best enchantments wins, but potions mean you can just spam instant harming II or instant healing II and that's it. To go off on a tangent, I HATE the MCMMO plugin. On a server with PvP matches in which everyone gets the same equipment, someone with a high MCMMO skill can instantly kill other players, no matter what armour they wear or what enchantments they have on their weapons. Higher ranks also introduce effects that are completely overpowered, like blanking out your entire screen with the nether portal effect for 10 seconds or poisoning you or giving you enchantment effects without the need of enchanting your weapons.
  8. Medic


    I too would like to see this rant. Honestly, there's some stuff I love, like the new biomes and the better mob AI so you can't just get them to walk into lava, but things like the hunger bar, the End and potions just seem pointless.
  9. Medic

    League of Legends

    Teleports or supports? Or maybe both?
  10. Medic

    Spoiler Warnings

    Better safe than sorry, right? Don't want the Spoiler Police on your arse.
  11. Medic


    I've been too busy to play.
  12. Medic

    League of Legends

    Ryze support is cool. I've never been a fan of Fiddlesticks support though. He's got that fear and the annoying as heck bouncing silence, but he just seems like a rather selfish champion.
  13. Medic

    League of Legends

    Gragas is suddenly a new support champion. Sona's banned from URF mode, so I wandered into the Coop VS AI version and got my entire team to charge mid. Didn't die once, had 14k in unspent gold. All I had was a single health potion and Frostfang. Helped get three pentakills.
  14. New TF2 game mode: if you stand still, you explode.

    1. Jordax


      Hell on Earth mode: Cozy Camper Sniper only.

    2. Rammite


      Insanity mode: Dispenser only

    3. Medic


      RIP Cozy Camper downside. CC races were among the funniest things I've ever witnessed.

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  15. Medic

    League of Legends

    Only four champions? Who's the fifth? I never watch the super high level competitive matches so I don't know who they used as their last guy. And that Lee Sin one is not good. It could be literally any male champion. One little thing. Stop complaining about dying all the time when you keep on charging in, outnumbered, with zero defensive items.
  16. Medic


    If anyone needs slime balls, I'm going to leave some in the spawn chest. I also have loads of cobblestone, which I will also probably leave in a chest.
  17. Medic

    TF2 general

    So the fact that I main Medic and Soldier makes me what then? On top of that, I have a fancy Kritzkrieg too.
  18. Medic

    League of Legends

    That's a pity. I quite liked the idea of having multiple Tibbers. A wise move though, giving a maximum number for Teemo shrooms and Shaco turrets.
  19. Medic

    League of Legends

    I've actually been meaning to try Annie. Is it true that she can have multiple Tibbers?
  20. Medic


    What sort of forest is it? If it's a roofed forest, just build a half-slab path on the top of it. Mobs can't spawn on leaf blocks.
  21. Medic

    TF2 general

    Yay I said something! I also turned out to be fairly traitorous, but who cares? I had more than one line and I was semi-amusing! But oh man, Heavy's family is awesome. He's a fleshed out character now. Real name and everything.
  22. Welp, turns out I'm a traitor. Time to milk this for all it's worth.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      I bet that's a valuable job trait

    2. Medic


      Oh, totally, when you spend 99% of your internet life pretending to be a creepy German doctor.

  23. Medic

    League of Legends

    I think some of the AI bots are tougher than humans. Sonabot? Healbot, melts when stunned. Karthus bot? A minor nuisance. Annie bot? Get her to waste her passive. Lux bot? Spams the heal summoner spell and her shield constantly, always procs her passive, almost always lands her root and if she misses, she keeps on trying, lands her ult from a billion miles away every single time. I dunno who I prefer in URF yet. Soraka is hit and miss depending on the enemy, Sona you can button mash and it doesn't matter. Nidalee spears are even more annoying. But I really like Vel'Koz.
  24. Medic


    That's just creepy.