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Everything posted by Medic

  1. All typing frantically over their keyboards, with lots of command prompts and matrix-style text everywhere.
  2. It's 2018 and I'm not feeling horribly depressed right now. That's a good start!
  3. Happy 2018 kiddos.

  4. Avatars, signatures, adverts down the right hand side AND BBCode formatting. The full WYSIWYG editor.
  5. Medic


    Honestly even with the spoilers, nothing has changed. Also that's an amazing bug for Nidus. Infinite duration and heals is way better than weird, wobbly phallic-looking plants.

    1. Rynjin
    2. Medic


      Can't tell you unless you've built the new room in the ship. Spoilers. "WTF" spoilers.

    3. Kraszu


      wew, I was just listening to New World Order when I went down the rabbit hole it made it so much better 


  7. Medic


    The Third Door can now be opened, there are four new weapons (two Tenno, two Grinner) and the Ghouls are here. No Acolytes yet.
  8. Medic


    I've sent a few gifts out and things like that. Will probably send a few more gifts out today.
  9. They totally did. Sad thing is, there are still bots in LoL Coop VS AI.
  10. Boomer: 306 hours
    Millennial: 4459 hours
    Hours of minimum wage work needed to pay for four years of public college
    Source: National Center for Education Statistics. Calculations based on tuition for four-year public universities from 1973-1976 and 2003-2006.


    1. Huff


      Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps lmao xd

    2. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Honestly 80-90% of people in college now shouldn't be in college, most jobs that require a degree could easily be replaced with a much shorter apprenticeship or even just basic training.


      As an example, pilots for major airlines are usually required to have a college degree. Which sounds reasonable until you realize that 1) no college degree will qualify you to fly anything 2) they literally don't care whether you get an aeronautics degree summa cum laude from a prestigious university or whether you barely eked out a degree in something like art history from a community college(in fact it's recommended you take something like art history because it's easier). They just want you to have a degree because everyone else has a degree.


      In the current year 12 years of schooling is the bare minimum required for stocking shelves part-time, which is frankly insane.

    3. Medic


      The sad thing is though, employers demand that you have a degree, even when you don't need one. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  11. Medic


    Seems to take everyone about 30 runs. I was missing one of the Night parts which basically delayed the whole building process by an extra few days. My new Ignis skin doesn't shoot snowflakes and that makes me sad.
  12. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    RIP Skyrim Legendary Edition. I don't know what to play lately. Warframe's been satisfying enough and Skyrim is always there, but I need to write articles and nothing else pops up at me lately.
  13. Hai Sham. I'm pooped. I should have booked off more holiday and now I can't.
  14. Yeah I don't get that whole gun thing at all. And RIP Riot Shield. Could have been so useful.
  15. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Since I never seem to have any socks ever, I'll go with socks. I've wanted to switch to Skyrim Special Edition for a while, but most of the (more used) mods I like use SKSE, and with Bethesda updating SE every few weeks, that means you have to update SKSE64 as well and then possibly wait for some mods to update as well, and it's just, ugh, not worth it. I don't play Skyrim often enough to want to troubleshoot the game every time I play, and apparently Mod Organizer 2 is a bit crashy and buggy as well. It's all made worse by the fact that my normal Skyrim setup works fine.
  16. Well, they don't HAVE to buy these things. You need some sort of competition.
  17. Medic

    Star Wars Thread

    I saw The Last Jedi on Thursday. Was pretty good. Too much failure and incompetence, and Rey is a fucking awful Mary Sue, but it was a good movie.
  18. Honestly Disney buying all this stuff is kinda worrying. Monopolies are worrying.
  19. Medic


    I got Mirage Prime, don't care about Akbolto Prime, Kogake Prime is being a cunt and not dropping.
  20. Medic

    TF2 general

    Scream Fortress is kinda special for me, that was when I started playing. But the content we got was so small, it was the same size as or even less than a Scream Fortress update.
  21. Well, I got Mirage Prime already. Just waiting for her to bake.

    1. A 1970 Corvette
    2. Medic


      What? I farmed my relics and made sure to keep my 900 void traces handy.
