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RIP VHS rewinder
My VCR actually rewinds tapes in literally a twentieth of the time that the separate rewinder did.
It's only purpose was to reduce the demand on my VCR motors, to help assuage the fears that they will blow out without me being able to repair them and I will have to swap out to the next VCR/DVD combo player in the pile.
Merry Christmas!
(^has never had pudding)
(^has never played touhou)
Gyokuyoutama reacted to this
Waiting 20 minutes so that your virtual Windows 95 machine can install a game at an era realistic time, when all that is really happening is that files already on my hard drive are moving to somewhere else on it, is something that causes me to question what I'm doing with my life.
Does this place maybe... Have a system where they kick noisy people out!?
Came back home late at night and thought that someone dumped a bunch of garbage on my driveway since as I was pulling up I could see four lumps. As I got closer it became apparent that these were rabbits and they were strangely hesitant to get out of the way of my car (I only slowly pulled up to not hit any.) Eventually they did get out of the way, but even when they bounded off they didn't just get out of the drive way immediately but rather bounced around in a circle for a few seconds first.
I feel like I've crossed the rabbit mafia or had the curse of El-ahrairah placed upon me or something.
Today I learned that one possible output for "neko" in the microsoft JP IME is =^_^=. This is apparently due to 2chan users adding it to their personal IME and widely distributing the files.
You can also use "ai" to get ぁぃ(。・ω・。)ノ and other variations, "ase" to get (-_-;) among others, warau for ((´∀`))ケラケラ etc.
I feel like I've just broken a secret code or something.
You can also use it to get emojis, which is where I found this out from (though emojis are banned on SPUF for some reason.) Sometimes you get characters that aren't technically emojis like ☆ from "hoshi", ♪ from "ongaku," or ♀ from "mesu."
But man when looking into this I have found a bunch of weird stuff. Here's some websites archiving and giving tips for kaomoji use: (unfortunately the kaomoji dictionary links are broken)
I also discovered that the emoji feature in Windows 10+ also has a kaomoji page. (Access by WIN + ;) Though I think the IME option is better once you know what words correspond to which kaomoji.
a small addition: I was pleasantly surprised to see that typing "nya" has one of the predictions "nyanpasu." it's not too surprising if it really was copied from 2ch users but still fun
That last link blew my mind with the "type english sentence by starting with a capital letter" though, that's a genius feature
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