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  1. 1 point

    SPUF Fortress

    Well, I managed to find this. I'm not sure how much use it will be, or if it even works still (You're using Game Maker 8 I think you said, this is from Game Maker 5). It's also probably horribly messy code, but meh. Just chuck this in the step event of the spycrabs and movement should (hopefully) be taken care of. if distance_to_object(you) < 100{setnewcoordinate = 1xcoordinate = you.xycoordinate = you.y}elseif setnewcoordinate < 0{xcoordinate = you.x + random(distance_to_object(you)*1.5) - random(distance_to_object(you)*1.5)ycoordinate = you.y + random(distance_to_object(you)*1.5) - random(distance_to_object(you)*1.5)setnewcoordinate = distance_to_object(you)/4}if self.x = xcoordinate and self.y = ycoordinatesetnewcoordinate = -1mp_potential_step(xcoordinate,ycoordinate,3,false)setnewcoordinate += -1Change 'you' to 'pyro' or whatever the player's name is.Changing the 1.5 in "random(distance_to_object(you)*1.5)" to a lower number will make the spycrabs more direct in their attack. Making it higher will make them spread out more before attacking you.Similarly, "setnewcoordinate = distance_to_object(you)/4" making the 4 a higher number will make them more and more direct, but they will act slightly more erratically.I'm fairly confident that you'd be able to come up with something a lot better than all this though, this is from years back when I was just messing around with Game Maker.===========If you're looking for ideas for minigames, you could have a space invaders sort of thing, you play as ianskate (sprite being a guy on a skateboard?) who must shoot banhammers at incoming Pootis posters to protect subSPUF. I'm not sure what a Pootis would look like though...
  2. 1 point

    Vidya Game Music
