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  1. 1 point

    Splosion's Story Time.

    Ok time for another story... That one time a friend of mine exposed himself to hundreds of people. So as you can see from the video in my last post, my friend Zakk isn't the brightest guy. I've never had a dull Dragoncon thanks to what he believes are good ideas. Take the time he tried to sneak into the Klingon party at the con for example, while he didn't get in they were nice enough to give him a glass of "Klingon fire wine". I couldn't thank them enough for the aftermath... Our second year of Dragoncon has some of my fondest memories attached to it. Meeting some of my best friends, staying up for an entire weekend straight, my discovery of as Zakk called it "the floor beating game" (Werewolf), but the best part of the year came when Zakk sold his pants for liquor money. Let me back up a bit. Saturday morning of the con, myself, zakk, and our friend chris had gone down to the dealers room and bought kendo sticks because we wanted something to hit each other with while allowing minimal injury (plan did not work by the way). After returning to the front patio of the Hyatt Chris found a better use for his kendo stick, torturing Zakk. I watched as chris pulled Zakks boxer's out of his pants and stuck them on the end of his kendo stick, which he then used as leverage to give Zakk the most horrendous wedgie I have ever seen. He actually managed to rip the boxer's out of his pants. After that was finished zakk rolled around on the sidewalk in pain for several minutes until he decided as much booze as he could stomach was the perfect cure for the pain, so we began party hopping. Around our third party Zakk and I ran into our friend Kat who invited us back up to her room to drink somewhere that didn't have a DJ blasting terrible rave music. Once we got to the room Kat turned to zakk and drunkenly declared "I LIKE YOUR PANTS!" Zakk was wearing a pair of those Hot Topic Tripp pants with the chains everywhere. Zakk asked her if she wanted to buy them to which she offered $20 and off zakks pants went and we were greeted with an unfortunate eyeful of genitals. We had all completely forgotten the wedgie incident after the heavy drinking from the parties. "Yeah. I'm going to need something to wear if you want to buy these..." Zakk added when he realized he wasn't wearing anything but a shirt. SoKat offered him the only article of clothing she was willing to part with. A plaid miniskirt. Now the skirt didn't exactly cover everything so zakk asked for a pair of underwear. Well Kat wasn't about to part with any so Zakk had to do what he's worst at. Improvise. Zakk looked around the room and found a "soultion" to his problem. That solution was duct tape. He grabbed the roll, went into the bathroom, and after a few minutes of screaming he came back out sporting a walk that looked like a duck that crapped it's pants. Now it was Kat's turn for a terrible idea. She decided that Zakk needed to go back out into the con in full blown drag. When she was done with him Zakk had his hair in pigtails, 18 layers of makeup, and a button down shirt tied across his chest like britney spears. I still have nightmares. When we went back to the convention we immediately headed for the smoking deck and ran into Chris again. Once Chris saw that zakk was in a miniskirt he came to the conclusion that zakk had found more underwear so it was time for him to pull out his kendo wedgie again. Amazingly it worked and off came Zakk's improvised underwear, so did a lot of hair and skin... Zakk rolled around yet again in even more pain and again the solution was to drink more. So zakk pulled the skirt down enough to where too much wasn't exposed and we found ourselves an elevator to take us up to the party floors. Now there's something you need to know about the Hyatt elevators... Some of you already see where this is going... As soon as zakk realized he was in a miniskirt on a glass elevator overlooking hundreds of people he immediately jumped up on the railings and spread eagle against the glass. Not many people noticed until chris and I realized we still had our kendo sticks with us which we then used to beat on the floor of the elevator which caused more than enough noise to get the entire lobby to turn their attention to the elevator as it rose...
  2. 1 point

    Blank's terrible SFM stuffs

    http://www.youtube.com/user/Blank0TheEpic Discuss.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point

    Blank's terrible SFM stuffs

    I don't really like the color of the link. Maybe if it was green I'd enjoy it a bit more but otherwise nice.