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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/16 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    sup nerds Finally done with my junior year of college, so I have some room to breathe for once. Gonna' be teaching kids at a tech camp this summer, as well as doing a summer class on algorithms. Other than that, I'm hoping to build a proper gaming rig, get back into TF2, and start playing some more vidya in general and probably work on memes or something ye more memes
  2. 1 point
    more like Overhyped Overcasual Overwatereddown Overnerd (feel free to contact me for more sick burns)
  3. 1 point
    So Britt was tossing around ideas for my birthday gift thanks britt
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point


    I've had some really weird dreams lately. Decided to write some of them down which made some sort of sense at least, there were enough which frankly didn't make any sort of sense at all. Most of these don't either, at least they got some coherent parts in them. Dream 1: This one started off at some farms, in what I presumed to be Eastern Europe by the looks of the place and the machinery in and near the farms. It's rainy, and apparently, I am with some militia/army-like group, who seem to pass by the farmstead. Everyone of the group is armed with rifles and the like, and body armor as well. Seems like we were marching to another location. It's raining lightly, and as such, the place is quite muddy. While walking, the squad is talking in a few different languages, mostly English, but also German, French and Dutch. In fact, the Dutch guys I was talking with did really sound like my friends from high school and university. Loads of complaining about the rain, but also about how the guys up front aren't really paying attention to their surroundings. I'm walking in front too, and from what I presume to be a pretty steep hill around 500 meters away, I spot some weird sort of light. Before I realize what it is, a machine gun opened fire on the squad from the same direction as the hill, I hear the sound of them unleashing lead at blistering rates, and I see the bullets impact the ground right in front of me, and coming nearer really quickly. I flinched for a moment, while the others are already shouting to find cover while diving into cover, with some guys shouting in English and Dutch '[Jordax] (the guys used my forename), what the hell are you doing, seek cover!' So I seemed to dive into safety at the last moment, into what was basically an alcove in the side of one of the farmhouses, leading to some sort of alley as well. Just as I shout 'Bloody hell, that was close!' after getting up into cover, and want to shout something else about the situation, before suddenly flinching, and noticing that I have been actually hit, near the lower right side of my ribcage, where a visible blood spatter is forming through the clothing and body armor. I mumbled out a faint 'I-I c-can walk this one off...' before slumping over against a wall, while trying to stop the bleeding at my right lower ribcage by clutching it. A few other people of the squad saw that, and they sounded hysteric, and shout things like '[Jordax]'s been hit!' 'Get a fucking medic to him now!'. To be honest, I might have been hit really badly, I couldn't exactly see how big the wound was. Anyway, that wound really hurt, and I am just trying my best to stay concious. I take a look around the alcove, and see that one of the corners is about the single most dirty corner you could think of. It looked like an open toilet, that was how dirty it was. While seeing that, my thoughts are 'Fuck it, I am not dying in this filthy corner here', before waking up out of the dream. Dream 2: Alright, this one got really, really weird eventually. It also got what seemed to be time skips. It started off in a old medieval-like castle, in a dungeon/prison tower section of the castle to be exact. I woke up there in a cell, and shortly after, I got let out of the cell by a guard. The guy was heavily decked out in armor and was also armed pretty well, so no point risking an escape when he was that nearby. I was led by him to another part of the castle, but I didn't know what exactly at that point. While getting led throughout some of the more barren stone castle halls, which were getting illuminated brightly by the late afternoon twilight happening outside, I notice that the few guards we are passing are looking at me really strangely. Eventually, I got led down into some sort of courtroom. Some lord/judge guy, whoever he was, did read out a huge list of stuff and more stuff I presume to be not good news at all. The thing is, I seemed to be in a complete daze for most of it. All I knew was, that it wasn't much good, and that I might have done something really horrible beforehand. To sum it up, I got sentenced to death for whatever I did. The lord/judge did however, grant me a last request/wish, by saying 'Any last wish, monster?'. I answered by saying 'One last walk outside...', yet when I tried to say that, what came out wasn't my usual voice. It wasn't human either, which really freaked me out the most about it. It sounded a bit like it, but it sounded more like a growl than being anything closely resembling a human voice. So yeah, that was the point in the dream I realized I wasn't human. When looking around, I noticed in a far-off mirror I didn't notice earlier, that whatever I was, it oddly enough did resemble a Lucario a bit. (All of my fucking what?) But anyway, I got that last wish granted, and I was led out by a group of guards for one last walk over the castle walls. It was about to become night-time, the sun was about to go down slowly. Just as I am thinking how this seems rather fitting, I get shoved hard from behind. Before I know what is happening, I get sent falling down the castle walls on the outside. It was at least 20 meters up. Somehow, I landed pretty normally despite the height. Sure, my legs and arms were hurting quite a bit, I felt dazed for a little bit, but it didn't feel like I was seriously injured. The first thing that came up in my mind, was to just run like hell, get the hell away from said castle. So I ran away from the place as quickly as I could, into a pretty open field. I didn't care what direction it was, along it was away from that castle. Cut to a good while later, it's deep into the night now, and I'm wading through a creek in some sort of valley-like area ,still not feeling tired at all despite noticing that I am actually pretty hurt. It's at that moment that I finally realize that nobody did actually chase me down, or at least, as far it looked like. At that point, it felt like I had ran for a couple of hours. So, I let out a sigh of relief, and just looked back after wading through said creek. I decided to sit down for a bit, and wondered about why nobody or nothing was actually chasing me in my escape. Or who the hell pushed me off in the first place. Or what the hell happened in general. That is pretty much where that dream ended. Dream 3: The dream started off with a huge family meeting/party at my uncle's home. Everyone was there, and like in real-life, my 9-year old cousin managed to annoy absolutely everyone within record time. Still, a good time was had by everyone. Suddenly, a perspective shift took place. It was of some men outside a shack in the desert. Probably in America. The shack was two floors, was from wood, and had a staircase outside leading to the second floor balcony-like entrance. It seemed that it was after an apocalyptic event of some sorts, since there were oblivious signs of decay around in the area. Some guy who suspiciously looked like Walter JR from Breaking Bad comes back from a walk with his dog (I barely watched that series, so that was weird.), and says that there seems something off about the desert at that moment. The radio talks at that moment about a refugee tribe refusing to be settled anywhere near the desert after some unexplainable and scaring paranormal stuff happened in the camps situated near the desert. Just then, Walt's dog starts freaking out like crazy, and barks non-stop towards the desert, where a seriously stormy sky is coming from. It's a really weird sky as well. It could be happening in real-life, but it looked almost otherworldly. Some other fellow starts uttering about the things in the desert coming near. The man of whom I was seeing this from, was getting antsy as well, and suggests Walt and the dog should get back into the two-floor shack NOW. The man, however, has terrible walking problems, and thus made his way towards the shack, which had a stair outside to the second floor, very, very slowly. Almost at a crawling pace somehow. Just as he is about to walk under that stair towards the door, he notices sand falling from it. While there isn't any wind in the area at all yet. Indicating that SOMETHING is walking on it. He sets a step back. Nothing but a huge moving shadow is on the stairs. He screams. The dream ends here. Dream 4:Family trip to some American city with my family. Drove around a city before driving into it with a classical Chevrolet muscle car. We made our way to a historic hotel downtown, where I somehow get a very strange flashback. It's the same hotel in the 50s, and the Nazis somehow made their way across the Atlantic. (Wolfenstein: The New Order much?) They are in the hotel making a deal with people who did look like typical 30s-40s mafia types. Before I know it, someone in the hotel cafe blows his cover, and all hell breaks loose. The guy where I am seeing this flashback through, manages to survive the massive brawl, and ends up assassinating the Nazi commander with his own pistol. He goes back to his room with his compatriots for a bit, before returning to the dining room. To his surprise, he sees the majority of the people who were shot in the brawl getting back up on their feet. They claim to be part of multiple Allied spying agencies and resistance groups who were also out to assassinate the Nazis who had gathered in the hotel. But somehow, most of their pistols were filled with blanks. There are a few people staying dead though. The person I am seeing this through, notices that some of the presumed dead Nazis have disappeared, and thus concludes that they have fled the building after faking their deaths. He walks towards the main entrance hallway where he shot the Nazi commander, only to find out in horror that his own pistol was filled with blanks as well, and that the commander escaped as well, seeing that the body has disappeared. As such, the spy agencies and the resistance fighters hurry back to their rooms to start evacuating from the hotel. The dream ended shortly after that. Also, damn this post got way longer than I first expected when I started typing it out. My dreaming subconscious is just really damn weird. I've still got some smaller ones too, although I will probably talk about some of them another time.