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Everything posted by Guy923

  1. Guy923

    World of Warcraft

    Upgrade tokens for heirlooms sounds lame as fuck, everything else sounds cool though.
  2. Guy923

    Upgrade to IPS 4

    My account is connected to steam, but I don't use steam as the login And i also vote final release.
  3. who would win in a fight greg or tyrone

    1. Sir Slick
    2. ICBMoose


      the only winning move is not to play

    3. ScampSixteen


      Tommy Provolone remember that oh boy oh wow.

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  4. Guy923

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

  5. Guy923

    World of Warcraft

    I was sitting around stormwind minding my own business, spinning crane kickin' around and suddenly THIS asshole shows up and ruins my day. Never have I been so destroyed by a dog. Guess you could say.. the pug raided me.
  6. Guy923

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Did anyone watch the Better Call Saul premiere? I forgot to watch it on Sunday.
  7. Guy923

    ITT the year is 2010

    man i can't wait to buy TF2 for my birthday!!it looks so FUN and i saw it on a criken video, it was EPIX!well, back to watching naruto on toonami!!
  8. Guy923

    Dota General

    That was actually pretty funny. TF2-esque comics for Dota is pretty nice.
  9. Guy923

    Dota Scoreshot thread

    I earned the right to say ez this game
  10. Guy923

    Payday General

    Apparently they added voice lines up to ace of spades, so maybe not. If the game gets more infamy levels, I think I'll have to start nolifing it again. also this my autism grows by degrees
  11. So who's gonna be my valentine's date?

    1. Paero


      kill me now

    2. Silent


      you will never buy Marcus-chan a new yukata for the fireworks festival only for it to be two sizes too big

    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      you will never fag it up with your fellow pony-fuckers

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  12. I took a page out of The Book of Facade today and fell asleep in the tub. That was probably the comfiest I've ever slept in ages.

    1. Guy923


      no i just got out

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      I've always wanted to do that but I also don't want to die

    3. kayohgee


      Bring a snorkel.

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  13. Guy923

    Anime General Discussion

    sayaka a shit anyways
  14. I have become art

    1. ICBMoose
    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      you're an artist with a capital u, guy

    3. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      when will sadpanda get hentai of guy so i cant bait and switch people into thinking they'll get some good shit but it turns out its just guy

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  15. Guy923

    World of Warcraft

    There's so much cool shit I want to get. I saw someone with an Ethereal Soul Trader, which are apparently pretty rare since they come from the card game. Also this little guy is awesome
  16. Guy923

    Payday General

    Yeah, that's one thing I really dislike. Hoxton and Dragan were great, but Clover and Wick don't feel as good in the game, plus we're just over saturated with characters at this point. When Bonnie gets in (if she does), we'll be able to have a crew of no one from the original game, and is it really the crew at that point? Bonnie, Wick, Dragan, Clover. Yikes.
  17. Guy923

    Payday General

    More infamy trees when? Customizable safehouse when? Other crimefest rewards when? Fun when?
  18. Guy923

    Payday General

    Crimefest 2.0, to fund things we should be getting for free? pffft
  19. Guy923

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    spuf mumble is currently rip since no one used it
  20. It's Black History Month, have you appreciated your local black man yet?

    1. Kraszu


      we're not racist

      you are just a faggot, guy

    2. Guy923


      wooow racist

    3. Huff


      I appreciated all of my black men and apparently they are worth $3,000 a pop.

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  21. Guy923

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    I have probably posted this before but fuck, these guys are all so good
  22. Guy923

    Welcome Back

  23. Guy923

    Welcome Back

    ty ian and cummander ur cute
  24. Rock tar, oh gosh.
