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Everything posted by Guy923

  1. Guy923

    Payday General

    The question is, what suit color is Old Hox gonna wear? Maybe he'll get Chains' old suit or just wear his prison jumpsuit.
  2. Guy923

    Payday General

    B U L L Y I'm telling Obama Also http://steamcommunity.com/app/218620/discussions/8/619568794060286834/ this Game is really buggy after that patch. Lmgs cause the game to crash, escape zones don't appear on escapes, FS D3 drill won't work if you get electrocuted, and some other stupid shit
  3. Guy923

    Payday General

    Woah, he said methamphetamine, he must be a rocket scientist of some sorts or a nuclear physicist.
  4. Guy923

    Payday General

    Thoughts on the rebalancing: http://pd2skills.com/ So hostage taker basic gives you .36% health per minute and 12 points for 12% health regen a minute is pricey as hell. Partner in crime seems awful, painkillers is trash (it really should be added to combat medic), but on the bright side control freak for one point is pretty nice. Sentries are a lot better now since you can bring them with tripmines, but they still eat up a gorilion skill points just to be decent. It seems like more of a viable option now that they aren't useless when they run out of ammo+ you can bring them with tripmines but they eat up so many points you won't be able to fiddle around in any other skill trees if you fully upgrade them. Still, a lot better now. As for the perk decks, they seem to have both buffed light armor into god-tier and nerfed it into oblivion depending on whether or not you're using the Rogue. 65% dodge with the suit and actually being able to dodge with the CTV is good. On the other side of the spectrum, armorer is pretty bad. 20% armor increase and 10% faster armor regen in exchange for like 4000+ perk points when instead you could get 90% health, 30% dodge, or the various goodies in the mastermind tree. Oh and having an 25% damage boost for headshots, 45% exp increase, 35% increased ammo pickup and 5% damage built into every single build seems really fantastic. Suddenly anything with above 33 damage is viable on overkill., and I don't need to dump a billion points into tech/ghost/enforcer for their sweet tier bonuses. And 10% for infamous items is nice. Also why is the armor bag a thing? It really doesn't seem useful in the fuckin' least. If you think it's gonna go loud bring drugs, ammo, or mines. If you think it'll stay quiet bring an ecm or mines. The only real midway point between it now is tripmines and even then they kinda suck outside of shaped charges. It's just really dumb, and it doesn't do enough compared to every other deployable. Final verdict: I'll stop hating Binary for bringing sentries to everything, but I'll still call him a shitter. Total dodge with a suit, sprinter and all the rogue perks is 65%. Varies with other armors. Stealthiest secondary is still the Swede K at 30 if you use the low profile suppressor Alternatively the scorpion from the Hotline pack or the judge are pretty good for stelf. 28 & 27 concealment respectively. Pretty sure it's just a 35% increase, 135% increase to ammo pickup is fuckin ridiculous and there's no way they'd give every skill tree nearly double a fully loaded ace for free. Or maybe they just went nuts. Go figure.
  5. Guy923

    Payday General

    Fuck me, we needed those cooks walk in closet costs 1600 points and I can only assume it gets worse from there. The exp to perk ratio seems to scale with your level, I think it's something like 100:700 at level 60 and 100:800 at level 70 and so on
  6. I'm new in town.

    1. Batty Batterson

      Batty Batterson

      You're gay in town.

    2. John Caveson
    3. Moby


      Yeah, like you posted the other 4 times.

    4. Show next comments  114 more
  7. Guy923

    Payday General

    Control freak being moved down seems pretty sweet. And I feel that the ace for iron man should've gotten the kilmer treatment. 8 points for punchin' shields and run and gunning seems steep.
  8. Guy923

    Payday General

    A lot of them look good. I'm a bit sad the perk decks make infamy tiers a bit more useless though.
  9. Guy923

    Quiz: Political Parties

    Two party system is pretty shite yeah Third party hasn't won a presidential election since 1861, and there's one person in all of Congress ATM that isn't a demo/repub
  10. Guy923

    Payday General

    I really like Seymour but I've only ever found 2 of them. I hate the card drop system.
  11. I'm new in town.

    1. Expresate


      inb4 guy embarks on a quest to discover the mystery behind the strange inhabits of the village, only to discover some bizarre lovecraftian cult. Also, bees.

    2. A 1970 Corvette
  12. Guy923

    Payday General

    Fuck Diamond Heist. I played that shit for 2 and a half hours, got down to the vault 11 times, codes worked twice, button only spawned once. People gripe about go bank being super RNG but that shit is even worse. Guard patrols, where the boxes spawn, codes, fuck that noise.
  13. Guy923

    Quiz: Political Parties

    Dude, don't be ashamed of your own views. Yeah, only be ashamed of other people's views.
  14. Guy923

    Payday General

    The femheister is at 49 minutes and 46 seconds. She's fucking terrifying.
  15. Guy923

    Payday General

    The stream vods aren't up, but ovk said they'd upload shit Monday on their youtube. The Almir ama said she'd be scottish but i dunno
  16. Guy923

    Payday General

    jesus christ how terrifying
  17. I'm new in town.

    1. Mersopolis


      Welcome... to City 17...

    2. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>


    3. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      also hi welcome to swagville

    4. Show next comments  114 more
  18. Guy923

    Payday General

    Pro grip is gross in general Accuracy on shotguns should be low but it shouldn't be below like 4, around 4 is when you can't hit shit beyond 10 meters
  19. Dude your pic is freaking me out, that shit's spooky as hell.

    1. Grobag


      Sometimes I even scare myself.

  20. Guy923


    jesus i'd be terrified if i were you guys
  21. Guy923

    Payday General

    If you don't use them then who cares I just think stocks on the loco is silly in general and that the bead is just the best all around, standard stock doesn't add the dumb rail and it sorta looks cool so i roll with that
  22. Guy923

    Payday General

    Stocks and sights in general are fantastic, but on the loco they're kinda dumb cause the stability doesn't matter on a loco It's just aesthetic preference but loco stocks look bad if they mess up the bead
  23. Guy923

    Payday General

    I have the standard stock, it doesn't mess with the bead. As long as it doesn't mess with the bead it's fine.