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Raison d'être

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Status Replies posted by Raison d'être

  1. Meesa so happy!

  2. AP environmental science final was curved like an AP test, so I ended up with more than 110% on it. I got bumped up a letter grade and change. HELL YES!

  3. I am now awake. It is 1PM.

  4. what old tv shows/comic book series/fairy tales could handle a gritty reboot the best

  5. what old tv shows/comic book series/fairy tales could handle a gritty reboot the best


  7. Happy Birthday, Hitler!

  8. Let's talk about spectrophotometric principles and probability mass distributions!

  9. I got the greatest note from my science teacher on a Chemistry test: "[scared face] what do you do with towels normally?"

  10. Might be scarce in terms of vidya until the fall. Heading back to Germany and my nice comp will be packed up. I'll have my phone in the meantime with Mumble and Steam. Also my Laptop when I can fix the charger.

  11. Might be scarce in terms of vidya until the fall. Heading back to Germany and my nice comp will be packed up. I'll have my phone in the meantime with Mumble and Steam. Also my Laptop when I can fix the charger.

  12. A reminder that should Guy say anything about my penguins, it is wrong.

  13. Which one of you fascists deleted Margaritaville?

  14. Hey guys. I don't want to sound cheeky or attention-whoring, but I've been having some personal issues lately with panic attacks and whatnot. If it gets worse, is it okay for me to seek help from you, or would you rather I keep my problems to myself?

  15. Just Cause 2 has some of the worst missions I've ever had the non-pleasure of playing.

  16. Need food ideas for an entire week home alone.

  17. For the sake of those with slower internet connections and for their sanity in general, Rynkin and I are going to spoiler videos in threads that contain a lot of them. Affected threads will be ones like the "What are you listing to right now?" thread and the "Random videos" thread.

  18. For the sake of those with slower internet connections and for their sanity in general, Rynkin and I are going to spoiler videos in threads that contain a lot of them. Affected threads will be ones like the "What are you listing to right now?" thread and the "Random videos" thread.

  19. Doug Walker seems to be going full SJW, going so far to support Anita Sarkeesian.

  20. For the sake of those with slower internet connections and for their sanity in general, Rynkin and I are going to spoiler videos in threads that contain a lot of them. Affected threads will be ones like the "What are you listing to right now?" thread and the "Random videos" thread.


  22. Man there's a lot of people online during Americatime

  23. Frederick the Great wasn't really that great

  24. So today the register lady totally messed up ringing up my pants. Got one right, turned a $60 dress pant to 15 but not on sale, and one was totally free. What
