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Raison d'être

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Status Replies posted by Raison d'être

  1. Everyone, please hail our new humankind emperess, Natalia Poklonskaya.

  2. Happy Pi day, everybody.

  3. Is anyone else unable to connect to Steam? I have no clue if this is any downtime since the downtime thread hasn't been updated since October.

  4. Is anyone else unable to connect to Steam? I have no clue if this is any downtime since the downtime thread hasn't been updated since October.

  5. I am going to say 3 words (that are true) that you should be very scared of: Disney. Bought. PewDiePie.

  6. tfw you argued with your parents the whole time last night; tfw you are going to write a test ín 1 hour; oh well.

  7. Inhale iced tea powder with me, let's take this journey together.

  8. Today I learned that Guy is a total pervert.

  9. Inhale iced tea powder with me, let's take this journey together.

  10. Inhale iced tea powder with me, let's take this journey together.

  11. Anyone want to do a Mann up in about an hour?

  12. >tfw you get the highest test score in class


  14. Holy shit, it is raining super hard. I walked outside for about a minute and came back absolutely drenched.

  15. College acceptance letter get! Now to wait for the rest of the colleges I applied to.

  16. Huh, this homework packet is on the Great Depression. That pretty much sums up the feeling I got when I remembered I have to do it today.

  17. Huh, this homework packet is on the Great Depression. That pretty much sums up the feeling I got when I remembered I have to do it today.

  18. I just played Flappy Bird for the first time. What the fuck is wrong with this world?

  19. The way things are looking my research is gonna find several significant results. I am incredibly happy, but incredibly exhausted right now

  20. burgrr.com is my new favorite website. 10/10 even better than bobmarleyhats.info

  21. Goddammit I hate children so much, the neighbour kid has been running around outside yelling "dinner is ready" for like half an hour

  22. Happy 3 year steam anniversary, me.

  23. Anyone up for some Mannup right now? I'm trying to round up some people and I don't want randoms :x

  24. I went to get some soda for a class celebration tomorrow Of course, all the bags broke Oh, and did I mention that by "some" I mean "six?" And that it began to rain? And that I had to use my sweatshirt as a MacGyvered bag? My classmates better be joyous as fuck

  25. Some day, our King will come back. And it'll be a glorious day. ;_;7
