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Everything posted by alexgndl

  1. TIL Robin Williams actually came up with the word 'shazbot'. Huh.

    1. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless







    2. ICBMoose


      I owe one of my favorite expressions to him.

      Did he also come of with nanoo nanoo?

    3. Jordax


      They also say that the Doomguy's arms are actually modeled after Robin Williams' arms.

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  2. Geez, I haven't been this sad about a celebrity death since Steve Irwin...

    1. Medic


      I was about a month ago. But no one else really noticed.

  3. alexgndl

    Robin Williams found dead

    Genie, you're free. — The Academy (@TheAcademy)
  4. alexgndl

    Robin Williams found dead

    Oh Captain my Captain. RIP you beautiful man.
  5. alexgndl

    Modern Classics in Music

    I'd love to say Green Day or the Red Hot Chili Peppers, but that's just me.
  6. alexgndl

    Cooking thread

    I just got an enormous crock pot for my apartment when I go back to college, can't wait to start using it. Like, this thing's bigger than the one my mom uses to feed my family of 6. Gonna be making all the meat in it.
  7. Just really hit me for the first time that this is my last year in college (barring grad school because who the hell knows at this point). Feeling kinda sad about that. I don't wanna grow up.

    1. Guy923


      Get out there and get a job, hippie.

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      I'm going into senior year and I'm feeling a little concerned that I'll have to grow up eventually as well

  8. alexgndl

    Children's Card Games

    DUDE. That was one of my first ever yugioh cards, along with the crab person and the LSD Velociraptor. I probably still have it lying around somewhere...
  9. alexgndl

    League of Legends

  10. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    All jokes aside though, he really does look interesting. It's like Jayce (who I absolutely love and don't play nearly enough) but you can't control when he goes into ranged or melee mode. It also makes for an interesting problem with how you build him-if you go full ADC, you'll be pretty much insta-gibbed when you transform. But if you go full tanky, then you're screwed when you're in mini form. I'm really liking this trend of Riot releasing new champs that actually require brains to play, as opposed to "farm and press R to get a pentakill"-style champions (talking about you, Karthus). Hope it continues.
  11. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    It's like the Hulk had sex with Teemo. I fucking love it.
  12. Remember, kids-every deck can be made better by adding black to it.

    1. ICBMoose


      I added black to my monoblack and nothing changed

      alexgndl is a liar

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      i can't mix magic cards into my X-Sabers :(

    3. alexgndl


      ICBMoose, you must've done it wrong then. Because my mono-black deck always needs more black.

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  13. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    I'd love to have Vraska as a commander, actually...
  14. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Okay, so I dunno if I've really talked about this on here or just with Raz on Steam, but I've been working on slowly but surely making (at least proxying, for now) an EDH deck for each color. As of right now, only one (Black) is done, but three of the other four are coming together. So far I've got: Black-Erebos dickishness White-Eight and a Half Tails goodstuff Red-Jaya Ballard, Task Mage controlly burn Blue-Talrand, Sky Summoner cantrips/drakes For the longest time, I couldn't decide on what to do for mono-green. Didn't want to do Omnath or Azusa, and my buddy's doing Reki legendary tribal now. So I've finally decided to do Ezuri, Renegade Leader elf tribal. Looking forward to building it, I've never really looked closely at elves before-I'm more of a goblin or faerie guy.
  15. alexgndl

    The F2P Model

    Don't have any experience w/ Dota, but League of Legends has a fairly good system in place as well, in my opinion. Sure, getting the actual champions can at times be a bit grindy, but it's at least doable-it's not like, say, Tribes: Ascend. And besides the champions themselves, the only two other game-effecting things are runes and masteries-both of which allow you to kind of customize your builds and give you small (but fairly potent) bonuses ingame. These you absolutely CAN'T pay money for. Runes are unlocked solely through the ingame currency, and you get a new mastery point whenever you level up. So yeah-while with the champions, it does slightly prompt you to buy money to unlock them (especially the newer ones), I'd say League never really forces you to actually spend anything on it.
  16. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    Wow, that was fantastic. The attention to detail was amazing-Ahri charms Darius and Draven away from Leona, both teams have an actual composition that makes sense, Draven getting insta-gibbed by Rengar...
  17. Hooray, work called in today and they want me to go in an hour early. 10 hour shift, no break, no sitting. Fuck this place.

  18. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    How do you get cards in cockatrice? Do you have pretty much unlimited access to anything? Also do they do EDH? I'd love to put my Animar or Marchesa decks on there and see how they do against people.
  19. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    One thing I HATE about being home-none of my friends here play MtG and the nearest game store that does FNM's and events is like...half an hour away and I don't drive. So no playing for me this whole summer. It blows.
  20. alexgndl

    Okay, guys - I have appeared.

    Welcome! I don't really post much except for in specific threads. Not really one of the "big guys" here. Although I was in a tabletop rpg group with rammite about a year ago, so who knows-if he ever told you about a gnome sorcerer who was always hitting on his character and enjoyed murdering puppies, then that's me. I don't kill puppies irl though, don't worry.
  21. I've been standing for the past 9 hours...my feet are pain.

    1. Guy923


      I find standing for long periods of time to be absolutely insufferable

    2. alexgndl


      Yesterday wasn't so bad. Today was just hell though. There's no chairs where I work, and you're on your feet all shift.

  22. alexgndl

    Other Forums

    I browse reddit a lot-mostly r/civ and r/magictcg. Also sometimes check the forums for a minecraft server I play on.
  23. Well, TIL that I'm in the super-minority in my family when it comes to computers-everyone else is a Mac plebian.

  24. Love it when Steam just randomly logs me out without me knowing.

  25. alexgndl

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Just bought my first (and probably only) conspiracy boosters-I pulled a foil cogwork librarian (somehow worth $2), Exploration, Reflecting Pool, and Brago. I'm pretty happy. The three rares definitely will have a place in my EDH decks.