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Everything posted by Comeau

  1. Maybe. Do you guys think the ocean counts as running water? Only if it's SCARED WATERS! HYEK-HYEK-HYEK-HYEK! I'll be here all week - so be strong! HYEK-HYEK-HYEK-HYEK-HYEK! You have all made the mistake of letting the Bad-Pun Ghoul out of its cage. You have doomed yourselves - and you were totally OBLIVIOUS! HYEK-HYEK-HYEK-HYEK-HYEK-HYEKHYEK-HEE!
  2. OOKY-SPOOKY AVATAR IS COMPLETE. Tell me what ye guys think (I made in Paint.net because /I'm too po' to afford Photoshop/)!

    1. Expresate


      [user Was Banned for Being 2spoop]

    2. Argeon


      Not as spooky as my skelescout

    3. Mersopolis


      'S a'ight. I used MS Paint for mine.

  3. My Halloween icon is ALMOST DONE. Give me some damn time, will ya'?!

  4. Comeau

    Christmas Name Change Request Thread

  5. I feel bad that I haven't been around here that often lately . . . How's everybody doing? Anything much happen last time I was here?

    1. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      Janobi blessed us with rep for a day.

  6. I'm legitimately terrified by the thought of Microsoft abandoning the loving and connected fan community's suggestions and support in pursuit of their own filthy, money-grabbing ideas. Minecraft was made (in part) by the ideas of the community - DON'T FUCK IT UP.
  7. Starting High School tomorrow. Wish me luck - I might not see you guys as frequently anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Huff


      SAT/ACT discussion should go in that thread, but having answered a question unrelated to Comeau's status doesn't warrant locking the status. Unlocked.

    3. tsc


      I don't see how any of the discussion in this thread was unrelated, but I'll concede the point.

    4. Mersopolis


      Don't worry, Comeau. It isn't that bad. Trust me, I just went through it two weeks ago.

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  8. Got back from a sudden two-day camping trip with my uncle and aunt down at the Twin Lakes - it was rather fun!

    1. ICBMoose


      Hurrah for camping trips.

  9. School is coming up soon - shit, I gotta get my stuff ready!

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      I fully intend to run out of my house yelling "I'M LATE" with a piece of toast in my mouse tomorrow as well

    2. ICBMoose



      I don't think that's a good thing to do to your mouse

      don't do that

    3. Arm the Homeless
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  10. Comeau

    New Forum Bug List

    I guess it's just a host issue. I can post the results of a traceroute for you, if you'd like.
  11. Comeau

    New Forum Bug List

    If these details help at all, please let me know: COMEAU'S STEPS TO GETTING A 502 ERROR 1. Try and PM John Caveson; first, click on his name from the Recent Topics menu-thingamabobber. 2. Either write nothing, or write a little; don't matter to the end! 3. Press the "Use Full Editor" button. Go on. DO IT. 4. GET BAD GATEWAY'D KID I think (maybe) its the method of getting to his profile through the Recent Topics menu; I'll report back with an edit if I find anything. EDIT: Member List-to-Profile got 502'd (maybe its because I searched?). After trying to repeat the steps above with Commander, I cannot open links to other parts of the board without getting offline snapshot'd. Next edit will be my further attempts.
  12. Comeau

    New Forum Bug List

    Whenever I'm writing a PM and trying to switch to using the Full Editor, I get a 502 Bad Gateway Error; then I get sent to a snapshot of the log-in screen. I've tried to do it about 3 times now.
  13. Keep getting site errors when I attempt to switch to the Full Editor for PMs. OP FIX NAO.

    1. Comeau


      502 Bad Gateways, to be specific. GET ON IT, BINARY BOY.

    2. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      We have the Forum Bug List thread for a reason. >.>

  14. Comeau

    Robin Williams found dead

    GOD-DAMNIT. That bastard was the /quintessential comedian of OUR TIME/. Now who's going to continue teaching the world comedy is about conflict, and not about "randomness"?
  15. Shit. Stayed up all night twice now (in a row). Waking up at 3:01 PM is /not good/.

    1. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      I sleep at 3-4 AM and wake up at 12-1 PM. RIP sleep pattern.

    2. 1Fort 2Fort

      1Fort 2Fort

      I sleep at 3-4 am and wake up at 10-12. Rip sleep pattern.

  16. all I've done today is make shitty character sheets that revolve around drugs, rouges and alchemical weapons jesus kill me

    1. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      All I did was read manga and make an MLG montage for a YouTuber

    2. Rynjin


      Rouge angles of Satin are comming 2 get u.

  17. On the Pathfinder build server now, Argeon! Les' go!

    1. Expresate


      1. Add eachother on Steam

      2. ???

      3. Profit

    2. Argeon


      Comeau's account was hacked. Can't add him - I've tried.

    3. Comeau


      +truth, Brother. And the worst part is that /they can't confirm it wasn't me who was online while I was hacked/.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  18. Installing YGOPro today on me laptoppy; I'm fearful that it won't be compatable (Toshiba Satellite C850D-11K, running Windows 8.1; YGOPro V5).

  19. WOO! The design details of the S.R.C. Avus Dictatorem are FINALLY DONE! Now all I need is a third crewmember. Any takers?

  20. Comeau

    Children's Card Games

    My Top 3 Decks (on Dueling Network, mind you): 1. Naturia Lockdown (I can't remember the combo for the life of me; I think it was Naturia Mosquito with Naturia Bamboo Shoot while having some Wall of Thorns as a defense. It ended up forcing them to either quit or soak up damage till they died.) 2. Naturias (Just simple ol' Synchro summoning; this was before XYZ monsters, which I barely played with once they came out.) 3. Harpies (Surprisingly a gem for an archetype so outdated; denial of spells and traps worked quite well back in my day.)
  21. Comeau

    Children's Card Games

    I want to get back into Dueling Network but I know jackshit about the new meta You kids with yer XYZ and Pendulum shit - back in my day, we only had Fusions and Ritual Summons (don't forget Synchros) so fill me in
  22. Finally got those images scanned for the S.R.C. Avus Dictatorem . . . just need to refresh myself on the stuff my friend applied when designing it with me! #RedPlume #HardSci-Fi

  23. Have you honored Aqjul'h-Quvdyut with your flesh today?

    1. Comeau


      ((p.s. this is a god I made for a fictional universe o' mine.))

    2. ICBMoose


      Vorn the Unspeakable is about 843208171205428 times better

    3. FrozenFirebug


      i made a demigod named "sweaty"

      he is a giant anthropomorphic ballsack and he wrecks all of your characters

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  24. I've made up my mind; time is running out (make a move)! Oh, we can go on! Do you understand, it's all in your hands?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Icecubes of Fury

      Icecubes of Fury


    3. Paero



    4. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      One night wandering in the Everglades, I'd one drink (but no more).

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