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Everything posted by Medic

  1. Medic

    League of Legends

    Starfall all the time and Vel'Koz's ult every 26 seconds at rank 1. Had a team with Ashe, Jinx, Lux and Vel'Koz. Two giant projectiles followed by two giant lasers was scary. Having Blitzcrank pulls every 4 seconds was great if you pulled the right person... Stop pulling Soraka or the tank and grab their ADC. Kog'Maw was okay. You can essentially have Bio-Arcane Barrage active 24/7. Go AP and Void Ooze is deadly, and since there's no mana, you can spam your Living Artillery forever.
  2. Medic

    April Fool's Day Roundup

    Welp, Valve actually gave us an update. I played League of Legends' April Fools game mode. Soraka is terrifying.
  3. Medic

    April Fool's Day Roundup

    The Daily SPUF's one was really simple.

  5. Medic


    Medic confirmed for lesbian (Not that there's anything wrong with that) I was a bloke in my dream. That I blame on most of my imaginary friends being male (Medic, Tenuk, Lord Kohra), bi-gendered (Arkay, Retvik, Elskia) or genderless and leaning towards male (Tahnok-Kal and company, not including Gahlok.). I currently only have three female characters (Phovos, Stinger, Raven). As a foot note, there were 6-legged zombie goats in wheelbarrows in my dream. And I'm about to eat a creme egg, so let's see what I get tonight.
  6. I wonder how many people can tell the difference between the colours #efefef and #ffffff?

    1. Skye


      I know that #ffffff is either black or white, and given the one-hexi-push to e, the other color is very very similar.

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      ffff is white, efefef is dark-white

    3. Medic


      Black is 000000. Red is ff0000 and yellow is ffff00. Yay yellow!

    4. Show next comments  138 more
  7. Medic


    One of the few times I dream about sex, I get whacked over the head with a bottle and beaten to near death for touching someone's girlfriend in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Way to reinforce that "sex is bad" attitude, brain.
  8. Medic

    My ongoing laptop woes

    Cross fingers. That macbook is exactly the one described in most websites I checked on. The most common solution was to force the computer to only use one graphics card, preferably the Intel one.
  9. Bleugh.

    1. A 1970 Corvette
    2. Mersopolis


      I am Mers. I am not a vampire. Bleigh! I was just having snack.

    3. Razputin


      Corv I went there got donuts and came home again

    4. Show next comments  138 more
  10. Medic

    Minecraft Realms

    That's what I thought. Minecraft Realms seems to cater to kids and technical slowpokes, for lack of a better term.
  11. Medic

    Minecraft Realms

    Welp, turns out Minecraft Realms is available for Cyprus now. What is it? Servers hosted by Mojang, 10 slots, €10 a month, vanilla Minecraft. Seems meh to me.
  12. Fuck you, stupid body, for being in pain.

  13. Medic

    My ongoing laptop woes

    Could we have more info on what the computer is, like the processor and the graphic cards and stuff? A lot of threads on the web suggest it's an issue with graphics cards and stuff.
  14. Just realised I could change my member title. How long have I been here again?

    1. Davjo_


      I can't change my title for whatever reason.

    2. Huff


      I think there might be some blocks in place before one can change their title. Might want to ask one of the mods what they are.

    3. FrozenFirebug


      100 posts i'm pretty sure, checked the second i got to that point and sure enough it let me change it

    4. Show next comments  138 more
  15. Medic


    I had a real-life dream last night, driving around town, doing chores, simple things. Considering my normal dreams, this one was really dull.
  16. Medic


    Welp, all my digging to find this slime spawning area is for nothing, they spawn so rarely.
  17. Medic

    League of Legends

    That's why I like ARAM so much. It's PvP but it's less stressful, there's no pre-game arguing about what roles everyone wants. I also really enjoyed All for One. Anivia VS Jax was one of the hardest games I've ever played, but it was totally worth everyone going mid to box in a single Jax and get first blood.
  18. Medic

    League of Legends

    How the FUCK did Ashe's team win?! I mean, Kha'zix ain't all that great in ARAM, but Yi, Sona, Veigar and Ziggs are more or less the best. Like...that should've been a cakewalk. Also, I'm assuming you're the one playing Ashe? Yeah, I was the Ashe. The Ziggs was carrying the enemy team, but our Nami was outhealing their Sona somehow, our Amumu knew how to tank and I actually managed to land my giant frost arrow of doom for a change. It was a close game, but they never pushed when they got an ace and we'd charge forward when we got an ace. Also, the Veigar was absolutely awful. I don't know how it's possible to be awful at Veigar in ARAM, but he was.
  19. I just noticed this on Scrolls.com: © 2012-2013 Mojang AB. Terms. May contain mountains.

  20. Medic

    League of Legends

    From what I've seen in ARAM, AP Tristanas work better than AD ones. So do teams like this: Although to be fair, purple team won that one.
  21. Medic


    Slimes spawn rarely in swaps, depending on the moon and other mobs, but my plan is to make a huge room so they can spawn completely free all the time. I use fall traps for zombies and skeletons. Piece of piss to do, just dig it 23 blocks and the only mobs that don't die in one bare hand punch are armored ones. You can also use a piston at the bottom, that, when turned on, makes the depth of the hole 23 blocks so you can gain exp and the rest of the time, when it's off, just kills them automatically. I also have a nice way of making spider fall traps but they require more space and lots of signs.
  22. Medic

    League of Legends

    I've not played Tristana. I know you can get her for free by doing something or other but I just can't be bothered. I remember there being a bug with her rocket jump meaning she could still be cause in roots and scares and traps and stuff unlike other leaping champions but they may have fixed that.
  23. A conversation to stop my brother screaming at his game while I'm working turned into a major shouting fest, a lot of lying and tears and stuff.
