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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/12 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Amanda Todd

    If you stop to think about it... People die everyday, people kill themselves everyday, the World moves on and I dont give a fuck for people who goes boohoo because of 'bullying' because of some shit they created first and I dont give a fuck about stuff that happens on Facebook.
  2. 1 point

    Amanda Todd

    Oh good, I didn't post about this whole Amanda Todd thing yesterday because I wasn't sure if the majority would disagree with me or not. IMO, everybody calling her an idiot is well within their right. Not because she flashed her boobs on the internet, that's kinda dumb but it's a spur of the moment kinda thing I can understand doing that and regretting it later. No, it's that she cared SO DAMN MUCH that her tiny titties ended up on the internet that she needed to kill herself to "stop the pain". Why SHOULD we give a damn? I can kinda understand committing suicide for something that matters, you have 3rd degree burns over 90% of your body and the doctors tell you the pain is never going to stop or something? Sure, okay. I still don't agree but you could argue that's a valid reason. But these dumbasses committing suicide for every little thing that happens? "Oh I got teased in fucking middle school, better kill myself with bleach hurr durr" no, I don't give a damn.
  3. 1 point