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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Huff's Recording Studio.

    I need a not bad mic.
  2. 1 point

    TF2 general

    Played in 2fort today with one of my friends. There were these two douchebags who were your basic grief-givers, saying shit like "lol" after they killed someone, "queer" and being a general all-around jackass. We will refer to them as Jackass #1 and Jackass #2. They were not using cheats, though. Jackass #1 was the lesser evil of the two, but still, he was a jerk. He killed me once and of course couldn't help himself from being a little piece of shit. This is obviously unacceptable, thus I had coordinated with my friend(who happens to be my IRL friend) to kick his ass. The plan was beautiful, I would be a Spy disguised as a Heavy on my team, and my friend would be a Pyro. I would be the bait, and my friend would torch his ass. We had promptly set up, with me being disguised. I called a voice command and Jackass #1 heard me. He proceeded to run up as a Scout and hit me with the Atomizer. Of course, he couldn't stop himself from taunting, and when he did, my friend jumped from the little room above our bases front door and pulled a Crit Backburner on his ass. I uncloaked near my friend to show that he was baited into doing this. It was more beautifully coordinated than most plans, and it felt so good when it happened. He started swearing and calling us "scrubs" and "Skillless shits". Now we get to Jackass #2. This guy, well, think of the most annoying person you've seen, multiply that by 150 and it might be just annoying enough to compare to him. I could not hate his personality more than anyone else, a self-entitled fuckhead who has to bash everyone around him to make him feel better about himself. He killed me twice, calling me names both times. However, I got the best revenge possible. Going into his base as a Holiday Punch Heavy with a few teammates, we barge into the courtyard and kill a few people, I got a lucky crit and then promptly taunt killed a Pyro that was attacking me. Now, as we go up the stairs to the alternate intel entrance(leading to the stairs in the courtyard.), a Scout gets my Medic from behind and kills him with a Scattergun shot. Still having my gloves out, I throw a punch at him, and it's a critical punch. He's laughing unintentionally, and I do what is the most satisfying taunt-kill of all time. Anyone who had mics on the server was laughing and cheering, many people in the chatbox were happy that I did that. And to top it off, I added a nice "Funny, what happened to the skill you said you had?". He didn't say anything after that. And that, SubSpuf, is the story of Cell's day on 2fort.
  3. 1 point
    Batty Batterson

    TF2 general

    I've been playing a lot more 2fort lately. Mostly because I got a Snipers Killed strange part for my Caber.