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Everything posted by TheOnlyGuyEver

  1. TheOnlyGuyEver

    SPUF Refuge Thread

  2. TheOnlyGuyEver

    Forum Update

    So we either gotta keep both likes and upvotes which is redundant or do away with upvotes which we've already been using forever
  3. I have a big pretty field near my house, I just run back and forth between there for a few hours.
  4. My neighbor's house got set on fire once after a tree got struck by lightning and fell on it.
  5. I still am going, due to family-related obligations I'd rather not mention. Where I'm going is Fort Myers.
  6. I gotta talk about this, man. For the past 2 weeks I've been all over the fuckin place. 2 several-day long trips with only 1 day at home between each of them, and tomorrow I'm leaving for a third trip for 3-4 days. Maybe I'd be okay with it if I wasn't working on a cartoon that, after 6 years, I have finally found the ability to do, but for right now I just wanna sit down and crank out some work on this damn thing. Maybe I can sketch some new background characters or episode ideas on paper so that way I'm still doing shit.
  7. What does spinal fluid taste like? I had some a that taken out when I was a baby cause I was dying.
  8. Got a new hat today. It's practical as fuck. I love practicality. Practicality is sexy.

    1. hugthebed2


      I meant "how so" in how is is practical but that works too.

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Trade for a pink Flipped Trillby?

    3. General DeGroot
    4. Show next comments  99 more
  9. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Bomberman R is pretty great and I'd say give Splatoon 2 a try, unless the first one wasn't your thing either.
  10. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Splatoon 2 sucks for the sole reason that they ported Moray Towers, "fan favorite" my ass.
  11. I haven't been making videos cause I've been hauling ass on a cartoon I'm making.
  12. I hate that dogs and that "dog speak" of misspelling words or whatever have become memes. It's a new fad every couple of months, if not each month now. It'd be a little worth while if they were actually funny.

  13. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    As surprising as it is the game is thriving.
  14. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    I'm so damn glad the DR is getting nerfed in the way it is. For the past couple of months I've had too many rounds where I've had to kill a Spy 3 or so times before he actually died because they could always just run away to ammo and get another cloak just like that.
  15. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    Why are there so many of these appearing recently? They aren't funny or fun to watch. Is it just supposed to be like usual youtuber "WHOA GUYS THIS IS FUCKIN CRAZYYYYY WHOAAAAAA" shit?
  16. I love it when windows decides to do tiny shitty updates with no forewarning thus causing me to lose hours of unsaved work.
  17. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    Send them back.
  18. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    Lots of subtleties and cartoony gags that always manage to be funny
  19. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    Winglet is a talented animator.
  20. TheOnlyGuyEver

    TF2 general

    I remember when keys were like 6 Ref or something and some dude in a server said that one day they'd be 20 Ref, and he got kicked.
  21. Post? What post? I see no post here.
  22. Been animating all day. Is pain in ass.

  23. TheOnlyGuyEver

    Lakeside 2v1 challenge
