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Status Replies posted by Guy923

  1. Midnight hummus and TTGL marathon. It doesn't get better than this.

  2. I have become art

  3. I have become art

  4. I have become art

  5. I have become art

  6. I have become art

  7. I have become art

  8. I have become art

  9. I have become art

  10. I have become art

  11. I have become art

  12. damn it feels good to be a gangster

  13. I typed this with my nose at 3:20am

  14. fill in the blanks: you're waifu a ____

  15. Calculus is so fucking fun. It's like mental gymnastics, but applicable in the real world!

  16. Guys how do I prevent depression and mental breakdowns?

  17. It's Black History Month, have you appreciated your local black man yet?

  18. so if given the chance would you sex a catgirl maid

  19. I missed you all so much <3 well except guy, fuck him

  20. I missed you all so much <3 well except guy, fuck him

  21. guys, what if it was silent

  22. Alright, which one of you bastards permabanned me from the subSPUF group forums?

  23. Alright, which one of you bastards permabanned me from the subSPUF group forums?

  24. I demand to be compensated for the pain and suffering I endured today. I think 200 rep is a reasonable amount.

  25. who needs sleep when you can write a research paper in one night oh god i have 2 hours left
