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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Skye

    TF2 general

    The alternative is to say nothing at all and have people lose interest or claim you're not working at all. And Valve has done that before. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE
  2. Trimming my 1000pt army into a 500pt army is like trying to choose which limb I want to chop off first.

    1. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      Start small with digits of your finger and toes first. Then move onto full fingers and toes. Then move into entire limbs.

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      It's actually a sweet deal if you have access to cybernetic limb attachments.

    3. ICBMoose


      Just build a new army from scratch.

      Entirely using grots.

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  3. Skye

    Mario Kart 8

    Because she's tall, which means heavy in Nintendo logic. At least I think she's tall - I believe in a side comparison, she's a full head taller than Peach. And then of course, the end of Super Mario Galaxy where she goes all giant and queen of the galaxy and ruler of my bedroom wall. Although of all the characters in this game, I like Lemmy the most. He's just so happy, it's fucking infectious. Every voice clip, every animation, everything he does, it just oozes with this childilike joy. It's bizaarely charming.
  4. Tried Pop Tarts for the first time. Good, but not great.

    1. Rynjin


      Apple Strudel best Pop-Tart don't even lie to yourselves. Unfortunately it's seasonal because Kellog's can fuck itself.

    2. Skye


      Sorry, still found them underwhelming. Then again, North England is basically the pastry capital of the world.

    3. ICBMoose


      Bleh to poptarts. Homemade pastry master race.

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  5. Skye

    The SPUFiest Place on Earth

    I just watched a ridethrough of It's a Small World. I did not care for it.
  6. *twirls tiny mustache and strokes tiny beard* I am tiny evil.

    1. FrozenFirebug


      *twirls tiny pubes and strokes tiny dick* I am weird.

  7. You're throwing loads of terms at me that I don't know - consider an index, making keywords bold, or giving more simple analogies to ease the new person into things, such as "Kshan, the shadow-dwelling nomads" instead of just "Kshan". I got lost with species names through the backstory several times. The "hats" for the races are good for establishing each race's identity, but just be careful not to paint them so broadly that they just become "the warrior one" or "the assassin one". For example, dwarves are traditionally the warrior people, but their culture is based around invention and trades, so the idea of a dwarven alchemist or a dwarven engineer never feels out of character. I'm guessing this stems from "draw what you're good at" - I don't blame you, there's a reason my homebrew is based entirely around insects - but try and give the races just one or two visual differences. I'd say at least half of them just look like the same race, with maybe a different tail or a different size. If it's hard to come up with different bodies or faces, then I'd recommend drawing a group shot with clothing, since clothing is a great way to convey a race's culture. "That lizard thing" now becomes "the lizards that live in the desert because turbans and shawls and such", if you get me. I know it's probably the theme, but I'm beginning to hate the letters k, x, and z now. They're also the go-to "alien" letters. Just dial it back by 30% or so. (This may just be me, though - I still get confused with Space Marine names.) Lastly, when establishing a race's theme, try to explain WHY it's that. For some, you've done this fine - Vakans are born with huge scythes and horns and pincers, so that explains why they're a violent race - because they're naturally built for it. With others, however, there's not much reason given. For example, why do the Vohra have elemental powers? Is it something they can just "do" or is it a technology or magic that invented? Hertavok can use healing magic, but how and why? Just little things like that. You typically don't need an essay for each thing, just a sentence saying what's needed. I'm aware there's some hypocrisy with my own homebrew going on there, but I'm not really getting any proper feedback for that so you know (except new suggestions, which are great but not saying if what I already have is good or not.) Also sorry if this seemed like I'm laying it hard, it's just how I do constructive criticism. Assuming you wanted any. :x
  8. Just researching for my homebrew and wow, the intro to this documentary. http://youtu.be/EeAVIgCJFQ8

    1. Skye


      It's like a fucking Warhammer 40k narration.

  9. Skye

    The International 4

    I got told about that and thought it was a prank. Then I checked the website and I was pleasantly surprised.
  10. Skye

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Dawn of War GotY + Dark Crusade + Winter Assault + Soulstorm for 50% off for £15 / $25. Thumbs up or thumbs down? (Bear in mind that each one is about £5 / $8.50 so you can consider Soulstorm to be "free".) Also Space Marine collection is 50% off as well. I actually have this for the Xbawkes so I can suggest you pick up the base game. DLCs are either cosmetic or for the multiplayer mode, which I'd suggest you try out first before getting DLCs for - don't know how active the multiplayer community for that game is anymore.
  11. Skye

    Web Browsers

    Chrome. Because it's shiny.
  12. Skye

    The International 4

    Yeah, I can't really see how they need another several hundred thousand dollars to do a remodel when that's sooooort of their job already...
  13. Mini review of Transistor: compared to Bastion, better gameplay, slightly weaker story. Still worth the price tag, easily.

    1. Skye


      PS: Soundtrack is free on Spotify. Grab it. It's gorgeous.

    2. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      Well, it's free to listen on Spotify, still gotta pay if you want to own it.

  14. A bit from that homebrew I was working on. Subject to change n' shit. http://i.imgur.com/wPOGITC.png

    1. Skye


      Worth making a thread for me to chronicle it more? As well as feedback - some races still feel weak to me (mantises are sorta cliche and termites are... a bit blank right now.)

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Moths need stealth camouflage.

    3. Doopliss2008


      give them pokemon equivalent abilities?

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  15. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Why have I not heard of this guy before? His first 30 seconds of Kingdom Hearts is pretty much word-for-word my reactions as well. And then they all get Square Enix Dialogue and THE GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMES. +rep As for games, uh, Transistor is real soon. Looks gorgeous.
  16. Skye

    TF2 general

    Huh, weird. I dislike them as well, but I wouldn't just ban them outright on a server. Isn't that chopping roughly 10% of your playerbase off? Seems bad for business, and last time I checked, servers don't grow on trees. Maybe a popular Youtube channel helps to keep proceeds? I should start doing Let's Plays of horror games with a facecam and I'll have a server base about the size of Saigns.de and UKCS by the end of next week. hopefully not the same player base though or admin base or anything base
  17. Warhammer 40k 7th Ed stuff up for pre-order. What do we think, hot or not?

    1. Skye


      I dunno, Tau codex and Farsight supplement drowned me in fluff.

    2. Medic


      Loads of Space Marine and Imperial stuff, some half-decent Tau and Orc stuff and fuck all for everyone else.

    3. Medic



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  18. Skye

    subSPUF Fancy Pantsy League

    I am for this.
  19. I am sad. I had an idea, and then found out that /tg/ already had it. Aw. :c

    1. Rynjin


      What idear? Was it Sir Bearington?

    2. Skye


      Sadly, no, I will never surpass Sir Bearington. Game setting idea, posting brainstorming on it next week probably. Involves bugs.

    3. alexgndl


      Is it A Bugs' Life RPG? Cuz I would play the shit out of that.

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  20. Skye

    The International 4

    The heart says Alliance, the head says DK. Or maybe it's the other way around.
  21. Skye

    The International 4

    Multitwitch is my new best friend. Also can we agree that Lounge Stream is best stream?
  22. Skye

    The International 4

    Don't know many of the NA teams, but I suppose that's part of the fun - learning it. Current prediction is eHug or Team Liquid - possibly Sneaky Nyx Assassins, since I've seen very few of their games but they seemed on the ball in every one. Not that I'm much of a fan of Team Liquid anymore, though. I'm rooting for DK in the actual tournament this year. Anyway, with qualifiers about to start, time to avoid the Twitch chat and every Mumble server in the world like I usually do. Last year seemed to be filled with people backseat gaming the whole competition, moaning about their least favorite casters, or talking about Kaci's breasts. Not that I don't love to listen to ranting, but it was a total buzzkill. Stay classy, San Diego DOTA2. (You guys don't count. You guys is alright!)
  23. Skye

    Dota General

    Is it just me or has anyone heard of ANY of those Americas teams? I mean, I've heard of Team Liquid (who are basically a shell of their former TI3 selves) and... uh, I think I saw eHug play once? They lost. Meanwhile, with SE Asia and China, I know a couple of these teams (which is impressive since I don't really follow those scenes) and I know basically every team in the Europe section. Still, does America and South America have so few teams? Is Evil Geniuses just it? Weird.
  24. Skye


    I love this one because it's both goofy and impressive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UnQBfvmf0E
  25. I already own Dark Souls 2 on a console (as a birthday gift.) Is getting it for PC worth the price? Port is good and friends and such, but £40... :s

    1. Skye


      Ask a stupid question, get no answers and a discussion about a different question.

    2. Buddhazilla


      If you've already played through it on consoles, you should probably hold off until it goes on sale.

    3. Skye


      Thank you, Buddha, living up to your namesake as the wisest of us. And also fattest OOOOOOOOOOOO

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