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Status Replies posted by Doopliss2008

  1. Jesus Christ I swear I would do anything for anyone if they gave me a package of salt and vinegar chips.

  2. Am I the only one that occasionally gets the compulsion to put an lc after an allcaps post?

  3. Tried Tab for the first time. Tastes like... Coca Cola in a pink can. I'm unsure what the difference is.

  4. Something funny was brought to my attention: If I manage to get into one of the military service academies and graduate, my eldest brother will have to salute me whenever I'm in uniform. Heeeheeehee.

  5. They nerfed the Axtinguisher. HUFF. HUFF WHERE ARE YOU?

  6. Aaand... Steam goes down for maintenance right in the middle of an important discussion I am in.

  7. I am now officially done with high school. Hooray!

  8. First person to list four cities I've lived in gets a free Vintage Bloke's Bucket Hat.

  9. Is it just me or is the general forum locked?

  10. I'm getting better at this cooking thing! OM NOM NOM OM NOM http://i.imgur.com/0S0BY1Z.jpg

  11. My other status update is a Porsche

  12. Creative uses for a corpse, go!

  13. There is nothing like a good cup of coffee in the mornings.

  14. I have done more things in this half-week of Summer than I have the entire last two summers in their entirety. So this is what having friends is like.

  15. i'm back

  16. Coming soon: >summer! Last day of school.

  17. Some of you seem to be sad, I hope you guys will cheer up soon.

  18. Ugh my head.......

  19. Managed to snag a first party gamecube controller on Ebay for 15 dollars. Hopefully I'm not sent a picture of a controller.

  20. I have to admit, this CS project did make me use my brain. However, using my brain to figure out how to implement Quicksort and a Binary Search Tree into a simple text-based game may not have been the intent of the project.

  21. Bees are adorable but scary at the same time. Help.

  22. http://i.imgur.com/zB7Xs6j.jpg http://i.imgur.com/C6BWE9J.jpg Cosplay done! Need to work on the hair styling and get a white bandage, though.
  23. Do you like girly clothes? Feel like a woman trapped in a man's body? Try new Shlong-B-gone and see all your problems shrivel up and fall off

  24. i make the best damn rice you pansies
