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Status Replies posted by Simon

  1. "Corvettes are high maintenance" -most of my automotive instructors

  2. "Cisco is two letters away from siscon" -heard in my Networking class

  3. If I ever have kids, I'm showing them Star Wars in the Machete Order. They're never even going to know that there was an "Episode I".

  4. Name my genitals.

  5. I'm gonna have a table at a con. You guys are cool, what are all the cool kids into?

  6. Name my name.

  7. your mom's so vain she probably thinks this dis is about her

  8. help I can't stop listening to the magia mindfuck remix

  9. I went out trick or treating as JC Denton and got 5 pounds of candy

  10. Coming soon to a theatre near you: The Adventure of Crowvette the Combat Maid and Cube the Psychic Butler.

  11. Don't forget to reload Mr. Freeman!

  12. one reinstall later I'm praying to every deity I can think of my computer won't die on me

  13. one reinstall later I'm praying to every deity I can think of my computer won't die on me

  14. i just saw the Northern Lights, guys.

  15. Who's this new member: Rhombo?

  16. After a delayed flight, 2 trains and a trip through the metro, I've finally arrived in my hotel in Stockholm. It's a boat. I'M ON A BOAT MOTHAFUCKAS.

  17. I somehow am more arsed to write a huge essay why Fallout New Vegas is a really good game than to actually do my homework. Good to see that I have my priorities straight.

  18. holy shit i'm 21

  19. holy shit i'm 21

  20. oh right i have a paper i need to work on. Fuck.


  22. Help I have caffeine withdrawal

  23. I really wish there were more quality people here on subSPUF. It seems a little quiet here.
