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Primal Phoenix

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Primal Phoenix last won the day on February 14 2019

Primal Phoenix had the most liked content!


About Primal Phoenix

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  • Birthday 12/05/1993

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    Dota, Anime, Thundercats Roar

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  1. Primal Phoenix

    apex legends

  2. Primal Phoenix

    apex legends

    I'm cringing right now.
  3. Primal Phoenix

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    I believe you mean NFSW, we re-branded.
  4. Primal Phoenix

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Just please fucking go away
  5. Primal Phoenix

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

  6. Primal Phoenix

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    But I did really really really like those posts. My mistake, I wasn't aware that this forum was only designed for people to post their opinions without being contested at all.
  7. Primal Phoenix

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Alright, so the fact that it's a literal children's show and therefore your opinion is not one that the creators care about is deflecting, yeah? Could it not just be that your tastes don't align with that of a child? Then again that seems quite unlikely given your last 2 posts.
  8. Primal Phoenix

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Anyone that disagrees with you?
  9. Primal Phoenix

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    It's for kids so it doesn't matter if you think it's shit.
  10. Primal Phoenix

    TF2 general

    Don't ban me
  11. Primal Phoenix

    TF2 general

    'Only' an entire months worth of work.
  12. Greetings once again, my friends! After re-reading the Original Definitive SPUF Users Tier List, I realized that it wasn’t quite as definitive as I had claimed! And if you know me, you know I’m not one to spread lies on the internet! So I have decided that a revision of the original SPUF Users Tier List is the only way that I can redeem myself! So now, I, Primal Phoenix, bring to you the Definitive SPUF Users Tier List: Revised Edition! This time around, I’ve included 30 of the little suckers, so you shitpost chasers are in for a real treat! (Disclaimer: Years of studying went into the making of this list, as evidenced by my degree in MLMology. Therefore, everything said in this list is indisputable! Also, I was gonna make my own post for this list, but then I got too lazy. So instead I stole some post from the internet!)


    30 - Silent


    29 - TheOnlyGuyEver


    28 - Frog girl

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Gyokuyoutama


      No TOGE, Aids Monkey made a SPUF user list disguised as a Touhou list.  I just translated it from weeb speak.

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      being untiered only means that you get surprise factor when you burst into the meta

    4. Gyokuyoutama


      Someday I will oversee a wargame to determine this once and for all.


      With basic rules provided from Ironclaw, dominion rules provided from Birthright, combat decided by Basic D&D companion rules and art provided by BESM first edition.

  13. High quality Danny Devitortles only. Warning: DANGEROUSLY SMUG CHILD
  14. Primal Phoenix

    ITT Post Virtual Youtubers

    It's basically like any bandwagon meme?
  15. Primal Phoenix

    ITT Post Virtual Youtubers

    A real goof ball.