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John Caveson

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Status Replies posted by John Caveson

  1. I guarantee that at least one person will have gotten banned by the end of this year.

  2. Fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fuck, *sports* my rugby league team's dropped out of form *sports*

  3. [lurking intensifies]

  4. Our god damned goats just escaped. I hate them.

  5. Going to Athens tomorrow. Yay.

  6. This just in: SPUF of the Dead Part II is coming later this month!

  7. Star Wars Battlefront II servers just shut down. Good night, sweet prince...

  8. Considering inviting SilverAlen to subSPUF. If you have any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace.

  9. Short forum update notice: some access permissions have been updated to be more consistent.

  10. professors in neurobiology who can't spell mesencephalon

  11. Who changed my title to royal schlong measurerer? I'm not complaining but... y'know.


  13. Omnomnom.

  14. which one of you fellers is the real dirty dan

  15. I fixed my laptop! The HDD died, and now it's fixed. I spent $80, but better than $200 to get someone else to do it.

  16. My sister's last day of school was a bust as there was no one there at all. Mum keeps on freaking out as she keeps on reminding her self that all her children have finished school.

  17. It's been a loong time. How have you been?

  18. beat risk of rain on drizzle and it was hard as balls can't wait for fucking normal mode

  19. "Note that there is a maximum margin of 10% to the word limit. So, the total amount of words should be between 1350 and 1650 words. More or less is not allowed." What is this fuckery am I back in high school?

  20. I'm wondering why I bother existing since everything I do is pointless and not even that good,

  21. Managed to play some Halo ODST. Admittedly, it was only the first area, and it wasn't on my save which had almost every secret weapon cache unlocked, but still. Still can't stand playing with a controller, but I'm glad that other than that I've found it's not my nostalgiagoggles getting the better of me when I think about it.

  22. Why IS there silverwear in the pancake drawer?

  23. Why IS there silverwear in the pancake drawer?

  24. Why IS there silverwear in the pancake drawer?
