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Everything posted by Medic

  1. We're not going to let the Hello! thread die in the Off Topic forum.

  2. Medic


    One of the skills for Athena is called You've Got Red On You. Seems like a basic Berserker/Psycho tank character Wilhelm sounds massively powerful, Claptrap's abilities sound more like a hindrance than a help, Nisha's auto aim skill seems really pointless.
  3. That's a fuckton of money for three games you have already played before and only one new game which may or may not be any good, ON TOP of a monthly subscription. So no. Save your money and buy something else. You can get a lot for $/£/€500. As for CS:GO, it's not my cup of tea, depends on whether you like realistic, competitive shooters or not.
  4. 12 years of diabetes. Yay.

    1. Razputin


      Did you eat ice cream all through the night, all through the night, all through the night?

    2. Medic


      I wish I could.

      I was so, so, so underweight when I was diagnosed. So weak I couldn't walk up stairs.

    3. John Caveson

      John Caveson


    4. Show next comments  96 more
  5. Medic

    Facade has a crack at streaming

    Don't bother with the League of Legend forums unless you're doing giveaways. The LoL boards might be a bit friendlier but otherwise I don't know.
  6. I feel sick.

    1. Idiot Cube
    2. Davjo_
    3. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      I'm pretty sure we're getting sick through the internet

  7. It'll be interesting to see where all this goes. Maybe we'll get a more polished and final product, maybe we'll get Games for Windows and XBox One exclusives.
  8. So they sold Minecraft for 2.5 billion and half of them are leaving to do their own stuff.
  9. Medic

    League of Legends

    Thoughts on Ascension? It feels like Howling Abyss for Assassins and Bruisers. And the lack of vision is horrible, worse so with a Nocturne and a Warwick on one team.
  10. Mojang make so much money off Minecraft already though, how much more money do they need to make? Whatever happens, I thing most fans (and probably Mojang themselves) fear that Microsoft would tarnish the game's reputation.
  11. Made cookies again. Came out great. Really need to chill the batter first though, makes so much difference!

  12. Medic

    Cooking thread

    Boil up some pasta. Cut up onions, giant garlic, mushrooms, red peppers. Throw into a frying pan. Fry with a tiny bit of olive oil, salt and pepper. Add as much bacon as you can handle. Fry a bit more. Add tomato puree. Add red pesto. Add olive puree (if you can get it) or bits of finely chopped black olive. Cook up some more. Drain the pasta. Mix it all together. Grate some halloumi cheese on top. Eat.
  13. Surely a lot of people would though. Or they'd sell it for moolah. I wouldn't wear one though. I mean, keeping your phone in your pocket is easier, right?
  14. "What file format are the images on this site?" What site are you looking at and what images? "The ones here!" I can't see through the back of screens. "On this site!" Well, some of them are pngs, some are jpgs. "Which ones?" Just open the images in a new tab and you'll see.

    1. <Witty Name>
    2. Medic
    3. tsc


      Going to purposely change the file extensions of my images and then serve them with a different MIME types just to confuse the hell out of people.

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  15. Medic

    In which Rammite attempts cosplay

    That's way better than the cardboard shit I make.
  16. Medic

    Facade has a crack at streaming

    I guess if you're looking for music, you could use the music by Pentakill. It's League of Legends music made by Riot so I doubt you'll get into trouble for it. I'd give you a hand with UI and images and stuff but since I don't really know what you want or wjat sizes or anything, I dunno. Oh yeah, and having some way to view and display any chats in your stream. People like interactive stuff.
  17. So yeah, you can post your LEGO stuff too. Hero Factory Vel'Koz From left to right: Argyros, Elksia, Retvik, Tenuk, Arkay, Oxys Left to right, Sukos the flying thingy, Farbrath, Phanvak the brown Vrara, Layvak the Vohra, Agnosis the Vakan and Tuurahk. And a dragon.
  18. Medic

    League of Legends

    I want a skin but don't want to give money to Riot. I tried Gnar the other day against bots (I feel it's unfair to try new and hard to use champs against players for the first time) and although I managed to get a couple of kills, I really had no idea what I was doing. It's all "Oh I'm a ranged top thing" and then suddenly "Oh fuck I'm a completely different champion!" Sister fell in love with him though. She'll probably buy Dino-Gnar too. Should have been called Di-gnar-saur.
  19. Godzilla owes me 2 hours of my life. Stupid film had nowhere near enough monster fighting. Couldn't have been more than 15 minutes total.

    1. Cretler
    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Pacific Rim is the best Godzilla movie of this generation.

    3. FreshHalibut


      Do yourself a favor and watch Godzilla Final Wars.

  20. Medic

    League of Legends

    I still haven't reached level 30. Then again, playing ARAM and Coop VS AI isn't doing me any favours. I wanted to buy Nightmare Cho'Gath or Sonoran Kog'Maw but 1. I bought Catapillar Kog'Maw last year and 2. I ain't spending money on LoL. Plus I am a damn awful player who can't last hit and can't be bothered to level up my EU East account where I can last hit because ping isn't so bad. On the flip side, I have finally found I champion that I can jungle with. To think that Cho'Gath has been staring at me for months now. I'm also only 1k points away from getting all Void champions. Any thoughts on Gnar or Azir? Azir looks like a way better cross between Anivia and Annie. Gnar, haven't had the chance to play him since he wasn't free like they said he'd be this week.
  21. Medic

    TF2 general

    That's really game breakingly bad. We should all email this to Valve.
  22. "I don't know the account information for my website, I don't have the password and username for GoDaddy, I don't have the FTP details, I don't have anything. My sister did all my website stuff but I don't speak to her any more, we had a falling out"

    1. ICBMoose


      Gee, sounds like fun.

    2. Sir Slick

      Sir Slick

      woo Australia

      Seriously though, ouch.

    3. Razputin


      Seems legit, better give him your credit card info

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