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  1. 1 point
    [spoiler2]Nikola stumbled into his bedroom, making sure he didn't awake the small figure in the bed in the center of the room. He fumbled around the room, eventually finding his nightstand. He took off his glasses and placed them down, and slipped into his bed. He laid in bed for some time, his mind weighed down by worries. He had debt to his landowner, was studying in a difficult class taught by an even more difficult teacher, and he hasn't spoken to any of his family except for his cousin in a little over a year. He sighed, turning in his sleep. He found himself staring at the peacefully sleeping face of Anna, his girlfriend. Her light skin was framed by her brown-orange hair, and the bedsheets were pulled all the way up to her chin, essentially wrapping her up in the bedsheets. She seems so peaceful when she is sleeping, thought Nikola. Even if she's always moving when she's awake, she has to stop eventually. He couldn't help but smile as he saw her chest move up and down, her light breathing lulling him into a sleep as well. He sighed and gently brought his arms around Anna. Things may not be perfect, but maybe if I have her... things will work out. he thought, and soon he joined Anna in a deep, happy sleep. Nikola awoke with a start as he heard the sound of shattering glass. He groaned and reached for his glasses, but he couldn't find them. He sat up in bed, looking down on the ground. He groped around at the ground on the side of his bed, and his fingers met sharp glass shards. "My glasses..." Nikola groaned, and fell back into his pillow. Well, whatever. he thought. He turned over in bed and wrapped his arms around the lump in his bed next to him. There was nobody there. He moved the covers, and found a second pillow. "Where's-" Nikola's voice stopped in his throat as realization dawned on him. He was single. He never even knew an Anna. Nikola pulled the covers over his head and closed his eyes tight, attempting to hold back tears as the feeling of loneliness that so pervaded his life returned to him as strong as ever.[/spoiler2] Hey, I tried.