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  1. 3 points

    Smache Brothers

    Here's the video for those who desire real actual from-Smash-Brothers-itself proof with their pudding, unlike most people who main Falco and cry into their fursuits every night oh skye you are just on fire tonight haha god i am so lonely Anywaaaaay, it also confirms that the boxing arena stage is indeed a Punch-Out stage, and that certain characters will have more unique features to them; Little Mac has a power meter which, when filled, allows a K.O. attack. That's pretty neat. Let's see if any other characters get it - I'd like it if that happened, since that's what made Injustice so fun for me.
  2. 2 points

    SPUF City 2

    Oops. [spoiler2] Chapter 2 Rammite woke up hunched over his desk. He looked down at the papers strewn about, just now remembering what happened. He was reading a report from some men he sent to scout out the whereabouts of the Mafia. Five months had passed since he broke away from the Illumihatti. Ever since then, Binary, the Commander, and Rammite basically took the city in three equal parts. Things had been very different ever since. Binary continued using the old Illumihatti tower while the Commander set up military barracks in an unpopulated section of the city. However, Rammite found himself setting up his office in a relatively small building. His office was very run down and devoid of the technology that made the Illumihatti so successful, but it got the job done. Rammite continued reading the report until he heard a knock on his door. “Door is open!” he called. After waiting a few seconds, no one came in. Rammite repeated himself. “Door is open!” Still no one walked through the door. Rammite got out of his chair and opened the door himself. Standing in the doorway was Alezander Buddha. “I told you the door was open.” “Oh, sorry. I didn’t hear you. You need to learn to speak up, seriously.” Alezander entered the room behind Rammite and sat down in front of Rammite’s desk. Alezander was noticeably larger than Rammite, with a naturally louder voice. “Jay brought back some interesting information. Would you like to hear it?” Rammite spun his chair around to face the window behind him. “I don’t see why not. Go ahead and tell me.” Alezandar reached into the pocket of his jacket and grabbed the folded up report. “While spying on the Binocrat’s offices, Agent Silent learned that tensions between the Binocrat and the Commander are rising. War could happen at any moment.” Rammite set his report down and snatched Alezander’s out of his hands. He skimmed over it, getting more and more worried as he read it. “This is bad. Alezander, tell our men not to provoke this any further. If Binary and Commander go to war, it will end in disaster. I’ll be looking for ways to calm both of them down.” He looked further down the page and saw a sentence that caught his eye. “We believe that one the Binocrat calls Moby has been working to instigate the war.” Rammite handed the report back the Alezander. “Binary still hasn’t learned his lesson has he. And here I thought he was going to get rid of the Maidsassins like Commander and I requested. Alezander, make sure words gets to Agent Silent. His new job is to spy on the Maidsassins. All three of them. Don’t leave any of them unaccounted for at any moment.” Alezander stood to his feet and bowed. “Of course, sir.” Alezander left the room, leaving Rammite alone. Rammite stood up and stared at his window. Far away in the distance stood the Binocrat’s tower. “I refuse to let you lead this city into ruin.” ------------------- Two men stood at the border of the Binocrat’s part of the city and the Commander’s. They stared into each other’s eyes, filled with rage. Both of them clenched tightly to their baseball bats. The first man to speak up was on the Binocrat’s side. He was average height with a light build. “You still haven’t changed. We should have settled this years ago.” The man on the Commander’s side grinned. “You keep chickening out. I would have gladly dealt with this and left the city behind.” He was fairly tall and muscular, clearly a high ranking officer the Commander’s Army. The smaller man clenched his bat. His muscles tensed up, but he didn’t move an inch. After moments of waiting, he relaxed and turned around. “Not tonight. I’m still not ready. Meet me back here in two days.” “Really? You’re leaving again?” The man burst into laughter. “Why did I expect any different out of you? Binocrat worshipers are all cowards.” He turned around and began marching back to the Commander’s barracks. The other man checked to make sure he wasn’t being watched. He reached into his jacket and grabbed a small pistol. He aimed it at the larger man. He kept the shot lined up, but couldn’t bring himself to pull the trigger. He finally lowered his gun and wiped the sweat from his brow. ------------------- “Is he going to be okay, doc?” Captain Simon stood by the bedside of Major Hurts. Simon’s hands were trembling. He compulsively shifted his view from Medic to Hurts rapidly. Medic sensed the fear in his voice and actions. She turned her eyes to her clipboard and jotted down a few notes. “It’s very likely. Give him a few days at most, and he’ll be right as rain again.” She set down the clipboard and began setting Hurts up for brain scans. “It’s interesting though. Hurts always was always dry when it came to drugs. And then a day later, he’s unconscious due to a rep overdose. I feel really bad for whoever gave him that rep.” Simon began sweating profusely. “Yeah. I . . . I wonder who did it.” “Good thing you were there to find him.” She looked right into Simon’s eyes, giving him a death glare. “See to it that whoever gave this to him doesn’t do it again. I’ll make sure Commander doesn’t know about it this time only.” Simon let out a sigh of relief. He took a seat by the door, leaving Medic to her work. He watched as Medic finished setting up the brain scanner. After a few minutes, she began commenting on it. “His brain is still functioning properly. Nothing seems to be out of order.” She turned to him and smiled. “You’re off the hook this time.” She looked at it again and gasped. “Th – that’s new . . .” Simon dashed over and looked over her shoulder. “Is something wrong?” “Something’s definitely off . . . Look over there.” Medic pointed to the right of Hurts’ brain. “I’m getting a strong signal from right there. Outside of his brain.” “What . . . does that mean?” “I don’t know. I’ve never experienced this before.” Medic grabbed the clipboard and looked back through her notes. “If it weren’t staring right back at me, I’d call this pseudoscience or fantasy. Nothing I –“ Medic was cut off by a voice. The voice of Hurts. He was still lying in bed, unmoving except for his mouth. “I . . . can see . . . everything.” [/spoiler2] I have to say, this break didn't do much good to my writing. I feel like it's slipping back into how I wrote SPUF City/Mansion. I'll fix it by the I write Chapter 3. Which may or may not take a few days to a couple of weeks. If I'm blocking on the main story, I might write little (2000 to 3000 word) side-stories just to keep me from just dropping it for several months straight. If I do and I like them enough, I'll post them here too.
  3. 1 point

    Smache Brothers

    Well fuck you too, Skye.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point

    TF2 general

    sir alop
  7. 1 point

    SPUF of the Dead: Chapter 1

    I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking about that. On the contrary. This is what you look like in the story: