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<Witty Name>

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  1. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from Idiot Cube in SPUFpowered Next: The Preview of the Future   
    I think most of the negative response here (including my own) stemmed from the utter lack of communication or preparation. The admins weren't ready, the mods weren't even aware of it, and we were given nothing but a series of buzzwords and reassurances that everything would be okay.
    Were the OP to simply announce "we'll be using Discourse", I think we'd have saved ourselves a lot of trouble.
  2. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from Idiot Cube in SPUFpowered Next: The Preview of the Future   
    Alright, time to explain what's going on here.
    The new forum will use Discourse, which is similar to a conventional forum in many regards (sections, subforums, topics, posts). It's a major headache to configure, which is why the deadline is so far off (and why it was started so long ago).
    Replies to a post are accessible immediately below the post, which makes it easier to follow a particular conversation. All of the posts are still listed in chronological order, which means that the forum provides conventional functionality as well.
    The main difference between our current system and Discourse is in visual aesthetics and design. It's far less rigidly structured (e.g. board icons spread out to fill the screen). Obviously the color scheme and general design is much different from what we have currently. I'm curious as to how configurable this will be.
    Personally, I'd be more comfortable with using IPS4, since it's not much of a jump from our current forum. However, change isn't necessarily bad, and I do think we need to give this new format a try now that it's been laid out before us.
  3. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Expresate in Speedfan, go home, you're drunk.   
  4. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Simon in SPUFpowered Next: The Preview of the Future   
    and when I asked rammite:

    seriously this is a Bad Idea
  5. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Idiot Cube in SPUFpowered Next: The Preview of the Future   
    Our "preconceived notions" aren't going to change as long as our only knowledge of these amazing changes is "no guys trust me it's gonna be great".
    Could we possibly hear from those who have seen this preview?
  6. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Unromantic XYTWO in SPUFpowered Next: The Preview of the Future   
  7. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Arm the Homeless in Payday General   
    Wot I Think:
    Day 1 is amazing. An actual massacre followed by even more cops to slaughter. Gets even more hectic if you split up to cook and also set everything on fire. Blow the lab for extra pyromaniac fun. The core of the actual day is when you find the hidden safehouse underground and try to trace the mobster's place. Basically you have a shitton of crates you have to open up, each having a specific item (like missiles, fur coats, or meth ingredients). The map tells you where the different products come from, so you need to try to input all the barcodes from the packages that correspond to the town Bain tells you. Then you go out and somehow all fit in a DeLorean.
    Day 2 is something else though. You literally are Solid Snake and hide in boxes, with all the mobsters somehow not noticing guys in military grade kevlar and fully loaded. But either way, you get out and beat up some people and try to chase the mobster as he uses his shitty elevator to get to his apartment. The actual building is a fucking maze though. Once you eventually get to the top, he locks himself in his vault and you have to open it up. But cops and a fucking attack helicopter firebombs you as you try. Eventually you open it up and get to kill him, who has 3000ish health and is armed with a KSP. Also, the faster you get up to his apartment, the more coke you can leave the place with.
  8. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Skye in Payday General   
    Wot He Thought was pretty spot-on.
    Also don't forget the music.
    Nobody can forget the music.
  9. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Raison d'être in Payday General   
    2:35 AM - lil mike: imagine this
    2:36 AM - lil mike: different time of day thing gets unlocked
    2:36 AM - lil mike: shadowraid during daytime
    2:36 AM - lil mike: has going loud as an option
    2:36 AM - lil mike: but you have to get EVERYTHING
    2:36 AM - lil mike: and there's an absolute fuckload of murkywater
    2:36 AM - Puff the Magic H Bomb: and they flood the sewers with gas on death wish
    2:37 AM - lil mike: like borderline military action sized groups
    2:36 AM - Puff the Magic H Bomb: that would actually be pretty neat
    2:37 AM - lil mike: crowbaring takes like 20-30 seconds of standing still
    2:37 AM - lil mike: like choppers consantly comin in and out dropping off more of them
    2:37 AM - Puff the Magic H Bomb: >hoxton swearin a lot while opening it
    2:38 AM - lil mike: >cracks open
    2:38 AM - lil mike: >he grabs his artifact
    2:38 AM - lil mike: >"thanks"
    2:37 AM - Puff the Magic H Bomb: oh god
    2:38 AM - lil mike: also there's a random chance for
    2:38 AM - lil mike: the RAT KING to spawn
    2:38 AM - Puff the Magic H Bomb: bulldozer in the crate
    2:38 AM - Puff the Magic H Bomb: oh god
    2:39 AM - lil mike: he comes out of the gas fileld sewers
    2:39 AM - lil mike: and grabs bags off the ground
    2:39 AM - lil mike: and takes them to his nest
    2:39 AM - lil mike: and you gotta get em back out
    2:39 AM - lil mike: heist of the year
    2:48 AM - lil mike: also the rat king would function as a reskinned cloaker on top of his nest building ai
    2:48 AM - lil mike: his audio of the static shit is
    2:48 AM - lil mike: "rat rat rat "RAT RAT RAT"
    2:48 AM - lil mike: just gets louder and louder
    The rat king would have this voice too.
  10. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to tam in Dreams   
    Post dreams you remember, dreams you have an interesting story about, and/or dreams you just had


    My most vivid dream was I was at my house, and when I opened the door and stepped outside I fell through the ground and landed in a room in Hell

    It was like an office; checkered tile floor, normal, office-y ceiling, red walls; Satan was sitting at a desk and reading a newspaper, there was an elevator titled "to the Surface" and there were double doors with windows revealing walls of fire and blood behind them

    He looks up from his newpaper and says in Steve Carell's voice "Oh, you're not condemned. You must have arrived here on accident, the elevator to the surface is right there," and he gestures to the elevator

    I begin walking towards it and I fall through the ground again and end up in Super Hell

    Then I got mauled by demons and woke up
  11. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to kayohgee in CHESSE20 COUNTERSTRIKE SKINS   
    I guess he got bored of not being bored?
  12. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to chesse20 in CHESSE20 COUNTERSTRIKE SKINS   
    the brony killer- mac10
    the meme machine - tec 9
  13. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Raison d'être in SPUFpowered Next: The Preview of the Future   
  14. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from Rammite in SPUFpowered Next: The Preview of the Future   
    Oh come on Commander, you can't just make decisions because they use a proven software basis! You also need to ensure that the meta-syntactical flow of the forum is maintained by using holistic content-management schemes such as SHP and EFS. I suggest you also look into DTT- it's a very powerful technology that builds upon proven software bases.
    I would suggest a layout scheme that makes full use of synergy, as specified in ISO 90295-306.a.III.F.(2).iv. Any self-respecting forum administrator can recite the keenly synergy-related contents of ISO 90295-306.a.III.F.(2).iv by heart, so I won't bother reproducing it here. ISO 90295-306.a.III.F.(2).iv is the future of synergy.
    Also, have you considered making every member a superuser? I think this would effect the cause of user empowerment and help to harmonize the denizens of the forum. You could probably do so by employing agile software development processes that fully eschew the clunky, outdated waterfall methodology in favor of an abstract, spatio-temporal-free system.
  15. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Simon in SPUFpowered Next: The Preview of the Future   
    It's a one-man buzzword bingo. All you need is "risk management," "paradigm," and "restructure" and we'd have the whole board cleared.
  16. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from Rammite in SPUFpowered Next: The Preview of the Future   
    Oh come on Commander, you can't just make decisions because they use a proven software basis! You also need to ensure that the meta-syntactical flow of the forum is maintained by using holistic content-management schemes such as SHP and EFS. I suggest you also look into DTT- it's a very powerful technology that builds upon proven software bases.
    I would suggest a layout scheme that makes full use of synergy, as specified in ISO 90295-306.a.III.F.(2).iv. Any self-respecting forum administrator can recite the keenly synergy-related contents of ISO 90295-306.a.III.F.(2).iv by heart, so I won't bother reproducing it here. ISO 90295-306.a.III.F.(2).iv is the future of synergy.
    Also, have you considered making every member a superuser? I think this would effect the cause of user empowerment and help to harmonize the denizens of the forum. You could probably do so by employing agile software development processes that fully eschew the clunky, outdated waterfall methodology in favor of an abstract, spatio-temporal-free system.
  17. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from Rammite in SPUFpowered Next: The Preview of the Future   
    Oh come on Commander, you can't just make decisions because they use a proven software basis! You also need to ensure that the meta-syntactical flow of the forum is maintained by using holistic content-management schemes such as SHP and EFS. I suggest you also look into DTT- it's a very powerful technology that builds upon proven software bases.
    I would suggest a layout scheme that makes full use of synergy, as specified in ISO 90295-306.a.III.F.(2).iv. Any self-respecting forum administrator can recite the keenly synergy-related contents of ISO 90295-306.a.III.F.(2).iv by heart, so I won't bother reproducing it here. ISO 90295-306.a.III.F.(2).iv is the future of synergy.
    Also, have you considered making every member a superuser? I think this would effect the cause of user empowerment and help to harmonize the denizens of the forum. You could probably do so by employing agile software development processes that fully eschew the clunky, outdated waterfall methodology in favor of an abstract, spatio-temporal-free system.
  18. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Unromantic XYTWO in SPUFpowered Next: The Preview of the Future   
    what future growth will result from changing platforms
    we run on a fucking invite system
  19. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Just a Gigolo in SPUFpowered Next: The Preview of the Future   
    Or don't fix what isn't broken.

  20. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Raison d'être in SPUFpowered Next: The Preview of the Future   
    I'm gonna be honest, I don't see the point of any of this. What's wrong with what we have now? What's "proven software basis" even mean?
  21. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from Rammite in SPUFpowered Next: The Preview of the Future   
    Oh come on Commander, you can't just make decisions because they use a proven software basis! You also need to ensure that the meta-syntactical flow of the forum is maintained by using holistic content-management schemes such as SHP and EFS. I suggest you also look into DTT- it's a very powerful technology that builds upon proven software bases.
    I would suggest a layout scheme that makes full use of synergy, as specified in ISO 90295-306.a.III.F.(2).iv. Any self-respecting forum administrator can recite the keenly synergy-related contents of ISO 90295-306.a.III.F.(2).iv by heart, so I won't bother reproducing it here. ISO 90295-306.a.III.F.(2).iv is the future of synergy.
    Also, have you considered making every member a superuser? I think this would effect the cause of user empowerment and help to harmonize the denizens of the forum. You could probably do so by employing agile software development processes that fully eschew the clunky, outdated waterfall methodology in favor of an abstract, spatio-temporal-free system.
  22. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to tsc in SPUFpowered Next: The Preview of the Future   
    Over the past few months, the staff here at SPUFpowered have been hard at work to create our vision of the future for this community. In the next few days, we will be releasing this vision as SPUFpowered "Next", which will serve as a preview of what we will eventually transition to.
    The features of this new system will include:
    sorting of content based on voting movement towards self-moderation context-rich thread system proven software basis We hope that you will be as enthusiastic about this radical change as we are, and thank you for your continuing support as we work to make this the best damn community on the Internet.
    Here's a preview site: next.spufpowered.com
  23. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from Guy923 in Payday General   
    h-hey guys aren't they j-jews?
    h-heh I'm so edgy p-please like me
    Looks pretty fun. I'll probably pick it up so we can play it together and stuff.
    inb4 you have to drill every single door open
    also I made this:

  24. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from Guy923 in Payday General   
    h-hey guys aren't they j-jews?
    h-heh I'm so edgy p-please like me
    Looks pretty fun. I'll probably pick it up so we can play it together and stuff.
    inb4 you have to drill every single door open
    also I made this:

  25. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from Unromantic XYTWO in New Forum Bug List   
    You can't put lipstick on a pig and expect it to look good.