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Status Replies posted by Doopliss2008

  1. Attention: I have a screwdriver in my hand. This is not a drill.

  2. Attention: I have a screwdriver in my hand. This is not a drill.

  3. Attention: I have a screwdriver in my hand. This is not a drill.

  4. I've eaten a veggie burger every day for the past four days. I don't intend to stop.

  5. let's say for whatever reason all the governments across the world have decided to be major dicks and shut down the internet for good and give a month's warning, how do you say your final goodbyes to people

  6. Drunken Robot Pornography is seriously awesome.

  7. daily reminder that Grape Fanta is king of all soft drinks

  8. Anyone here do stuff like airsoft or paintball? My brothers and I used to do airsoft a lot but we sorta stopped... It was fun, though, even if it was just us running around in the small lot next to our house.

  9. College acceptance letter get! Now to wait for the rest of the colleges I applied to.

  10. Skim milk best milk.

  11. I'm in the Steam Music Beta~~

  12. Another tree falls at our hands. At least we had the assistance of power tools this time, but we still ended up pulling the damned thing down.

  13. SubSPUF is for nerds and scrubs. #hashtag


  15. The best thing about doing your own study is you get a lab that locks from the inside. Your own little place to cool down between classes and participants is really great

  16. Welp, I invited Captain Blades and Venemous Pastry over, they seem like cool enough dudes to me. Send any grievances/hatemail through pms please.

  17. I need new metal music to listen to. Only having 3 or 4 artists isn't a lot of variety.

  18. I have a friend's birthday coming up, but I don't know what to get him. I drew him a nice card, and you could call him a fan of the"stoner" culture. Any ideas?

  19. Going on vacation tomorrow to a place where there is snow and something called mountains. And they use wooden boards to get down of strange things called mountains there. It's called Austria for some reason in English, while most other countries around call it 'Eastrealm' roughly translated. It's gonna be a bit weird in spending most of my birthday in a car on the way over it. It is gonna be fun though, never went on wintersport before. See ya all in over a week or so!

  20. fuck i miss spuf this is getting too hard to keep up

  21. new fighting game in which you play as the u.s. presidents called the founding fighters y/n

  22. RIP SPUFstory (not a pun, unfortunately)
