I had a dream where it was winter in my neighborhood and I was wandering the streets. There were lots of people outside, too.
However, I was being hunted by a slightly modified AT-ST. It must've been inspired by the AT-STs from the second Force Unleashed game. It had its main cannons as well as a secondary twin blaster on the side that could shoot two slow-moving electrobolts or rapidly fire blaster bolts. On the other side, it had a tube for launching explosives, but it didn't use it while in my neighborhood. It also had some random animal allies (including a seal) wandering around, ready to call for the AT-ST if they found me.
Anyway, I was apparently part of the rebel alliance. If I had a mission, I don't remember what it was. My affiliation was known to just about everyone and everything, but it didn't seem to matter in the slightest to anyone except for the AT-ST and the animals. I could be in the middle of a crowd in the street, the AT-ST could start firing at me, and the crowd would act like it wasn't even happening. Fortunately for them, the AT-ST seemed unable to hit them or cause any sort of collateral damage. I guess it was designed that way so that people would think better of the Empire.
I was able to reach my house, but even my own family was apathetic to my plight. I could discuss my problem with them, but they wouldn't treat it very seriously. At one point, I found my mom sitting on the front porch petting the seal. I couldn't do anything hostile towards the seal because I knew that would just give the rebels a bad reputation, so I had to just leave it be, even though it saw me and called for the AT-ST. Fortunately for me, if I stayed hidden long enough, they would leave.
Then my dream shifted to me playing a greatly modified Minecraft. It seemed to play like a Zelda game, where it was open world, there were lots of hostile mobs wandering around and lots of generated structures, and I could enter dungeons, fight bosses, and find health upgrades at the end. It was still Minecraft, though, so I could manipulate the environment with tools.
I couldn't bother with any of that though, because the AT-ST was in the game, constantly following me and attacking no matter where I was, only this time it exclusively used its side tube to launch TNT at me. In the game, I never found any other people and the AT-ST was able to destroy the environment. This worked out for me a bit because there were tons of chests everywhere and it destroyed them letting me easily pick up the loot.
At one point, I tried to enter a deep dungeon to avoid the AT-ST, but there were skeletons and creeper-like mobs (hitting them made them explode, but they were still alive and could bash you with their heads) everywhere. I was panicking and sprinted through to the boss area where there were two Wither-like bosses (one lesser than the other, acting as a bodyguard). I knew that I had to keep attacking them to stop them from attacking me, so that's what I did.
I woke up before I could kill either of them.