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Mersopolis last won the day on September 17 2017

Mersopolis had the most liked content!


About Mersopolis

  • Rank
    Good Boy
  • Birthday 10/22/1998

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    : In Your Heart
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    teh Last Door?

    Do u know wot a thespian si?
    Would u say thespian or thesbian?
    wot kind of grudges do u ahve?

    wot si nine times six?

    To kill or not to kill a mockingbird?
    Tequila or not tequila mockingbird?

    Which Impossible Quiz can help u find hidden meanings?
    Why did teh Mexican push his wife off of a cliff?

    wot fi I nailed my finger to a birdhouse accidentally?
    wot fi I dropped my phone?
    Or encountered my clone?
    wot fi I get mononucleosis?
    wot fi my house got foreclosed?
    wot fi I had a cat, n it exploded?
    wot fi I woke up in a trunk?
    wot fi my best friend went steampunk?
    wot fi I met real pirates?
    wot fi there was an awkward silence?
    wot fi I say something unintentionally racist?
    wot fi I was an adult with braces?
    wot fi I can't swim?
    wot fi I am visited by Mr. Timn?
    wot fi I fed teh troll?
    wot fi I'm being attacked by a narwhal?
    wot fi teh apocalypse started?
    wot fi I ahve a recurring dream where teh world runs out of bacon?

    Which person do u think will do teh next AMA?

    r brains better than brawn?
    Bread, melons, or lemons?

    Would u give Fimmian a sweet roll in exchange for calming pants in real life?
    Would u care to donate to Sheogorath's brain pie?

    Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo?

    wot would happen fi Pinnochio said, "My nose si going to grow now."?
    fi Cinderella's shoe fit perfectly, how did it fall off?
    fi teh opposite of sky si earth, n teh opposite of rim si middle, then si Middle Earth teh opposite of Skyrim?
    Do seagulls ahve better-looking legs than chickens?
    si Doctor Who better than Tony Stark?

    Can u make a picture of a Toa in a toga getting towed by a toad in a toe themed tow truck?

    Why don't people understand that I get more information from teh answers to these question than just teh answers?

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  1. Who here would agree that I have the personality of an engineer?

    1. Nitzan


      engineers have specific personalities? what the fuck

    2. Medic


      What sort of engineer?

    3. Mersopolis


      An engineer in general. Smart, likes to solve problems, not very good in society, etc.

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