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  1. 1 point

    Super SPUF Fighter

    SKYE THE WEAVER OF FATE Responsible for a lot of creation and creativity in the realm of SPUF, Skye holds a thirst for knowledge and a hunger for change. He is easily identified by his signature scarf (usually obscuring his lower face) and his infamous Lord English cosplay. His most powerful asset is his imagination, with which he can conjure up images in his mind and make them reality. However, a mind like his is also very easy to influence, and thus Skye is inherently susceptible to psychic powers and emotion (fear being his greatest weakness). He is also very weak in physical combat, and so he relies on stealth and improvisation. Lastly, he has a strong belief in luck and fate, and often finds himself escaping certain death or achieving against impossible odds - even when he is completely unaware of it. As a playable character, Skye is never meant for physical combat. Seriously, he's weak. A gentle breeze might be enough to knock his skinny pale ass over and break half his bones. So don't go berserker rage with him. Instead, Skye is meant as a support class, staying behind the lines and helping with his abilities. To compare with class archetypes, he majored in Summoner with a minor in Bard. Skye summons other characters to handle the situation, while boosting his creations or his allies so that they can do the dirty work while he hangs at the back and watches like a weirdo. COSMETIC ITEM: An exquisitely knitted scarf, which flashes like the overcoat of a certain demon. WEAPON OF CHOICE: An old service revolver. It's a piece of crap, but it's the only thing he has. Luckily, it's only really used to shoot at people from far away while the Summons do all the work. ABILITIES SUMMONING Skye summons a fictional creation into being. This can range from a simply copy of his allies, or a specific summon of his own. Below are a list of known summons (though more can be unlocked or revealed as time passes): SPUFurb: JAY: A tomboyish girl who loves sci-fi. She shoots with her raygun, which will deal critical damage to electric/robotic enemies. ACE: A suave rogue who enjoys the good old days. He swings his shovel at enemies, but when the area is clear, he will dig around and find useful items in the ground. SETH: A boy who loves puzzles, yet is no good at them. He attacks with his wrench and shield, and he is (somehow) immune to psychic attacks. TINA: A skeptical girl who is an avid believer in conspiracy theories and unusual mysteries. She can slow or stun enemies with her taser, can detect invisible enemies, and determine real enemies from illusions. GARY: An apathetic boy who has a hidden passion for history and culture. His utter nonchalance makes him immune to most debuffs or status conditions, while he can counter or parry melee enemies with his pole. EMILY: A cheerful and adorable girl, raised as a vegetarian hippy. Her utter cuteness makes enemies hesistant to strike her, causing them to miss attacks more often. She will also heal wounded allies if they retreat from danger. [REDACTED] [REDACTED] The Cardinals: INVIDIA: The aspect of envy and malice. The blinded predator can cloak and hide itself, camouflaging into its surroundings, before striking at the enemy for critical damage - as well as blinding them for a brief time. SUPERBIA: The aspect of pride and vanity. The enormous beast will simply kill anything it can, as well as soaking up huge amounts of damage in the process. While it moves slow, Superbia cannot be stunned, slowed, or otherwise stopped. ACEDIA: The aspect of sloth and apathy. The small insectoid creature moves at blinding speed, making it difficult to hit at range. When damaged, it will latch onto the healthiest enemy it can find and drain its lifeforce for itself. AVARITIA: The aspect of greed and covetousness. The encased golem can unravel its chains and hooks to throw them at enemies, reeling them in for a crushing blow. Avaritia takes barely any damage from explosive weapons. GULA: The aspect of gluttony and indulgence. The serpentine hunter secretes mucus and saliva from its maw, causing a pungant stench that slows enemies. As for its attack, Gula will lurch out its many tongues and devours enemies whole (restoring health in the process). LUXURIA: The aspect of lust and desire. The burning tentacled being is wreathed in passionate fire, burning enemies who try to attack it in melee range. It attacks by ensnaring enemies, burning and suffocating them in its embrace. It should be noted that each summon has its own mana cost and its own duration, and that there are limits to the summons. For example, Skye can summon multiple SPUFurb characters to the field at once, but only one Cardinal can be active at any time. It is also important to note that SKye sustains damage and must catch his breath (i.e. cannot perform other actions) whenever a summon dies. THE RAINBOW SCARF Skye's amazing technicolor scarf grants a passive boost to himself, his allies, and his summons, depending on the colour chosen: Red: More damage. Orange: More attack speed. Yellow: More movement speed. Green: More health regeneration. Blue: More mana regeneration. Purple: More rep gained from kills. THE LUCKY GUY Skye is immune to random critical hits, and has a higher chance to evade damage than others (excluding melee hits, which almost always hit and almost always kill him in a single strike). FINAL REP SMASH: THE POWER OF IMAGINATION Skye enters a trance-like state, opening his mind to every possibility he can think of. If controlled correctly, Skye can influence reality; he can conjure his fictional beings en masse, he can shape and meld the world around him, and he can even bend the laws of reality around him (such as slowing down time or reversing gravity). During this state however, Skye is immobile and very susceptible to mind control and psychic attacks.
  2. 1 point

    Dota General

  3. 1 point

    LOL @ Get Wrecked Kid

    Oh ♥♥♥♥, those guys. Their lead admin stalked my steam profile. And after I blocked him, he found out I've had been posting on Facepunch about him, on a thread called 'Find the worst Steam profile'. The post was made one month before I even met him, his profile alone made him seem like a total ♥♥♥♥♥♥, and man, he was the biggest ♥♥♥♥ I've ever met, and that all because he didn't like my profile pic. He kept throwing profanities at me all the time while I came upon his server by accident.(Taken from my Facepunch post about him)How the events went: His minion Cheeseboigah keeps showing of his obliviously farmed stranges on SPUF, insults everyone with a limited vocabulairy. He gets banned, everyone there forgets about it. Came across this very thread, found out that his profile was really worthy to be post alongside of a failling hacker who was about equally smart. I comment on his profile about farmed stranges, he begins to stalk and spam my profile under. For some really idiotic reason, I tried to battle him on his own server, he reserves my damage for no other reason of he is afraid of being beaten by anyone at all. Poor sport. Then he begins to even spam under my profile more with profanities, talking about his superiority,to the point that I am fed up with him, and block and delete his posts. Then, he discovers that I posted his profile a month before I even bloody met him. He begins to flaunt his superiority here, read act like a spoiled eight-year old would do who just learned his first insults. That continues untill his well deserved ban. And afterwards, he went on SPUF, made an account, and advertised his server, didn't get the response he'd hoped for, and then insulted Ned, leading to yet another ban. He is a total hypocrite through, he calls other people 'Creepy basement dwellers' for liking things he doesn't like. I saw him once playing 8 hours non-stop on his server. Which is 24/7 2fort. tl;dr It's led by the biggest dick I've ever met.EDIT: Oh wow, their forums use the same rating system as Facepunch. 0/10 Orginality.And furthermore, he doesn't even know what 'faggot' actually means. The lard-sized pufter.