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  1. 2 points

    Senior Prom Users Forums

    The music droned on in the background, now set to a slower pace, half to wind down the night, half to avoid putting too much strain on the brains of the drunken posters. The wafting chords of How Do I Live provided a rather poignant background for the two posters approaching the bridge over the Comp subforum. Stamda and Skye broke their chat off at the sound of an altercation on the bridge ahead. --- “Ok, I’m doing it. Bye, jackwad,” said Rasion, loosening Hellfire’s grip. Hellfire squealed and started to pull the dangling poster upwards. “No! I’m not… letting... you… go!” grunted Hellfire. “Ok, join me, then,” returned Raison, smiling for the first time that night. In one fell swoop, Raison swung his body back onto the bridge. Hellfire was allowed one last panicked look at the world before Raison dropped him into the gulch, his yelp of terror quickly drowned out by the comp subforum’s roar. Raison, his job finally over, stretched his arms, took out a cigarette and lit it. He waited for a couple coming from the dance to pass him before he started walking towards the hills on the edge of the campus. His cellphone rang. He answered. “Yeah, yeah, I got him. No, they won’t find him for a while. Yes, yes, the comp subforum. I expect the rep by Friday.” Raison stood still as he listened to the fading tones of How Do I Live mingle with the voice of the Vice Principal on the phone. “Yeah, no worries, Ian. He’s surely banned.” Raison hung up and walked towards the big hill off of the school grounds. --- The quiet darkness of the apartment was suddenly interrupted by a jangling of keys, a sudden flooding of light, and a Binocrat flopping on the futon in the center of the room. “Ahh, it’s good to be home, isn’t it?” the contented ex-mod asked his comrade. “Heh, sure is,” replied Rammite as he took off his suit coat and undid his tie. He took a seat next to Binary with a sigh. “But it is kind of a shame that commander took away our admin powers. That’ll look bad on our transcripts.” “Hey, carpe diem,” laughed Binary in reply. “At least he didn’t ban us in a fit of rage or anything. Who would even DO that? It’s give half the school heart attacks if he did!” “Heh, I’d hope they’d care enough to do that. Anyways, what say we break out the DnD and order a pizza? I’m thinking Hawaiian,” said Rammite as he picked up the phone. “Oh hell naw. We’re getting meat lovers, dude.” Rammite gave his companion a Gibbs slap as Binary snickered. The two were distracted from the thought of a delicious meal by a pair of drunken yells from the door. “RRRRAAMMMOOOTIEEEEE. We need *hic* some… some helph!” yelled a familiar Danish voice. “Yeah, guysh we need a plache to crash~!” chimed in another voice in an English drawl. Binary looked at Rammite, motioned for him to order another pizza or two, and went to the door. Silent and Nitz stumbled in, cheered as if the two ex-mods were the first friendly faces they’d seen in years, and hugged Rammite. The four friends laughed, and sat down to prepare for a game of Drunkgeons and Dragons. --- Hertz stood up, blushing. Nerfed, who had been dateless all night, grabbed him and shoved their faces together. Hertz struggled, but stopped at the sight of a Scattergun hidden in the leg of her dress. After a lifetime, Nerfed released his face. “Let’s go to the mall together. I need to buy more Scatterguns.” Hertz gulped. --- The three always made a sight, but tonight they were an especially amusing sight, the clammy fellow in the tux, and the uniformed car enthusiast supporting him. The night hadn't been kind to Rynjin, but that hadn't stopped Corvette and Idiot Cube from laughing at him for it. Rynjin wasn't amused. "I still don't understand how the mini-weiners got me sick and not Cube. You were stuffing your *hic* face full of them, Cube, you miserable ♥♥♥♥," he grumbled in between stomach convulsions. Cube simply smiled and spun his bowler hat on his hand. "Sometimes, sharing a body with an omnipotent force comes in handy! You should see what happens when I get smashed DUDE I TOLD YOU THAT IS NEVER EVER HAPPENING AGAIN IT WAS A ONE TIME THING oh, that's what you think, mate NO SHUT UP THAT NEVER HAPPENED OH LOOK A PERSON THAT ISN'T TALKING ABOUT THOSE BLASTED SOPORIFIC SPIRITS. Cube's arm flailed to point behind them, towards the auditorium subforum they were quitting. A tall student was escorting a shorter form, likely a male poster escorting his date home. The two eventually got close enough to reveal themselves as Witty and ConfoundedCactus. "Hey!" Yelled Cube to the pair, waving. "Yo," greeted Corvette, letting the retching Rynjin down long enough to grin at the two. "HelWRAGJJGGJDLGFGGGGGHHHHH," Rynjin added politely. Corvette let his friend drop to the ground, nervous to keep his uniform clean. "Hey, guys, just seeing if you could help us out here. ConfusedCactus blew the coop a while ago and just called to tell us that he isn't coming back, apparently ever. Dude's probably drunk as a Radiant Strength Hero. Could you see Confounded back home?" said Witty to the trio after he and his companion had gotten closer. "Yeah, the guy can get a bit huffy at times," grumbled ConfoundedCactus, shrugging her shoulders, "But maybe he means it this time. Anyways, see you, Witty. Glad we could sort the evening out." Witty gave her a grin, turned, and walked off into the darkness. The trio turned four pushed on. ConfoundedCactus eventually slowed down to walk next to Cube in his customary place at the rear of the pack. She broke the silence with a laugh. "Heh, what a night, eh? What about that couple up on the stage towards the end, huh? Pretty wild of that Stamda kid to Douglas up like that," she giggled. Cube smiled. "His partner, however, did lose this!" Cactus unfurled a long rainbow scarf from her handbag and wrapped it around her lower face. "It sure does!" agreed Cube. The two walked for a few minutes in silence until ConfoundedCactus leaned close to Cube's ear. "Can you keep a secret?" "Sure NO HE CAN'T shut it." "What?" "Nothing, continue." "Anyways," continued ConfoundedCactus. She looked left and right hastily, then suddenly, ever so swiftly, undid her blue dress right in front of Cube. The shocked Cartoonist recoiled and covered his eyes. "OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY, CACTUS." he yelled, but all that came in reply was a giggle. He peeked through his fingers, seeing naught but Cactus in a lilac skirt and a matching shirt with a pencil logo. She had managed to keep the rainbow scarf on the whole time, too. "Hey, you don't have to call me that anymore. The name's Jennifer, Jenny for short," the girl smiled at Cube. "I just followed the rumors to get into the prom with a disguise. Heck, I had to see if Dad was going to get lucky!" "D-dad-" "Oh, never mind that, silly," laughed Jenny as she grabbed Cube's hand. "It's just you and me right now, ok? The squat figure and the tall woman now leaning against his stout frame continued down the road, hand in hand. --- Huff emerged from the women's bathroom, blinking in the light of the now bright auditorium that was being cleaned up. The dance had been canceled early by a panicking Ian on account of the murder and mass intoxication. He walked over towards Moby and Doopliss. "Hey, sorry about that show of stupidity back there. The show had to go on, though." the two looked at him quizzically. "Ok, forget about that. Moby, we're on for bowling next Sunday, mate." A smile from the Brazilian let him know he was forgiven. Huff exited the auditorium and headed for the hills. The tall figure followed. CONTINUED NEXT POST
  2. 1 point

    Senior Prom Users Forums

    I consider you lucky chased by an yandere(?) nerfed, who is probably older then you. no, I wont continue this in the fetish thread
  3. 1 point

    Senior Prom Users Forums

    Hertz's legs were going to break. He had to get away. He let the Scatterguns he was holding drop, ignoring the furious screams of Nerfed. He ran out of the store, looked for an exist out of the blasted mall, and ran for the only safe haven: the Hot Topic. What followed was perhaps the most well thought-out, riskiest game of cat and mouse in the history of paradox space. Hetz managed to stay one step ahead of the woman, dodging through bookstores, leaping over lemonade and pretzel stands, hiding under clothes displays, and catching breaths in the mazes of sports warehouses. He was being cornered, though. He knew there was only one solution. 11:58 PM. Two minutes until closing. He dashed out from his camouflage in the line of Orange Julius and made a mad dash for the Cinnabon. From across the half-deserted food court the Scattergun enthusiast perked up her ears, saw her quarry, and gave chase. 11:59:30 Hertz neared. 11:59:40 Nerfed closed in. 11:59:45 Hertz came to a halt at the Cinnabon's restroom door. Ten more seconds. 11:59:55 Close. 11:59:56 He held the handle. 11:59:57 He could see the bloodlust in her eyes. 11:59:58 He flinched. 11:59:59 And quickly entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. The strike of midnight autolocked the doors and tuned off the lights. Hertz blinked. He was trapped in a mall Cinnabon's bathroom for the night, the grumblings of Nerfed retreating to an exit. He sighed a sigh of relief and smiled. --- Raison approached the red Mustang and knocked on its window, waking the sleeping Guy inside. "Hey, open up. Sorry I'm late." "Yeah, you are sorry." "Accept the damn apology and let me in, please." "So you got the job done, eh?" Inquired Guy. "Yep. Simplest job I've had in a while." replied Raison, busting open a box of cigarettes and a Zippo. Guy stared at him. "Ever think that maybe being a SPUF hitman is immoral?" he asked. Raison Puffed on his cigarette for a moment before replying. "Nope." "Thought so. Now let's go get some tacos or something." "Sounds good." The Mustang grumbled to life, turned around, and sped away from the ridge. The view of the auditorium stayed, though. The view then darkened, the lights of the auditorium shut off. The campus was now nearly devoid of people, save two. --- Stamda and Skye sat on the stone fence on the outskirts of the campus, looking at the lights of a city waking up in the valley below. The hands of the two were entwined, Skye's torso safely snuggled up against Stamda's chest. The two simply stared. Skye caught the eye of his companion, opened his mouth as if to say something, but didn't utter anything. From off in the distance, the sounds of the quartet from the dance practicing their next gig wafted in on the wind. Savoring the music, the two simply smiled at each other, snuggled closer, and looked back out at the city, the final harmony of God Only Knows completing the picture. The city became brighter as the lights of the auditorium shut off and the last notes of th song faded. A car engine rumbled in the distance, the only noised being the click-click of crickets and the tapping of feet on the wall. Skye snuggled closer, Stamda brushed his date's hair behind his ear. They'd never forget this moment. Fin.