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General DeGroot

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Everything posted by General DeGroot

  1. Solo queuing is shit. Queuing with people is slightly less so. Also gives me a chance to find out if anyone else actually plays this tactical waifu hunter game so we can destroy some fucks at Casual.
  2. General DeGroot

    *BANG BANG BANG* FBI OPEN UP!(the rainbow six siege thread)

    hmu on steam some time we can queue together
  3. General DeGroot

    What do you look for in a game?

    A lot of things. Good music, strong aesthetic, solidly based in its genre but unafraid to innovate, immersion, and most importantly, replayabilty. Assassin's Creed Black Flag was a strong AssCreed that innovated for its series, the music was pretty good, I love piracy and all it entails helped draw me in. But fuck doing all those collectible shard missions. Haven't touched it since completion.
  4. General DeGroot

    *BANG BANG BANG* FBI OPEN UP!(the rainbow six siege thread)

    Sorta like counter strike but with less Russians and better combat Camping and holding angles is the way of life and the games can get pretty intense especially when it's down to the wire if you buy the normal version you get all the stock operators and then there's like 20 operators you can grind for if you're interested in their unique gimmicks but honestly all the stock ops are really good and really they're all you theoretically need, with maybe the exception of Mira All the guns that come with each class are free tho which makes things easier and replay time on operators last longer The only real downsides are the sharp learning curve and the club-penguin-esque chat rules that can get you banned for saying mean words
  5. got that birthday feelin'

    1. Gyokuyoutama


      Get a feeling so complicated

    2. FreshHalibut


      He wanted to be a dinosaur when he grew up.

  6. General DeGroot

    The Thread that Makes you go Hmmm

    Dame Tu Cosita is just this generation's Crazy Frog/Gummy Bear
  7. General DeGroot

    E3 2018

    alright lads it's that time: Who won E3? A: EA B: Bethesda C: Nintendo D: Sony E: Devolver I mean we all know it's Devolver but what the hell
  8. General DeGroot

    E3 2018

    why can't we just have a fallout set in new orleans where the brotherhood control an irradiated Mississippi and are fighting a war against the non-brotherhood jazz ghoul people in the middle of a nuclear hurricane
  9. General DeGroot

    E3 2018

    Okay, my thoughts on Fallout 76: I Sincerely hope Bethesda learns from the issues Dark Souls 3's Co-op has. Amongst other things I've heard so far from our sweet little liar, you retain your skills when jumping into another person's game. So if you have something like a high-level Toughness or Mysterious Stranger Chance or Bloody Mess, and join a lower-level's party, you could really fuck some shit up. So what's stopping low-level gank squads? Also, the concept of a nuke that anyone can use on any settlement sounds fundamentally broken. If aforementioned gank squads stockpile enough of those, some serious shit could get fucked. Everything else seems okay about it though. Not many changes from 4, it seems.
  10. General DeGroot

    E3 2018

    so uh[snickers] d-do you guys have[nearly cracks up] battleto-[WHEEZE] BATTLETOADS???
  11. General DeGroot

    The Thread that Makes you go Hmmm

    you know what they say, all toasters toast toast
  12. General DeGroot

    The Thread that Makes you go Hmmm

    Is there any real difference between doggystyle and reverse cowgirl? What about in a zero-G environment?
  13. General DeGroot

    The Thread that Makes you go Hmmm

  14. General DeGroot

    The Thread that Makes you go Hmmm

    the real hmmm here is that we have anyone to socialize with at all.
  15. General DeGroot

    Barely Useful Superpowers

    the power to have a flawless comeback every time someone disses me
  16. yall mind if i 

    1. Expresate


      you do you, Morpheus.


      You do you.

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Anybody mind if I




      Take off my pants?

  17. General DeGroot


    Gettin there fam
  18. General DeGroot


    might be a tad late to this, I gotta redownload all the CS:S assets again
  19. General DeGroot


    Yeah, I'm good for Sunday. What time?
  20. General DeGroot


    I'll consider re-downloading Gmod.
  21. General DeGroot

    Welcome to our new Administrators!

    Fucking fight me Corv I'll deck your ass from full parade rest
  22. General DeGroot

    Welcome to our new Administrators!

    Finally I can access the subterranean saloon As head admin I now pronounce anime illegal, unless it's Miyazaki anime, then you're ok Oh, or JoJo and One Punch Man It is also now mandatory to watch pop team epic
  23. Christ, I need a sparring partner. Anyone available to punch at me and get punched at?

  24. i've got a pitch for a realism-based FPS, who's interested

    1. TheOnlyGuyEver


      Sham would be a great help with this.

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Ski teams get issued amphetamines, right?


      Is there an achievement for getting a killing spree while ODing on them? 

    3. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      Maybe. There's plans to do somewhat-randomly generated storage caches that can give you an upper hand- everything else is at the world's mercy
      The idea is that easy mode is as a Finn, hard mode is a Russian, extremely dead mode is as an American

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  25. the Mad Max video game with eurobeat puts terrible images in my head
    "My name is Max-kun, and this is my first day at Australian Wasteland High School!"

    1. Kraszu



