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Status Updates posted by ToasterToastin'

  1. Played roulette for the first time at an actual table tonight. Only lost $20. Go me.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      I don't think we need a car's opinion on anything that happens indoors.

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      You've clearly never been on a casino floor, because there's always a car there up for raffle.

    4. Mersopolis


      I have a personal rule when it comes to gambling: Don't unless you can load a previous save, then abuse the green beans out of it.

  2. I really miss the flash sales on the Summer Sale.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      I'd take it over refunds desu

    3. ToasterToastin'


      Refunds are for people who don't do adequate research, so yeah, I'd prefer the flash sales.

    4. Medic


      Why can't we have both?


      You can't get a refund on a TV if you buy it before it goes on sale.

  3. holy shit facepunch died?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raison d'être
    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette


    4. Gyokuyoutama


      Today I went to SPUF proper and got redirected to SCUD.  Does anyone know anything more about what is going on?

  4. My heavily-modded Fallout 4 has apparently hit critical mass after downloading an update I specifically told it not to and now refuses to load. Reverting back to an old version of the .exe has done nothing. Thanks Bethesda.


    EDIT: and thanks Obama.

    1. Medic


      Maybe you need to update the Fallout 4 Script Extender as well?

    2. ToasterToastin'


      Well, that's why I was avoiding the update. Tried the new F4SE, and that killed some of the mods. Tried the newer version of mods, and that's when the shutdowns happened. Tried reverting everything, and the shutdowns kept happening, so something got screwy somewhere.


      Ended up reverifying game data and had to redownload the whole 17 gigs, so... *shrug*

    3. Medic


      Wow that sucks. Honestly that's why I've avoided Fallout 4 and Skyrim special edition, because the script extenders keep on breaking every time the game updates.

  5. Ever start telling a story you think is neat and get halfway through before finding out it really isn't that neat/no one's interested?

    1. Huff


      Yeah a lil

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      I feel like that feeling happens too often.

    3. TheOnlyGuyEver


      My go-to story is the time I Mario-64-so-long-gay-bowser'd a giant alligator snapping turtle up onto land with my bare hands so no.


      Either that or that one time when a gator went from a resting position into a 6 foot vertical leap and landed in the canoe.

  6. Gonna build a costume from scratch in ~1 week. Hell yeah.

    1. A 1970 Corvette
    2. ToasterToastin'


      I actually have not figured out which costume I want to make. Hell yeah.

    3. TheOnlyGuyEver


      Dress up as a militant mime and drive around in a big invisible tank.

  7. Finally conquered my comp fears and played my placement Lucioball rounds and ended up in low platinum with a 5/5 but a pretty sizable personal effort. I'm a little shocked honestly.

    1. aabicus


      aabicus guide to Lucioball: https://gfycat.com/WickedFastEchidna


    2. ToasterToastin'


      Of course, the third non-placement match I got was with someone throwing after getting scored on in the first 15 seconds, so so much for that.

  8. Finally, 3 years after it was finished and released, got a game I backed on Kickstarter because I forgot to claim it. It's not bad!

    1. ToasterToastin'


      The game is Satellite Reign and I'm terrible at it!

    2. TheOnlyGuyEver


      Better than leaving your casserole in the oven for 3 years.

  9. I'm in the business of writing checks my ass can't cash.


    And business is good.

    1. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      I'm not sure how to interpret this status update and at this point I'm too afraid to ask

    2. Gyokuyoutama


      You got til Friday to pay what you owe.


      After that point you'll be dealing with my associate.  He isn't as forgiving as me.

  10. The death of SPUF is making me nostalgic for one of my older forum experiences (c. 2005). I think it's still active, somehow.

    It has also reminded me of the time FileFront died.

  11. Recurring events: I have a lot of ideas and no way to make them reality.

  12. About to hit 200 active mods for Fallout 4, which is probably going to break it in horrific ways. At the very least, it's gonna make me restart this restarted playthrough. BUT MODS.

  13. Nothing ever changes.

    Nothing ever will.

  14. I never actually play anything. Either I want to play something I've already played but don't because I'm guilty about not playing something new, or I want to play something new but am worried I won't have the time to play something new, or I want to finish a game and experience one of the two previous hindrances.

  15. In cleaning my room I have decided there is a more optimal setup for my room and now I'm gonna have to rearrange furniture or be forever irked by the missed potential.


    My life has become pain.

  16. Oreos with marshmallow-flavored cream

  17. I've got the post-con blues pretty bad.

  18. Time to start up an old project which I never managed to finish. Again. Again. Again.

  19. I always forget about auto-renewal on subscriptions.
