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Raison d'être

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Status Replies posted by Raison d'être

  1. holy shit facepunch died?


  3. I came here to wet something else motherfucker.

  4. I came here to wet something else motherfucker.

  5. 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

  6. Less than 2 months until mlp is kill forever.

  7. happy birthday to the most homicidal, suicidal, genocidal monster on this board with depression

    when will the pain stop

  8. minecraft good fortnite bad please give e-money

  9. How does Kemomimichan get the meat?



  10. How does Kemomimichan get the meat?



    1. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Throw the stick at who/whatever is holding the meat until it relents.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  11. Time for a definitive list of the Top 10 Virtual Youtubers.


    Hey howdy ho, SPUFFriends. Have I got a treat for you! Today I bring my most thrilling tier lists to the world of Virtual Youtubers! I’m a bit on the uncultured side, however, so extensive research was needed prior to the making of this list.


    On my travels I learned two important things…

    1. Virtual Youtubers are racist sons of bitches.

    2. I don’t have the time to watch a bunch of 15+ minute videos.


    That being said, I didn’t actually do any real research, and have instead opted to do what any reasonable person would do. Select a couple dudes and dudettes and base my list solely off of my own assumptions. So here goes.


    The Definitive Virtual Youtuber Tier List




    10. Kizuna Ai


    She’s the most popular Virtual Youtuber by far. And just like all popular things, she’s terribly overrated and you’re all a bunch of band-wagoners if you like her.


    9. Natsumi Moe


    As someone who doesn’t know any Japanese, it’s nice to have one that speaks my language. However, after hearing her, I think that it’s for the best that I can’t understand what any of them are saying.


    8. Nekomasu


    Why in God’s name does a loli-fox-girl thing have a man’s voice? I guess I’m not one to judge, so you’re cool in my book, Nekomasu. You do you.


    7. Nora Cat


    This one has a pretty interesting story, at least. Turns out this cat-girl was actually a man this whole time. That’s a pretty big upgrade if you ask me. I don’t like cat-girls.


    6. ratboygenius


    I don’t even know what it even means to be a Virtual Youtuber, but ratboygenius qualifies. Probably. He’s cute, and he plays Minecraft? Kind of? I don’t know.


    5. Omega Sisters


    I really can’t stand the fucking blue one but the red one’s the best thing on the planet. Just kidding. I didn’t watch any of this, but trust me when I say the list is still definitive.


    4. Kabocha no Unchi


    Yeah, this one’s not real. I made her up. But I gotta say that now I’m a pretty big fan of the idea. Somebody buy me some VR shit so I can make this a reality and become a star!


    3. Baacharu


    This man is a goddamn horse and I can’t not respect him for that.


    2. Gyokuyoutama


    It’s really no secret that Gyokuyoutama is secretly a young and aspiring Virtual Youtuber. It's evident that he intends on overthrowing all the other ones so he and only he can be the greatest Virtual Youtuber of all time. But what he doesn't know is that one very powerful man stands in his way... and that man is...


    1. Will Smith


    A lot of people seemed confused when Will Smith kicked off the Youtube Rewind of 2018. "What does this man have to do with Youtube?!" Many wondered... But not me! You see, it’s because I know that Will Smith is actually a Virtual Youtuber, and is quite popular. Of course, you probably didn’t know that due to his awesome persona that he uses to disguise himself. I don’t want to give too much away, but here’s a hint: He’s big, blue, and uncanny as fuck.



    And now you know who the best Virtual Youtubers are! If you think that I forgot anybody, then please tell me. (Not really though because I wouldn’t have any idea who the Hell you were talking about.) That’s all for this tier list. Goodbye for now.

  12. i never really was on your slide

  13. damn this place is still alive

  14. In a similar vein to aabicus's question, has anyone heard of Dick Bong?

  15. Do you know who Ellsberg is without having to look him up? Please let me know, I'm checking to see how well-known this historical figure is before referencing him in a script

  16. Time to make the forum private again.

  17. Why do we call them halftracks and not halfwheels?

  18. So I guess this is just how SubSPUF is formatted now.

  19. So I guess this is just how SubSPUF is formatted now.

  20. I forgive Raison, I realise what he meant now.

  21. I forgive Raison, I realise what he meant now.

  22. To stop a gaben

  23. member No Relaxe


    pepridge farm members

  24. tfw you theorize a 5+ second timesave for a payday the heist level but it turns out that it takes the same amount of time as normal



    hopefully I can find a way to make it work
