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Idiot Cube

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  1. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to A 1970 Corvette in Give me a happy-sad story.... Or at least a plot.   
    [spoiler2]Nikola stumbled into his bedroom, making sure he didn't awake the small figure in the bed in the center of the room. He fumbled around the room, eventually finding his nightstand. He took off his glasses and placed them down, and slipped into his bed. He laid in bed for some time, his mind weighed down by worries. He had debt to his landowner, was studying in a difficult class taught by an even more difficult teacher, and he hasn't spoken to any of his family except for his cousin in a little over a year.

    He sighed, turning in his sleep. He found himself staring at the peacefully sleeping face of Anna, his girlfriend. Her light skin was framed by her brown-orange hair, and the bedsheets were pulled all the way up to her chin, essentially wrapping her up in the bedsheets. She seems so peaceful when she is sleeping, thought Nikola. Even if she's always moving when she's awake, she has to stop eventually. He couldn't help but smile as he saw her chest move up and down, her light breathing lulling him into a sleep as well. He sighed and gently brought his arms around Anna. Things may not be perfect, but maybe if I have her... things will work out. he thought, and soon he joined Anna in a deep, happy sleep.

    Nikola awoke with a start as he heard the sound of shattering glass. He groaned and reached for his glasses, but he couldn't find them. He sat up in bed, looking down on the ground. He groped around at the ground on the side of his bed, and his fingers met sharp glass shards. "My glasses..." Nikola groaned, and fell back into his pillow. Well, whatever. he thought. He turned over in bed and wrapped his arms around the lump in his bed next to him. There was nobody there. He moved the covers, and found a second pillow. "Where's-" Nikola's voice stopped in his throat as realization dawned on him.

    He was single.

    He never even knew an Anna.

    Nikola pulled the covers over his head and closed his eyes tight, attempting to hold back tears as the feeling of loneliness that so pervaded his life returned to him as strong as ever.[/spoiler2]

    Hey, I tried.
  2. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Moby in Katawa Shoujo   
  3. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Simon in The Official Freddie Thread   
  4. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Simon in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
  5. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Simon in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
  6. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Rynjin in Smache Brothers   
  7. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from Skye in Smache Brothers   
  8. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Doopliss2008 in The Reaction Pictures Thread   
  9. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Moby in The Reaction Pictures Thread   
    Oh you fuck, I was going to post that. 
    Oh well.

  10. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Doopliss2008 in The Reaction Pictures Thread   
  11. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Simon in The Reaction Pictures Thread   
  12. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Huff in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
    my sides are past saturn now
  13. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Moby in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
  14. Upvote
  15. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from Rammite in post your for old time's sake...   
    Nice breadsheet.
  16. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Wulff in Free stuff   
    Almost two years ago, I gave away the majority of my Team Fortress 2 backpack, figured I would repeat the process with my Dota 2 inventory... Because I'm bored. I've already sold my most valuable items, sorry about that, but that was ~$40 I would rather have for myself.
    Anything that is tradeable in my inventory can be yours per request.
    Regarding the few completed sets I have in there, I'll let you have the entire set if you want it. Not much point in getting one random item from a set without the rest of them.
    While we're at it, feel free to ask for Team Fortress stuff, if anyone still plays that game. Only things I'm not willing to part with for sentimental reasons are gifted items.
    If no one wants anything, I'll donate the stuff to joinDOTA so they can put them up for raffles.
  17. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Moby in DualJay's Double Dong Destiny   
  18. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to A 1970 Corvette in DualJay's Double Dong Destiny   
  19. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Simon in DualJay's Double Dong Destiny   
  20. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Just a Gigolo in DualJay's Double Dong Destiny   
    Dualjay sat alone on the pier of a lake. The cold February winds coming off of the lake chilled him to the bone, but he was too sad to care. A single tear slowly rolled down his cheek and fell into his open palm. His tear-soaked palm held several small stones which he had spent the last half-hour plopping into the lake one by one. The stones caused his reflection to ripple, but even with his distorted reflection, Dualjay was able to make out that Skye standing behind him.
    Skye sat down next to Dualjay, carefully wiping a tear away from his cheek with his finger. "Why the tears, Dualjay?" Skye asked giving Dualjay a concerned look. "Ever since the >Rocky Mountain Man Quest 2012 no man has been able to satisfy me in bed. Rammite came back so pumped up with manliness from all the goat headbutting and air band rocking that he wore me out like a cheap pair of shoes." Dualjay answered, now even more tears rolling down his cheeks.
    Skye sighed and put an arm around Dualjay. He then said with his most comforting voice. "We've all been there my friend. One day you're on the top of the world. The next, not even the biggest bad dragon dildo can satisfy you. Have you tried paying a visit to Tyrone?" Dualjay nodded lightly and then looked away from Skye before quietly saying. "Not even Tyrone could do it for me, and you know how awesome of a bro he is." Skye looked at Dualjay with a shocked expression on his face. Thankfully, Dualjay was still too busy looking deeply into his own reflection in the water to notice.
    Skye didn't say anything to Dualjay, he just sat there and thought to himself. "If Tyrone couldn't satisfy him, then no mere mortal can." Huff slowly approached the two from behind, not sure if he was interrupting anything serious. "What has you two looking so gloom?" Huff asked, still a ways down the pier from them. Skye rubbed Dualjay's back and replied. "Dualjay can't find any man that can satisfy him, not even Tyrone with all his bro powers could." Dualjay grew more sad hearing this, and curled forward, barely able to keep himself from falling off of the pier.
    "Tisk tisk tisk." Huff said wiggling his finger at the two before continuing. "You should have came to me first with this problem. I could have saved you a lot of tears." Dualjay turned around almost instantly with a gleam of hope in his eyes. "It's simple, you just have to step up to double dongs." Huff said walking closer to the two. "Double dongs?" Dualjay and Skye said together with confused looks on their face.
    Huff gave them a sagely nod before answering. "It's simple, you just to have them use a strap-on too. It's twice the man, for half the price." Dualjay leapt to his feet and ran up to Huff, planting a man kiss on his lips. "Why don't they teach about double dongs in school? It could save so many lives." Dualjay declared walking past Huff with a skip in his step. Huff shed a tear of pride as he said. "They say I teach them... about double penitration, but it's really they who teach me... about double penetration."
    Dualjay didn't get two steps past Huff before a 1964 Buick Skylark Sport Wagon pulled onto the pier. It recklessly sped towards them, and then came to a screeching halt inches from hitting Dualjay. Skye quickly rose to his feet and raced towards Dualjay screaming. "That 1964 Buick Skylark Sport Wagon can only belong to one man... Tyrone!" They all gasped in unison as the door of the 1964 Buick Skylark SportWagon opened revealing an afro.
    "My Tyrone senses done been tinglin' all day. Who be talking smack about mah dick?" Tyrone shouted getting out of the car and walking towards the group. Dualjay pointed a shaking finger at Skye to try and frame him. Tyrone stared Skye down, removed the rings from his right hand, and then plunged his right fist right into his chest. "Skye!" Dualjay and Huff screamed out while watching Tyrone pull Skye's still beating heart out of his chest. "Messin' with Tyrone ain't fo the faint of heart." Tyrone said before swallowing Skye's heart whole.
    Huff shaking with anger shouted at Tyrone. "Tyrone is a real bro, he would never eat another bro's heart!" Tyrone started laughing. Then Tyrone's laugh started to change into a laugh Huff and Dualjay haven't heard in a long time. With a completely different voice Tyrone said. "It's true, Tyrone is a real bro. That's why he let me hollow out his stomach and turn him into my robot slave." Tyrone then took off his shirt and pulled back the skin on his stomach to reveal that Binary, the angry midget, was controlling Tyrone.
    "Binary! I was told you were killed with a bad dragon dildo on top of the rocky mountains." Dualjay screamed hiding behind Huff. "And why are you naked?" Huff questioned while forcing Dualjay out from behind him. Binary laughed before replying "The rocky mountains were only a setback, and do you have any idea how hot it gets in here? I'd sweat to death if I was wearing clothes." This gave Huff an idea to save the day.
    Huff leapt at Tyrone and pulled his already sagging pants down. "Dualjay look! DOUBLE DONGS!!!" Huff screamed falling at Tyrone's feet. Dualjay looked at Tyrone and Binary and saw it was true. With Binary hanging out of Tyrone's torso, there was indeed double the dong. "I must embrace my double dong destiny" Dualjay screamed while leaping to save the day.
    Then everyone remembered that Dualjay died at the end of the Rocky Mountain Man Quest 2012, so he was a ghost the whole time. The end.

  21. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Just a Gigolo in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft   

  22. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Huff in post your for old time's sake...   
  23. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to tsc in New Forum Bug List   
    Finally fixed. I haven't logged into the Admin CP in forever.
  24. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to DCP_16 in DCP's Artistic Art   
    New drawing! Guess which band I have been listening a lot these weeks:

    And as extra, some doodles I improvised in the weekend and uploaded in my Twitter:

  25. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Doopliss2008 in share your worst jokes   
    What do you call a game that has been abandoned by the devs?
    Left for Dead