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  1. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from Stackbabbin' Bumscags in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
  2. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from Stackbabbin' Bumscags in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
  3. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from Stackbabbin' Bumscags in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
  4. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from Guy923 in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
    remember every women who has been sexually assaulted whose perpetrator has either gotten a laughably light sentence, or gotten away scot-free? remember when trump literally admitted to it?
  5. Upvote
    Cretler reacted to Rynjin in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
    Caveson, your thoughts are frankly fucking stupid.
    If you think Trump gives half a flying fuck about small businesses and the "common man", you haven't been paying attention to his entire career as a businessman. There's a fun documentary that illustrates this I can't remember the name of. You can probably find it by googling "Trump fucks Scotland" or something similar.
    Edit: in fact, I did it for you. The name of the documentary is "You've Been Trumped". And yes, that plus the word documentary is what I typed into google.
    And if you're saying saying shit like "I'm not transphobic" while using phrases like "Some fucking tranny", you're either hilariously unself-aware or lying.
    That whole rant is based on misinformation and deflecting based on that same old bullshit "Well I would have voted for someone else but you called me a racist so..." line. No, you wouldn't have, you fucking liar, you voted the exact same way you were ALWAYS going to vote and crying that somebody hurt your widdle feelings by calling you a racist just makes you look like a spiteful god damned pansy.
    Just own up to the fact that you voted for the man because he pandered to your crowd and you liked what you heard, because there's no way you ACTUALLY BELIEVE his "I'm anti-establishment for the people" tripe unless you have deliberately avoided learning ANYTHING about the man and how he operates.
    There's very little chance he's the next coming of Hitler but the BEST case scenario is he's an ineffectual buffoon who parades around with Pence's hand up his ass for the next 4-8 years, and all the informed voters who swung his way are in the know on that. If you actually bought into the rhetoric, I'm sad for you but you had a long ass time to educate yourself and claiming you voted for him just because other people said bad things about him or you makes you look like a fucking idiot.
  6. Upvote
    Cretler reacted to Wulff in Brexit Bullshit   
    Fuck off. I'm not British and even I can see how mindbogglingly stupid this decision is. You're upheaving over 40 years of economy built around being a member of the European Union and creating trouble for literally every single country that is a part of the EU when it comes to trade, not just the UK. Trade agreements will have to be re-negotiated now that the UK has opted out of the benefits that comes with trading among EU countries and I can promise you right now that these new negotiations will not favour the UK. The Pound Sterling is taking a nose-dive and is currently at the lowest value I have ever seen in my entire life and while the financial situation obviously cannot be predicted 100%, there is no doubt that there is short-term financial pain coming to all within the UK. Who knows, maybe the UK just voted yes to their very own "Do-It-Yourself" recession. Considering that 45-50% of British export is to other countries in the European Union, it's quite incredible to me that they decided to leave.
    Not to mention the issue that will occur with Brits who are abroad. The Erasmus exchange program will be limited if not downright removed from the UK, meaning that the future of all of Britains exchange students in Europe is uncertain. And what about the people with British citizenships living abroad in Europe? Unless the countries they're staying with offer them citizenships, there is a chance that they could be sent packing and be forced to return to the UK.
    I'm not even touching on the internal struggles that the United Kingdom will face now that Scotland and even Ireland are much more likely to vote for their own independence.
    England shot itself and its friends in the EU in the foot with this decision. The EU is still reeling from the refugee crisis and now the UK is adding another logistical problem on top of it. There's just no way they can come out of this without some damage to the relations between them and their neighbours.
    It doesn't matter that "other countries are doing just fine without the EU" because other countries aren't the fucking United Kingdom.
    People in the UK have every right to be worried about their future, not to mention frustrated about the results of the vote. There is no hysteria here, just anger and discontent for good reason.
  7. Upvote
    Cretler reacted to Paero in Brexit Bullshit   
    This is fucking stupid as fuck.
    I don't like to make generalizations but frankly if you voted leave you're probably either racist, or in denial and think that Britain is some colossal super power power like it was 70-200 years ago who can survive without 'DAT BLOODEH EEH YUU'.
    These stupid fucks have willingly given up the EU's bill on Human Rights because they're told 'Don't worry mates we'll make our own it'll all be good :^))))'. They see the EU as some massive fucking beast which controls every aspect of our lives and steals all our money, when in reality now trading with countries within the EU will impose a tax on whoever's buying from us, which will mean they'll buy from somewhere else. Alongside that we've got away with NOT following things that the EU said we had to. Just look at the right to die. The EU says that it's a fundamental human right yet there is no way for anyone living within Britain who wants to end their life (but is incapable to due to something like a physical disability) to actually do it without assistance. And if somebody DOES assist them? They can be charged with Voluntary Manslaughter.
    This is the single greatest fuckup within recent memory. This was more important than any general election and some stupid cunts refused to go and vote because the weather in many parts of the country yesterday was quite bad.
    I'm fucking mad as hell. Scotland will almost definitely leave the United Kingdom now so they can re-join the EU on their own. Northern Ireland was extremely dependent on the EU in the first place, so there's a very high chance that they will join together with the Republic of Ireland now to also stay in the EU. And Wales were getting a fuck tonne of money from the EU yet they voted to leave.
    You know there's a big fucking problem when Donald Trump congratulates you on 'taking back your country'.
    Oh and all the ignorant cunts who voted Leave are now running around saying 'We did it we did it we won!!!! Look at how gr8 we are!!! XDDDDDD'
  8. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from Rammite in Overwatch   
    hey guys check out this sick, totally planned, play of the game
  9. Upvote
    Cretler reacted to Moby in Overwatch   
    I'm glad she froze herself in there and we are out here and you're the sheriff...
  10. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from Idiot Cube in Overwatch   
  11. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from KillaWaliid in Overwatch   
  12. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from Idiot Cube in Overwatch   
  13. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from Stackbabbin' Bumscags in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
    didnt he just accuse cruz's father of being complicit in the JFK assassination? trump is many things, but gracious isnt one of them.
  14. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from Wulff in Overwatch   
    i agree. its quite obvious theyre being controlled by the sjws. i need my butts back blizz wtf.
  15. Upvote
    Cretler reacted to Razputin in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
    Oh please, this has nothing to do with your freedums, this was just retards being retards and both sides have those kinds of people
  16. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from FreshHalibut in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
    the new hitman releases in a few days. i am ready
  17. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from Expresate in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
    trump has shit taste and is scared of breastfeeding.
    at least trudeau is hot and can fall down some stairs in a convincing way
  18. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from Expresate in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
    trump has shit taste and is scared of breastfeeding.
    at least trudeau is hot and can fall down some stairs in a convincing way
  19. Upvote
    Cretler reacted to Moby in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
    The only ones that will miss these features are weebs and freaks, so loss for those that actually play the game
  20. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from Moby in SUBSPUF SECRET SANTA 2015: A NEW HOPE   
    gifts have been sent
    gifts have been received
  21. Upvote
    Cretler reacted to Moby in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    Can you guys have a normal conversation without turning it into wanting to fuck underaged anime girls
  22. Upvote
  23. Upvote
    Cretler reacted to Razputin in attacks in Paris   
    Fuck off with this illuminati shit. I will love Big Brother with all of my heart and soul if it means an end to terrorism
  24. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from John Caveson in attacks in Paris   
    go to texas
  25. Upvote
    Cretler got a reaction from Paero in attacks in Paris   
    i personally blame it on rap music.