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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/13 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    A 1970 Corvette


    cube? being powerful? oh shit, you're serious.
  2. 1 point


    Formatting fixed up a bit for prologue. The Fate/ thing is basically the idea I started with, but it's already branching off a bit. next section goooo [spoiler2]Chapter One The Holy Rep War. Legend had spoken of a path to Internet fame. Supposedly, he who vanquished all of his foes in this war would obtain all of the prestige, or "reputation," the deceased had earned in life. Naturally, once this legend was found to be real, people scrambled at the opportunity. Some for the simple glory of it. Others, for the influence it would garner. Binary simply wanted to ensure it went to the right person. That person being his teacher, Commander- an enforcer of order in the community. Upon learning of the upcoming War, Commander had used his influence to ensure he and Binary would have two of the nine slots. Binary didn't really desire victory of his own, but he did want to make sure the community's regulations were properly upheld. And if he or Commander won, that would be a certainty. Binary had already completed his summoning, receiving the Sniper-class servant for the war. Commander would summon after he completed his preparations, seeking artifacts and specific incantations to ensure that he would summon the Demoman-class, supposedly the most powerful. In any case, Binary's Sniper- a man named Silent- had been informed of his job: guard their base from any sneak attacks, and protect the two Masters at any cost. The man's name was certainly fitting, Binary thought wryly, as he had spoken only once in the week since his summoning- to tell them of his name and class. All other communications were via hand gestures and writing. Binary was shaken from his thoughts by Commander's return to the office. "I'm all set. The ritual circle's prepped outside, have Silent guard the premises." Silent gave a thumbs-up from the corner of the room, before heading over to the guard post they'd set up at the roof. "So you're certain this will get the Demoman?" Binary wondered. Commander nodded as he stood at the edge of the circle in their large courtyard, his assistant standing behind him. Commander began the incantation. "O legends of battles past, channel your power into this summon. Demolish my foes, and grant me victory." The circle erupted in smoke, forcing Commander to step back and cover his nose and mouth. "Hello there!" The oddly cheerful voice came from the center of the smoke, and as the air cleared, Binary and Commander gazed upon their supposed instrument of victory. A man in a white t-shirt, white sweatpants, and white slippers, with a top hat and cane in hand- and a disturbingly serene smile. "I'm the Demolition Man for the Rep War. My name is Cube. It's a true honor." Commander, clearly baffled, responded. "Er, where's your weapon? Doesn't the demoman use explosive weapons?" Cube smiled even wider. "I don't need anything like a weapon. Let me show you." Lazily raising his right hand over head, he snapped his fingers- and three cubes of glowing golden energy materialized in front of him. Throwing his hand forward, the cubes rocketed into the rock wall on the side of the courtyard, and exploded in a massive blast. When the conflagration from the destruction cleared, Commander and Binary gaped. The wall was entirely gone. "As you can see, with me as your servant, victory is certain." Commander smiled widely. "Excellent. I should mention it now, Binary behind me is the master of Sniper- the two of us are to be allied in the war." Cube's smile faltered for an instant, before returning. "Understood, sir." [/spoiler2]
  3. 1 point
    Arm the Homeless

    mystery glitch

    Pulp Fiction is Centipede
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point

    Anime General Discussion

    Started watching A Certain Magical Index (the dub of which I'd been searching for for quite a while). Eez gud.