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  1. Like
    hugthebed2 reacted to Huff for a status update, Merry Christmas!   
    Merry Christmas!
  2. Upvote
    hugthebed2 got a reaction from Gyokuyoutama for a status update, ALWAYS I WANNA BE WITH YOU AND MAKE BELIEVE WITH YOU AND LIVE HARMONY HARMONY DOGE LO   
  3. Upvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to TheOnlyGuyEver for a status update, hap nu yer   
    hap nu yer
  4. Upvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to Gyokuyoutama for a status update, Work that made people a furry by decade: 20s: BNA, Helluva Boss 10s: Zootopia, Pokemo   
    Work that made people a furry by decade:
    20s: BNA, Helluva Boss
    10s: Zootopia, Pokemon (there were Pokewaifus before but it hit a critical mass here.)
    00s: Star Fox Assault, Digmon Tamers, Sonic Adventure 2
    90s: A lot of stuff, but most likely Space Jam or The Lion King.  I guess Rescue Rangers goes here too since it debuted right before the 90s.  SWAT Kats for kids who got in before Turner canceled it.  Hell I could probably add five or six more things; any kid growing up in this decade was doomed.
    80s: Fairly safe decade; only real Furry Bait was the Catillac section of Heathcliff and Gadget right at the end.  Lots of female animal characters, but I don't consider that inherently furbait.
    70s: Disney's Robin Hood.  Not much else, but it was enough.
    60s: Everything here is either "female animal with slight human attributes" or "female cartoon character with almost no sexual appeal."  These things only appeal to people who are actually furries, so it was a safe decade.
    50s and Earlier: There's some pretty weird blatant furbait stuff, the most famous of which probably being that "leg of lamb" joke in that Droopy cartoon.  But the stuff that would show up on TV was always isolated and unlikely to cause any real damage.
  5. Upvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to Gyokuyoutama for a status update, Played some TF2 for old times sake. Got some guy to key on me to the exclusion of all   
    Played some TF2 for old times sake.
    Got some guy to key on me to the exclusion of all other players or goals by saying that gardevoir is a pleb tier pokemon.
  6. Upvote
    hugthebed2 got a reaction from FreshHalibut for a status update, i'm melting send help   
    i'm melting
     send help
  7. Like
    hugthebed2 reacted to tsc for a status update, semi-annual meh   
    semi-annual meh
  8. Like
    hugthebed2 got a reaction from Guy923 for a status update, babe it's almost the end of the month, time to listen to maplestory music all day   
    babe it's almost the end of the month, time to listen to maplestory music all day
  9. Upvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to TheOnlyGuyEver for a status update, Merry merry Christmas everyone!   
    Merry merry Christmas everyone!
  10. Upvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to TheOnlyGuyEver for a status update, I voted for the first time today and then went to McDonalds and got a big cheeseburge   
    I voted for the first time today and then went to McDonalds and got a big cheeseburger.
    I love America!
  11. Like
    hugthebed2 reacted to Gyokuyoutama for a status update, Why does my profile banner never cease to be relevant.   
    Why does my profile banner never cease to be relevant.
  12. Like
    hugthebed2 got a reaction from Huff for a status update, pour one out to all the kids who planted the legendary nectar flower in Chibi Robo 10   
    pour one out to all the kids who planted the legendary nectar flower in Chibi Robo 10+ years ago and haven't gone back for it
  13. Upvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to Gyokuyoutama for a status update, Color=272727   
  14. Upvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to TheOnlyGuyEver for a status update, It's April 3rd this isn't funny anymore guys.   
    It's April 3rd this isn't funny anymore guys.
  15. Upvote
    hugthebed2 got a reaction from Gyokuyoutama for a status update, i was Jaydor the whole time   
    i was Jaydor the whole time
  16. Upvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to Confusedn't for a status update, You ever just remember an old forum you used to frequent exists and check it out, onl   
    You ever just remember an old forum you used to frequent exists and check it out, only to probably forget about it the next day and not look at it again for another three years?
  17. Upvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to Raison d'être for a status update, NVIDIA just released the specs of the GTX 1180... holy shit.   
    NVIDIA just released the specs of the GTX 1180... holy shit.
  18. Upvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to LordCOVID Monkey for a status update, Heya, pals! I’ve been playin’ some TF2 lately (the only game I’m any good at), and I   
    Heya, pals! I’ve been playin’ some TF2 lately (the only game I’m any good at), and I couldn’t help but notice that a bunch of the players have really bad taste in fashion. But that’s ok, because I, LordAIDS Monkey, am here to show you all how it’s done! Yes, today I’d like to share with all of you the BEST TF2 COSMETIC LOADOUTS OF ALL TIME! Yippee! I will share with all you good folks FOUR amazing loadouts for each class, so that you too can play TF2 in style! Here we go!
    Now you know which cosmetic sets you need to hurry up and get! Make it quick, before the trading community notices just how perfect these sets are! Because when they notice them, they’ll be sure to inflate the prices! Anyway, that’s all for now! I hope you all love these wonderful sets as much as I do. If you don’t love them, then you’ve clearly got a bad taste, and are probably some kind of Ear-Bills loving punk! Bye now!
  19. Upvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to LordCOVID Monkey for a status update, Heya, pals. It would seem that I’ve taken up a great task, and I’ll be tiering someth   
    Heya, pals. It would seem that I’ve taken up a great task, and I’ll be tiering something ONCE AGAIN! Only this time, I’m stepping out of my comfort zone, and discussing something that's NOT-TOUHOU. Yikes! This has the potential to get real nasty! But never fear, because when a list is as indisputable as this, there is no room for argument! I present to you all, THE DEFINITIVE 100% ORANGE JUICE TIER LIST!
    The DEFINITIVE 100% Orange Juice Tier List!

    There you have it! 100% Orange Juice, thoroughly ranked in a proper, competent tier! Please remember to be considerate of my feelings, for I am only the messenger of objective fact! If you find yourself disagreeing with this list, then I’ve got news for you…!
  20. Upvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to TheOnlyGuyEver for a status update, Merry Christmas!   
    Merry Christmas!
  21. Upvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to Binary for a status update, I didn't enable the Halloween theme November 2nd this year guys!!!   
    I didn't enable the Halloween theme November 2nd this year guys!!!
  22. Upvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to aabicus for a status update, I got to be in a PCI Gaming L4D2 speedrun! :D   
    I got to be in a PCI Gaming L4D2 speedrun! :D
  23. Downvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to tsc for a status update, I know you guys love when I take unilateral actions so I'm back to do those things.   
    I know you guys love when I take unilateral actions so I'm back to do those things.
  24. Downvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to Mersopolis for a status update, nuuuuuuu graphics card get   
    nuuuuuuu graphics card get
  25. Upvote
    hugthebed2 reacted to Huff for a status update, Just got my driver's license!   
    Just got my driver's license!