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General DeGroot

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Everything posted by General DeGroot

  1. Turns out the machine god is real and is keeping my site's welder together.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      So are you gonna build a shrine?

    2. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      I'd have to explain to my boomer management what it was, and I don't know if I could.

    3. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      On the whole I don't know whether that's a good or bad thing but at least the welder's together.

  2. While you were being a respectable spessman, i was busy getting permabrigged by shitsec and boinked by admins
    we are not the same

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. General DeGroot
    3. Expresate


      which server do you play on?

    4. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      Goonstation 1 usually. I tried paradise and fulpstation, but I can't wrap my head around /tg/ controls as well. That and I have an aversion to using the arrow keys.

  3. fellas, did oldSPUF ever have an Archmage MC as one of its posters? I ran into a dude named that in a 2fort server the other day and it sounded familiar + he carried a lot of the bizarre cynical elitism a lot of the old SPUFians carried

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheOnlyGuyEver


      I remember that guy, BLK I mean

    3. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Yeah I remember BLK, crazy that he's a DSP simp now. Small world I guess.

    4. Gyokuyoutama


      Did a search for "blk_mage_ctype" and got results for him posting on a DSP forum.  So confirmed I guess.

  4. when you think about it, steve harvey is really just dr phil's b skin

    1. TheOnlyGuyEver


      This is not an original thought

    2. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      i'm not a very original person

  5. With Flash being taken behind the shed out back at the end of the year, it really does feel like the golden age of the internet is officially over, with the internet now turning entirely into a corporate hegemony with no attempt for anything that isn't monetized.
    Is this how the cowboys felt? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gyokuyoutama


      One of the reasons my windows 7 computer is still being used by me is for flash files.


      Last version of walfas create.swf is saved on that hard drive.

    3. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Anyone that would make flash games is now probably making phone games instead, with in-app purchases of course.

    4. Gyokuyoutama


      In the twilight days of flash games microtransactions were pretty common, so that's almost certain.

  6. Why is GOG hellbent on sending me deals that look like spam?

    1. Gyokuyoutama


      GoG's management has went downhill in the last year.  Galaxy 2.0 is a joke.  Support is almost worse than Steam.


      They still dig up lots of games that I thought vanished from the face of the Earth and they still do a good job making them run hassle-free on modern OS's so I'll still support them but I don't like the trajectory.

  7. nothing quite says "pandemic" like my boss at the dojo saying he might have to lay me off.

    1. TheOnlyGuyEver


      Dojo like karate?

    2. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      Yep. Might be the thing that gets me into a better job where I can actually have a social life again, so I welcome it.

  8. lord help me i'm back on tf2's bullshit. Currently running Comanglia's toaster config and I'm only getting 30 FPS. Any suggestions?

    1. Veez


      I've heard good things about masterconfig.

  9. Decimated becomes less of an intimidating physical threat once you understand its true meaning.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Ritualized? Man come on the worst that can happen from being ritualized is getting clap from the stripper dad bought you for your 18th birthday.

    3. TheOnlyGuyEver


      It gets worse when you have to convert the guy to a fraction after.

    4. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Decimated is pretty bad if your compiler always rounds down tho

  10. nearly 80 people used to post here... now, it's a ghost town.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être


    3. Gyokuyoutama


      I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.  Hundreds baited by obvious pony threads.  I watched posters struggle to obtain worthless fireaxes by completing arbitrary challenges in a dying game.  All those moments will be gone now, like tears in the rain.

    4. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      I still whack my jag every night, in remembrance of what was lost. Among other reasons.

  11. Cracked open a monster ultra zero recently, now can't stop listening to Metallica/Alice in Chains and complaining about how much better games were back then


    1. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      I used to pick up packs of those from the Dollar General and have one of those a day back when I was no-lifing Warframe with the boys last year, those were the best times I will ever have on this earth.

  12. happy birthday to the most homicidal, suicidal, genocidal monster on this board with depression

    when will the pain stop

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheOnlyGuyEver


      Happy birthday!

    3. Expresate


      It's okay. I got you a present. The whole sudetenland! 

    4. Huff
  13. minecraft good fortnite bad please give e-money

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheOnlyGuyEver
    3. Gyokuyoutama


      I'm going to say something that may be controversial but I'm prepared to accept the backlash.


      Team Fortress 2 is a better game than Fortnite.

    4. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      bud lite > fort nite

  14. Big Lincoln sends you to Hell!

  15. why the hell'd they change the format back i was just getting used to the dead threads being at the top

  16. DAY 15 GIVE IT UP FOR DAY 15

    1. TheOnlyGuyEver


      "Wait, what's going on? Whoa, whoa!"

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      *Plankton laughing*

  17. General DeGroot

    In Which Rynjin Shills Himself

    Apart from pseudo-choreographing it irl, I'd search some sparring matches up online. For pure striking, do Karate and Kickboxing, for grappling do Judo and BJJ, and for a mix try Sambo and MMA. Kung Fu guys rarely spar as a rule.
  18. General DeGroot

    In Which Rynjin Shills Himself

    fucking sold EDIT: Just gonna drop my thoughts from my first impressions as some chucklefuck with full-time employment as a sifu/whatever the hell my dojang's equivalent is 1: Good idea using Kung Fu, namely five animals as your martial arts base - There's a lot of diversity in those combined arts which allows for a lot of freedom of explanation - Although I personally found it difficult to read my way through the initial combat scene. Maybe run it through with a friend while trying to keep a straight face. 2: The concept of some esoteric psychonaut-fu that lacks the usage of Qi automatically puts you in my good graces and tactfully covers the Qi energy field bullshit side of martial arts rather well 3: I have taught six-year-olds. The fact they managed to sit entirely silent for what in writing sounds like several hours is what most would consider a miracle. I need to learn this style of disciplinary action that hopefully doesn't involve a bamboo stick.

    1. hugthebed2


      Round a Red Rock Blasters, EXTRA Sugar around the rim.

  20. Just so we're all in the know, the winter hunger games are liable to happen on the 22nd, with a possible break because i'm obligated to go to my dojang's christmas party. That or it won't happen because tight scheduling.

  21. >When you take a shit so hard you give yourself a headache

    1. LordCOVID Monkey

      LordCOVID Monkey

      This status update gave me a headache.

    2. Raison d'être
    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Did you shit your brains out?

  22. General DeGroot

    The Thread that Makes you go Hmmm

    Unless the eastern bloc countries are at the center of the world. Then it'd be some west coast pothead hanging off the edge of it.
  23. A Hat in Time has to easily be the coziest game I've ever played. Sitting my ass down in my comfiest clothing while it rains outside playing this game is a real treat.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheOnlyGuyEver


      Coziest game? Cozy game...


      Huh. I don't know. I never thought about that...


      Maybe "Snowball!" by Pixeljam.

    3. Gyokuyoutama


      You better not be lying about this because I need some comfiness right about now and I don't want to have wasted twenty bucks.

    4. Huff


      yeah 100% cozy, it's exactly what you're looking for

  24. General DeGroot

    It's Time to Place Your Bets

    remember when they made a big-ass, full-page piece of artwork for their updates apparently they fuckin' don't
  25. Welcome to the Salty Spitoon, how tough are ya?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      HOW TOUGH AM I?! I started maining Heavy!

      And I'm not ashamed.

    3. John Caveson
    4. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      I play Silent Hunter 3 at full realism because I'm just that much of a badass.


      Now if you'll excuse me I need to go get depth charged by a destroyer for 45 minutes because I missed my torpedoes by a country mile.
