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  1. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from A 1970 Corvette in TIAM: Entertainment Stuff   
    Hey I haven't said a word this time
  2. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from Idiot Cube in Barely Useful Superpowers   
    You have the ability to instantly fall a sleep when your head hits the pillow and sleep for 8 hours, no more, no less
  3. Upvote
    Raze reacted to Primal Phoenix in TF2 general   
    Don't ban me
  4. Upvote
    Raze reacted to Paero in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
    Inc Monthly Fighting Game rant :^)
    Chunfag coming through
    To say that's a fix is like saying "My car now runs properly, because I went from having no tyres to having severely worn out tires". She does look better than before, without a doubt but comparatively to her models in other games its frankly atrocious.
    Her SFIV model is from 2008 and looks better
    Her MVCIII model looks better and is from 2011 (definitely not her best model, but still far better than the MVCI one and considering MVC3 was a 3v3 game I suppose the models couldnt be as high res, since there would be more on screen at one time due to assists)
    Her SFXT model, while presumably just ripped from SFIV, is good
    and her SFV model is from 2016 and looks better too
    the MVCI model is STILL atrocious, and I honestly cant understand how people like Fillipinochamp can say "Oh she looks good now".
    And it's completely obvious what the problem is. It's the shape of her face.
    Look at this chart. Every other model she's had has had her with a diamond/heart shaped face, whereas in MVCI she has a square shaped face. It's ridiculous that this is how simple the problem is, it's like whoever made her model just didn't bother to look at any of her previous designs and just went ahead and did their own thing. And that's not even going into the fact that her costume just looks completely flat.

    If I had to pick one word to describe MVCI it would be "fine". The models are "fine" (cus characters are just functions amiright xD) you can tell which character is which. The UI is fine, you can tell how much meter you have and how much health you have. The roster is fine, there are multiple known characters from each franchises universe. Hell, I've not played it myself but from what I've heard the gameplay is actually good, so I guess maybe the game has that going for it.
    But honestly the promotion for the game has been crazy. You have people like FChamp, KBrad and JWong who (knowingly or not) are in Capcoms pocket and have an investment in the game being successful. Throughout the runup to the release NOBODY who had early copies gave any solid answers about what made the game good, every time one of them was asked on twitter what made the game so good, they would just respond with "Oh trust me, when you get your hands on it you'll know".
    Cheers for that you utter fucking cunt. You complete fucking shit scum fucking shill. Cheers for telling me to throw down my money and but the fucking game and THEN I'll know what's good about it. Cheers for not giving any solid fucking responses because you know that at the end of the day the only thing Marvel might have going for it is the gameplay, and once you say what's good about that you'll have nothing left to say about the rest of the game.
    It fucking saddens me so much, as I've made it (obnoxiously) clear in the past, I love SFIV. As a matter of fact I love the entire Street Fighter franchise. Despite my personal problems with SFV I'll concede that the game looks very polished, is at a base level satisfying to play (in so far as hitting a move feels fun, and impactful) and nowadays has a pretty decent roster. It has it's problems and despite the fact that if I ran the world everyone would play SFIV, I can admit that I see the appeal in it. But when I see MVCI I genuinely wonder if Capcom are just playing a game of "lets see how little effort we cant put into a game and still have it sell". They took the few things that SFV did well and just threw them out of the fucking window.
    THAT makes me sad.
    But there's shit that makes me actively angry.
    At the expense of sounding like I'm 'gatekeeping' or being elitest, it annoys me when I see fucking idiots who have obviously never played any fighting game before PAST the stage of button mashing, or playing casual matches against friends, praising MVCI. Their arguments are always the same. They're always "It has characters I like"  (fine, thats acceptable), "It's just fun to play!" (great, in what way?), and the WORST praise to give any fighting game imo: "Combos are easy". The "Combos are easy" praise is without a doubt the BIGGEST fucking signal of someone who'll pick up the game, play it on an extremely casual level, and then throw it away. They want that immediate satisfaction of playing the game WITHOUT putting in the effort that a more complex fighter would require. Praising a game for having easy combos is a bad thing because it means that you simply can't have that gap between a low level player and a high level player that would inspire the worse player to get better.
    This is a comment I saw on a PC Gamer article about MVCI on Facebook.

    It royally fucks me off that people like this who obviously don't play the fucking genre are being catered to. They make arguments about how fighting games nowadays are just combo simulators which require 50-100 frame perfect executions in order to be able to play at all. It's obvious to anyone who has actually played a fighting game that this isn't true, but people like this would rather blow shit out of proportion and say the genre is at fault, than admit what is really the case. That they're shit at the game. And they always make the same "Oh back in the 90's it was simpler and SOOOO much better" argument, when in reality they mean "I played SFII once and now feel that my opinion is worth shit because that's the earliest game in the franchise, and therefore I am obviously an OG of the scene who knows what they're talking about".
    I'm sick of it. I'm sick of people defending Capcom in making a "fine" game when they've demonstrated perfectly well in the past that they're capable of so much more. Capcom are meant to be the leaders in the Fighting Game genre, and it's obvious that at this point that they're just coasting off their previous successes in Fighting Games, and just pumping out new Monster Hunter games for the big bucks.
    Fuck Capcom, and fuck people who try to defend their actions. MVCI is the culmination of all the shitty business practices Capcom have made since Street Fighter X Tekken and it makes me actively happy that Marvel has flopped so badly, that on it's release week it has been outsold by Pokken on the Switch, a game that has been out since 2015.
  5. Upvote
    Raze reacted to Paero in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    Insomnia 61 was a goo d Lan
    Just a groups of good boys

  6. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from Paero in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
    It's an annoying thing to say when getting people into something but FFXIV does just get better the more you play and get further into the Main story quests. It's became my most played game on steam now
  7. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from Paero in Ben has been kidnapped   
    We've already got our first victim
  8. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from A 1970 Corvette in Recommend ONE (1) thing   
    So a huge let down then?
  9. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from A 1970 Corvette in Recommend ONE (1) thing   
    So a huge let down then?
  10. Upvote
    Raze reacted to hugthebed2 in Marc Laidlaw leaks HL2:E3's story   
    Where's my nigga Adrian Shephard?
    And Barney never got us that beer :(
  11. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from Raison d'être in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
  12. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from Raison d'être in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
  13. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from Paero in Random Image Thread: Animu Edition   
    Do guilty gear girls count as anime?
  14. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from Silent in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
    Yes indeed FFXIV also know Final Fantasy: XIV Online is indeed a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online role play game)
    The current specs are really basic and anyone can play the game with a regular laptop truly a revolution in the gaming age I highly recommend it fellow gamers! 
    The tragedies of the Calamity are not so easily forgotten.... 
  15. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from Paero in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
    I'm pretty sure original dev team for ff14 had people who created ff11 though I know that the original producer and director did at least 
    The real problem was that they were stuck in the past thinking that they could do the same stuff they did in XI and not catching up with the times it was until Yoshi P came along and took the reins that they the game began to be a little enjoyable even in 1.0.  
    Noclip did a really good video series on how the development team reacted to the failure and rise.
  16. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from Kraszu in What song are you listening to RIGHT now?   
  17. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from John Caveson in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
  18. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from John Caveson in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
  19. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from John Caveson in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
  20. Upvote
  21. Upvote
    Raze reacted to Paero in TF2 general   
    *level 1 Blood Elf warrior logs on next to me*
    Me: It's a boy!
  22. Upvote
    Raze reacted to Paero in TF2 general   
  23. Upvote
    Raze reacted to Wulff in E3 2017   
    I didn't contend that. You're confusing me trying to outline more clearly what I believed Paero's point was with my own opinions. You seem to be arguing with me from a totally different base of understanding. You haven't showed why anything is bullshit, all you've done is jump down the throat of another user without reading his post properly, misrepresenting what he said in his post out of either ignorance, laziness or malice, given him unwarranted attitude for no fucking reason other than your own misplaced outrage and then continued to argue points that no one with half a brain would ever disagree on.
    By the way, it's been several posts now and you still haven't showed us where Paero stated that he didn't want high level players to receive their "due renumeration"
    Do you really think that this conclusion is an honest summary of Paero's original post. Do you really think that?
    You should probably retract your last four or so posts in this thread as a whole tbh.
  24. Upvote
    Raze got a reaction from Primal Phoenix in E3 2017   
    The awe inspiring powers of a primal competitive tf2 player
  25. Upvote
    Raze reacted to Wulff in E3 2017   
    Right, it leads back to what you said. Not what Paero said. Originally you concluded that Paero quote "wanted to be able to watch an esport without the players getting any of the remuneration they deserve from being at the top of a highly competitive and incredibly skilled game" unquote. I ask again, at what point did he say that? You seem to be reaching conclusions that simply does not exist in his original post and rather you are extrapolating meaning from his words that isn't there.
    Posing the question of why high level players should even bother playing the game if they can't make a living out of it seems incredibly redundant. Anyone with the slightest bit of common sense would be able to conclude that they shouldn't. If there is not enough money to go around within a competitive scene of any given game, then it would be a disastrous financial decision for anyone to try to make a living off of it. If you start letting a game you love and the time you dedicate to playing and improving at it influence your daily life, such as the example you give with showing up for work late or tired, then you're a fucking idiot. Nothing more to it and I am not sure what argument you're trying to establish with that example.

    As for your point about competitive scenes without proper monetary support artificially limiting the highest skill limit that players are able to show, I agree.
    I don't agree completely, but I agree to an extent. Will you concede that it isn't necessarily a problem for all competitive games? Are you of the belief that if there isn't enough money in the competitive scene of a game to incentivize players going at it as a full-time job and pushing themselves to limits they would not be able to while also maintaining an education or a job outside of playing the game, then the game is not worth the time or the effort? What do you think of the idea of letting a game run its natural course and not trying to keep it alive by pumping money into it? Do you think that no one should ever bother playing games competitively because it might die out after some time and in that case the time investment is not worth it? Do you think that games that develop regional communities independent of each other are worse than games that incorporate everyone internationally?
    I'm not even sure what the point of this paragraph is. Please elaborate on why stating facts that no one has disagreed with was necessary.
    I never stated it was accurate for all games, it was an unspecified example I propped up in order to make Paero's original point more clear. You're arguing points that no one ever contested.
    Keyword being 'probably'.