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Everything posted by Gyokuyoutama

  1. Something I've always wondered: Do people in the US generally have to deal with Canadian quarters getting mixed in with US currency?  Or is this just a northern border state problem?

    1. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      That never happens to me. But those dollar coins from the vending machine at work might as well be foreign currency.

    2. TheOnlyGuyEver


      I've seen one of those once in a coin collection.

    3. hugthebed2


      I always saved every piece of foreign currency I got as a kid, I think in my home state I've only ever gotten 3 canadian pieces of currency. Got more on many vacations though.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  2. Remember, theme goes to SPUFOrange or you get grabbed by the ghoulies.

  3. The most annoying conversation with IT:


    IT: "I'm sorry, what you described is impossible."


    Me: "Well, it's happening.  I can replicate the problem exactly."


    IT: "No, we programmed things so that couldn't happen.  You must be experiencing a different problem."

  4. The real reason that I am learning Japanese is so that one day I may get all of my news from yukkuris.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      I started learning so I could read porn game dialogue without needing a TL hack

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      I started learning because I had a GE requirement to fulfill. Then I stopped learning.


    1. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      User has been VAC banned.

      Reason given: Spelled "git gud" wrong.

    2. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être


    3. TheOnlyGuyEver


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  6. 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

    1. hugthebed2


      can't believe i'm dead

    2. Gyokuyoutama


      Sorry about the tired payoff.  Maybe this will be more to your liking:




      Since this one is more obtuse than the last one I'll give a couple of hints: First, this should be viewed as a number, but you'll want to look at it in a different way.  Second, notepad with wordwrap will help

    3. Expresate


      lol. That's actually cute.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  7. Less than 2 months until mlp is kill forever.

    1. Expresate


      O frabjous day! Calloo, callay!

    2. TheOnlyGuyEver
    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      I guess the real magic was the friends we made along the way.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  8. Color=272727

    1. hugthebed2


      262626 master race

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      how did you post an empty status????

  9. VERY fast fox moving at incredibly hihg speeds:



    1. Expresate
    2. LordCOVID Monkey

      LordCOVID Monkey

      I think it was running from the Furries.

    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Tails has finally had enough of Sonic's bullshit.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  10. I can't not read that sheep pokemon's name as Wololo

    1. TheOnlyGuyEver
    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      You're dumb.

      *shirt changes from red to blue*

      Actually you're totally right.

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      First everyone called rattata "ratatat" now everyone's gonna be calling wooloo wololo

  11. Never trust an elf.

    1. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      Pointy eared leaf lovers!

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Around elves watch yourselves

    3. John Caveson

      John Caveson


      Never trust anyone*


    4. Show next comments  9 more
  12. How does Kemomimichan get the meat?



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Bullshit, you need two tails to do that!

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      How does Tails fly in sonic anyway wouldn't the tails get twisted up

    4. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Clearly he has some sort of rotary mechanism on his ass, just like a helicopter.

    5. Show next comments  9 more
  13. Time for a definitive list of the Top 25 Virtual Youtubers.




    25: Vangumi


    Really he should be lower since there's plenty of VTubers out there better than him, but I want to mention him and I'm not ranking more than 25.  He's the host of a Virtual Youtube talk show which is a boring format and so already he isn't great.  But I'll never forgive him for taking over Nekomasu's channel, even if it was done at Nekomasu's suggestion.


    24: Mirai Akari


    As one of the "four great kings" of virtual youtube, it might be a surprise to see her so low.  But honestly she was the most bland of the early stars, and she gets lowered for the same reasons that Vangumi does, i.e. taking over the channel of another virtual youtuber (in this case Eilene).  She is also by far the most corporate channel now, with many of her old videos privated for being too advertiser unfriendly and even getting a redesign to avoid showing off her midriff.


    23: YUA


    Not a lot to say here, she's even blander than Mirai Akari but she's never really anything to annoy me.  Her Engrish videos are amusing, otherwise there's not a lot to her.


    22: Noracat


    The virtual cat with a vocaloid voice who got exposed as actually being a guy all along and not a real catgirl.  There's not any huge issue with Noracat's content, but it's almost exclusively long livestreams of games and VRChat sessions, neither of which I'm into.


    21: Azuma Lim


    Decent variety of content, good motion capture, character design isn't annoying.  But nothing too exceptional either.




    20: Laki


    Pretty cute design I guess.  Might get you on a watchlist.


    19: Siro


    The next of the four great kings to appear on the list.  Similar to Mirai Akari in terms of how much she is getting pushed, but she has much better gameplay content, generally has better interactions with other channels and speaks in English sometimes.  Dolphin noises vary between being endearing and annoying.  Her heavy breathing can be great.  But her put on voice gets annoying pretty quick.


    18: Tokino Sora


    The mom of the VTube community.  Pretty decent singing voice, can be amusing, never really got on my nerves.  She probably just missed being one of the four greats due to the timing of the situation, but I don't think anyone hates her.


    17: Natsumi Moe


    The first (and only) English language channel on this list.  In many ways she's the platonic form a western fujoshi, but somehow I don't hate her.  She's better when she is interacting with the rest of the Eilene clan, but unfortunately that happens less and less.


    16: Nanahoshi Suzu


    This is the channel I go to to wonder what the hell is going on, especially since none of her videos have been subtitled.  She has a interest in weird parts of western culture, like the works of David Cronenberg, so much of the time I'm just confirming that she is in fact referencing what I think she is (even if I can't fully understand the reference).  Has made so many Watamote videos that this may as well be the second season.



    15: Baacharu


    His position on this work is not so much because I enjoy his videos, but because I can respect what he's done.  He was another early pioneer that didn't get recognition at the time despite being "the first male virtual youtuber."  His enthusiasm is always obvious.  More recently, he's essentially started acting as a VTube producer (most notably of Siro) and he seems to be doing a decent job of it.  It also makes it trivial for him to collabs.


    14: Cocoa


    (Or is it Coco? Kokoa? Who knows.)  She's mainly on here because she's a spin off of game club project, which we'll discuss later.


    13: Omega Sisters


    First Duo on the list.  I've always thought having a group can make things like Let's Plays more entertaining, since the people in the group can play off each other and keep a nice rhthym of the conversation going.  (Of course, you can get an even better product through using a premade script which is well researched and revised multiple times, but no one does that).  They gave us the "view 100 recommended videos in a row" technique which always leads to interesting results.  If you're not going to ask any questions about Rio, I'm not going to bring up that topic.


    12: Moemi


    The eternally 2D and eternally abused Virtual Wife.  Apparently the voice actress has gone through a lot of real life health issues, which has prevented her from appearing more often.  She works great as a straight man to the antics of others, but struggles a bit on her own.


    11: Shizuka Rin


    Aka that vtuber that sang "Country Roads" while playing a bus simulator.  I know that I've disqualified other vtubers for essentially just posting livestreams, and she does the same thing, so maybe she should be lower on the list.  Honestly, I put her higher mainly because it isn't hard to find highlight videos so that you don't have to sit through two+ hours.  I also like that she switches up her character design frequently.




    10. Nekomiya Hinata


    Probably the best of the VTubers in terms of gameplay skill shown in videos.  Additionally this is the only channel I know of which has the ears of the model tied in with the facetracking.  Adds a lot to see the ears perk up in surprise or droop down in sadness.  While this is another channel with corporate backing, she feels less like a spokesman for a channel and more like someone just playing a game.


    9. Hime Hina


    Another duo.  As usual you have the hyperactive one and the straightman.  Some sketches, some games, some songs.  They play off each other pretty well whatever they are doing.


    8. Ruki Roki


    I'll be honest: I could say almost the exact same things that I did for Hime Hina.  But they're foxgirls, so they get the higher spot.


    7. Fuji Aoi


    While she does a lot of stuff, you're here for the singing.  She undoubtably has the best singing voice of any VTuber, and it's no surprise that she was the first one to get gigs for public appearances.  Her channel has perhaps limited appeal in that her non song videos aren't very good, but when she is good she is better than almost every channel on this list.


    6. Kizuna Ai

    The big boss.  She wasn't the first VTuber, but there's no doubt that without her the fad wouldn't have become as big as it has.  Her success isn't accidental: she's a natural entertainer (despite being terrible at pretty much everything else she tries) and she is constantly adding new elements to her videos.  Even now rather than simply pumping out the same videos that have served her well, she is going forward with some weird plotline about there being 4 different Kizuna Ais.




    5. Eilene


    A VTuber denied her channel.  Despite being one of the pioneers in the genre, predating Kizuna Ai by over a year, there is no real home for her content. In fact Mirai Akari's channel is her original channel (you'll note that it is actually "bitconnect" which is mentioned in some old Eilene vids).  Luckily she originally posted to several channels in different languages, or she would be almost entirely gone.  Now you can mainly find her stuff on Natsumi Moe's channel (which used to be for English reuploads of Eilene videos) and Yomemi's channel (which she created and where she frequently guest stars).  Anyway, as for an actual review, Eilene's videos are obviously the product of someone passionate about making content, and who isn't afraid to push the boundaries.  You aren't going to see Ebola-chan on any of the major channels.  Eilene's channels were one of the few VTube channels to try to set up an ongoing plotine, as if it were a TV show, rather than simply mimicking the content of non-virtual youtubers.  It's frequently very rough, but clearly a product of love.


    4. Game Club Project


    This is a group of 4 characters.  This is essentially what you would get if you took Eilene's TV-show esque format (mixed with some let's plays) but actually put money into it.  I want to say that it's also more grounded and less extreme and bizarre than Eilene's work, but honestly there are some pretty weird videos (I've posted the one where Siro shows up and tries to eat half the cast, but it ends up being a ruse to capture Santa and drink his blood to become immortal.)  This channel reminds me the most of SPUF as well.


    3. Yomemi


    Essentially a replacement for Moemi, who has essentially become a replacement for Eilene.  Why Yomemi is up here is her enthusiasm and constant joy.  It's impossible to listen to her and not feel at least a little uplifted.  She also has a lot of bizarre experiment videos where she tries dangerous or disgusting things, never showing a hint of fear or revulsion.


    2. Kaguya Luna


    Really I should hate Moon-chan due to her forced zaniness and her inability to take anything seriously.  But somehow it's incredibly endearing.  It helps that she posts less frequently and doesn't go long in her videos, so it never feels like she's just extending the length to get a paycheck and go home.  I know this doesn't sound like a huge endorsement, but seriously, she's great.  It's just impossible to put into words why that is.


    1. Nekomasu


    If you've paid attention to me blabbing on about VTubers in the past, you know this was coming.  One of the "4 Great Kings", but the one which really came from absolutely nowhere.  In November 2017 he didn't think he'd have even a thousand subscribers, by January 2018, he was a superstar.  He wears his heart on his sleeve and you can see how much trouble it is for him to make his videos, which makes their high quality all the more impressive.  It also helps that his tastes are almost identical to my own.  He's essentially quit the VTube scene, and I understand why.  I'm still pissed about his channel being used for other purposes, but I don't hold that against him.


    Okay, now the Monkey has to do the real definitive top 25.


    1. Gyokuyoutama


      That's not what AIDSMonkey would have done though.

    2. LordCOVID Monkey

      LordCOVID Monkey

      I don't have a dedicated Monster Girl thread, though. Also I don't know anything about virtual YouTubers, so I gotta hit the books before I can share my knowledge.

    3. Moby
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  14. In a similar vein to aabicus's question, has anyone heard of Dick Bong?

    1. aabicus


      I have not

    2. General DeGroot
    3. LordCOVID Monkey

      LordCOVID Monkey

      With a name like that, how could I forget?

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. Time to make the forum private again.

    1. TheOnlyGuyEver


      What happened?

    2. LordCOVID Monkey

      LordCOVID Monkey

      Some guest user made multiple threads with links to Viagra stuff. It's not as interesting as it sounds.

    3. aabicus


      Not as good as the “Free British bathrooms” guy on another forum I frequent. Viagra bot needs to up his game

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  16. Gyokuyoutama

    Reaction Image Thread: Animu Edition

    Meanwhile, in the other boat game:
  17. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    You can't just leak the script of the live action Minecraft movie like that.
  18. Sometimes we even get 5 posts in a day.
  19. Gyokuyoutama

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    Best white common in the set.
  20. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Unreal Tournament 2004 is basically "Unreal Tournament 2003: Special Edition." Most of the features are carried over, with 2004 having more features. That being said, there are things unique to UT2K3, such as the way the tournament mode worked (for example, the UT2K3 tournament had a team deathmatch ladder, which was replaced by an assault ladder in UT2K4, there was a different opening cutscene, and the final boss challenge was different.) and I think some of the weapons worked slightly differently. So I can understand wanting it. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be available anywhere. Even the in-store collection Unreal Anthology didn't have UT2K3, though it did have the older original Unreal Tournament and UT2K4.
  21. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    On a whim I decided to see which Epic games were actually available on the Epic Game Store. Was pretty surprised by how few there were there. I started by looking for ZZT, Jazz Jackrabbit, Tyrian and Epic Pinball which I didn't really expect to find and which weren't there. But I expected to see at least one of the Gears of War games or an Unreal game other than this new pre-alpha Unreal Tournament. It's kind of funny that a lot of Epic games are effectively Gog or Steam exclusives.
  22. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Yeah, scooby doo sounds right. There were a fair number of cgi + live action movies before that, but they generally tried to keep the cgi designs close to the original cartoon design. (Whether they succeeded is another matter, but that's what they aimed for). See for example the Rocky and Bullwinkle movie or Dino in that Flintstones movie (though some of that was animatronic). Scooby Doo seems to be where they decided to go the route of "what if we use some sort of bizarre hybrid between the existing design and what a real life living organism would look like. Surely this won't end up looking like an unholy abomination."
  23. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    It's like they are trying to piss people off. Making a mouth that creepy in cgi takes work.