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<Witty Name>

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  1. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Cretler in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
    And so the Sonic cycle continues...

  2. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Simon in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
    I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.
  3. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Skye in Overwatch   
    Swiggity swooty I'm blinkin' for dat booty.
  4. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to tsc in The IT thread.   
    > flash drives
    > not http://hackedgadgets.com/2011/08/31/counterfeit-chinese-usb-hard-drive/
  5. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Doopliss2008 in Touhou Containment Thread   
  6. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Raison d'être in Payday General   
    Today I learned that the flag pole with low enough health with zerker and iron man one shots every normal cop uncharged and charged can kill tazers in one hit.

  7. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from Spycicle in High Tech toys   
    g-get wrekt n-nerd
    I don't have any RC stuff myself, although I do have access to several labs full of very expensive high tech toys. I should make a thread about those.
    I do want to try an Airsoft gun sometime, though.
  8. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from Mersopolis in ESA hits a comet with a washing machine   
    We have to make sure there aren't any space nazis hiding on it
  9. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from ICBMoose in ESA hits a comet with a washing machine   
    The Rosetta probe has successfully landed on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. It didn't secure itself properly, however, and wound up bouncing, placing it in a possibly unstable location with less than ideal sunlight.
    Here're some of the pictures from the probe.
    XKCD had a cute little play-by-play comic about it. You can see all of the panels here
    It's a mindblowing achievement, given the distances involved. It will be interesting to see what they make of the situation.
  10. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from Cretler in Atheros driver   
    You should be able to restore it by downloading the drivers onto another machine, loading them onto a flash drive, copying them onto the laptop, and installing them there.
    What's your laptop brand/model? That should help pin down the version you need.
    Also, I presume this is an issue with getting on the Internet wirelessly. You should be able to plug your computer directly into a router with an Ethernet cable, although that hinges on your laptop actually having an Ethernet port.
  11. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Paero in we media now   
  12. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Batty Batterson in post your for old time's sake...   
  13. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from ICBMoose in ESA hits a comet with a washing machine   
    The Rosetta probe has successfully landed on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. It didn't secure itself properly, however, and wound up bouncing, placing it in a possibly unstable location with less than ideal sunlight.
    Here're some of the pictures from the probe.
    XKCD had a cute little play-by-play comic about it. You can see all of the panels here
    It's a mindblowing achievement, given the distances involved. It will be interesting to see what they make of the situation.
  14. Upvote
  15. Upvote
  16. Upvote
  17. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Paero in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
    Choose your words carefully

  18. Upvote
  19. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from Mersopolis in ESA hits a comet with a washing machine   
    We have to make sure there aren't any space nazis hiding on it
  20. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Idiot Cube in ESA hits a comet with a washing machine   
    No, but we will be able to capture comets and use them for space rodeos.
  21. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to alexgndl in ESA hits a comet with a washing machine   
    Well, we don't really actually know all that much about the actual composition of comets.  They're not quite asteroids-aka big balls of rock or metal.  They're sometimes described as big space snowballs, which while being a gross oversimplification is kinda close to the mark.  But besides that, we didn't even know if we could even land on a comet until yesterday-there were worries that the probe would simply sink into the surface, or any other number of catastrophic events.  Now that Philae's up and running, we're going to get so much stuff about what makes these things work.
    Like Kay said, it was also practice for other things.  The probe carried an experimental harpoon landing system.  Basically you fire at the object and reel yourself in with it.  I don't think it actually worked (I believe it failed to fire?) but it's an idea that's been suggested to use when landing on smaller bodies.  Remember, shit like asteroids or comets have negligible gravity, so even if we can get into an orbit around one, that doesn't necessarily mean that landing is going to be easy (or even possible) with the aid of what little gravity there is.  This is a system designed to land and attach probes (and maybe eventually spacecraft) in situations where you can't trust the object you're landing on to keep you stuck to itself.
  22. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to A 1970 Corvette in ESA hits a comet with a washing machine   
  23. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from ICBMoose in ESA hits a comet with a washing machine   
    The Rosetta probe has successfully landed on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. It didn't secure itself properly, however, and wound up bouncing, placing it in a possibly unstable location with less than ideal sunlight.
    Here're some of the pictures from the probe.
    XKCD had a cute little play-by-play comic about it. You can see all of the panels here
    It's a mindblowing achievement, given the distances involved. It will be interesting to see what they make of the situation.
  24. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from ICBMoose in ESA hits a comet with a washing machine   
    The Rosetta probe has successfully landed on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. It didn't secure itself properly, however, and wound up bouncing, placing it in a possibly unstable location with less than ideal sunlight.
    Here're some of the pictures from the probe.
    XKCD had a cute little play-by-play comic about it. You can see all of the panels here
    It's a mindblowing achievement, given the distances involved. It will be interesting to see what they make of the situation.
  25. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Binary in The IT thread.   
    Yep. Install CM11 first. I also really like pushbullet if you use your phone and computer.
    Did you have a smartphone before?