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Idiot Cube

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  1. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Huff in Game Grumps   
    Well, tumblr.
  2. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Mersopolis in share your worst jokes   
    What did Helen Keller name her dog?

    Did you know that Helen Keller had a pool in her backyard?

    Why wasn't Helen Keller allowed to drive?

  3. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from FrozenFirebug in TF2 general   
    No, this is just Mersop trying to convince us that his plastic nunchucks were a worthwhile purchase.
  4. Upvote
  5. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from FrozenFirebug in TF2 general   
    No, this is just Mersop trying to convince us that his plastic nunchucks were a worthwhile purchase.
  6. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from FrozenFirebug in TF2 general   
    No, this is just Mersop trying to convince us that his plastic nunchucks were a worthwhile purchase.
  7. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from Doopliss2008 in Cute stuff.   
  8. Upvote
  9. Upvote
  10. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Binary in Binary Models   
    Taking a break from the new TR healmet for a while, brainstorming some new concepts.
    Until then, have some progression:

  11. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Simon in The Reaction Pictures Thread   
  12. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Simon in Pokemon   
  13. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Grobag in share your worst jokes   
    A Buddhist monk walks up to a hotdog stand and says, "make me one with everything".
  14. Upvote
  15. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from Doopliss2008 in Cute stuff.   
  16. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Spycicle in Banning the Word "Bossy"   
    No, he's Razputin
  17. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to John Caveson in Banning the Word "Bossy"   
    How the hell do you ban a word?

    I'm all for equality, but this is sexist in itself in the most ironic way.

    Secondly, it's like Spycicle said, equality comes at a price. If you want equality, fine, guess what? No more benefits like maternity leave, I don't care that your in labor, i'm docking it from your pay. No more segregated bathrooms, have fun getting harrased way more than you already are. No more separate sport teams, good luck trying to tackle all of those burly men in football. No more chivalry, you slap me, I punch you in the face, man or woman. No more opening doors, or seating you, do it yourself. Women get drafted into the military, so that child might not grow up without a father OR a mother. And that is even assuming if equality is possible at all.

    Because at the end of the day, equality is just simply impossible, genetically, physically, and mentally impossible. In general, men are physically superior than women, women are mentally superior to men. Yes I know there are women as strong and ripped as champion male wrestlers (they all look fugly and unnatural BTW), and yes, some of the world's smartest minds are from men. But that does not dispute that in GENERAL, this is how it works out. So basically, feminists are fighting a lost cause, because unless evolution takes hold and makes the human race all asexual, gender equality will never happen.

    Plus, feminists really shouldn't be complaining all that much. Daniel Tosh explains it humorously in one of his stand up shows:

    In the U.S.:


    In most other countries:

    House cat

    All in all, this is just simply pathetic.
  18. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from Arm the Homeless in subSPUFCraft   
    From what I can tell, a certain someone dug in the wrong direction and landed in Veez territory.
  19. Upvote
  20. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Just a Gigolo in Banning the Word "Bossy"   
    Maybe later.
    You are if you're making special rules for them because you believe they can't succeed without them.
    They do have better vocal and multitasking abilities for a reason you know.
    I'm not, you are under the assumption all girls are oppressed leaders. If someone was a strong leader in the making being called bossy wouldn't stop them. It would only stop the socially obsessed bossy girls.
    The "Everyone gets a trophy" mentality doesn't encourage people to succede, it just makes them entitled. Banning a word because you need a scapegoat is never right.
    Don't really like cargo-shorts, but I guess bloodless ones are probably better.

  21. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Raison d'être in Banning the Word "Bossy"   
    What is the difference between a girl being called "bossy" for being assertive and a boy being called "weak", "gay", "pussy", or "sissy" for showing kindness and gentleness? Why does only the former deserve attention?
  22. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Just a Gigolo in Banning the Word "Bossy"   
    Maybe women are more bossy then men. I'd say blame the princess attitude parents program their daughters with.
    Who isn't discouraged and berated from a young age? If they can't take criticism as a kid, they won't when they're an adult. Being a leader means sacrificing being liked, and if you care more about popularity than leadership, it sucks to be you. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
    They're saying girls are too weak to handle being called bossy, so we have to make special rules for them. That's pretty sexist if you ask me.

  23. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Rynjin in Banning the Word "Bossy"   
    This! Is! Feminism!
  24. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Raison d'être in Banning the Word "Bossy"   
    "Women are strong and independent! Anything men can do, they can do too!

    But don't call them bossy or else they'll crumble."

    "Bossy" is almost a compliment compared to "deadbeat", "dick", "bastard", or anything else men can get called.
  25. Upvote