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Status Replies posted by Simon

  1. new fighting game in which you play as the u.s. presidents called the founding fighters y/n

  2. new fighting game in which you play as the u.s. presidents called the founding fighters y/n

  3. i'm reading sekirei i've lost control of my life

  4. Holy shit crunchy food noises are so satisfying god damn.

  5. yes

    1. Simon


      avatar memory association made me not realize who you were for a moment

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  6. Played CoD for the first time and I don't get how people like it so much. I can barely tell what weapons people were using, what I was killed with, or where people were. No personality in the characters or maps. Not to mention that using a controller is impossible.

  7. I need a name for a S. Disciplinary Action

  8. Google is saying Nerf Now! (as in the webcomic) is potentially harmful and malicious. u wot m8?

  9. gunna get ~$600 for tax refunds, life is good.

  10. Sports are for nerds, are you guys all a bunch of nerds?

  11. So one of the guys I'm friends with on Facebook is incredibly conservative, and not all that smart-not because he's conservative, but because he's just been an idiot ever since I met him, which was like 12 years ago. So anyways, he just made a post saying that he's never going to buy Coke products again because, and I'm quoting him here, "During the new commercial they stomped over one of our nation's songs by doing it in another language." So that happened.

  12. so that was um, something.

  13. Corv, does your title mean "a skeleton eating cake that causes androgyny," "an androgynous skeleton who is eating cake," "an androgynous cake that eats skeletons," or "a skeleton eating an androgynous cake?"

  14. There is no greater joy in life than putting out-of-context quotes in your sig.

  15. huhuhuhu I'm reading a paper written by professor Long Wang huhuhuhuh

  16. Go to YouTube right now and search "Doge meme". Remember to watch "The Journey Of The Doge: Episode 1" too.

  17. help i'm becoming mildly disgusted with bigspuf

  18. My rep count is the answer to everything in the universe.

  19. My window is a fucking dick.

  20. We just finished watching Primer in class and the second thing this one girl had to say about it was that she hated how women were portrayed in it. Kill me.

  21. Gonna be off of my account on Steam tomorrow to just cut games totally out. I'll be on my alt for any communication purposes needed.

