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  1. Upvote
  2. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Simon in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
  3. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Batty Batterson in post your for old time's sake...   
    Finally fixed my windows activation problem. Using this until I find a good background.

  4. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Veez in subSPUFCraft   
    In case your curious how the SPUF server looks like in shaders, I've taken the liberty of taking pictures of the server's spawn so that I could show off my computer.

  5. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Simon in The Reaction Pictures Thread   
  6. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to tam in The Reaction Pictures Thread   
  7. Upvote
  8. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to <Witty Name> in The Reaction Pictures Thread   
  9. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Binary in The Reaction Pictures Thread   
  10. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Doopliss2008 in The Reaction Pictures Thread   
  11. Upvote
  12. Upvote
  13. Upvote
    Mersopolis got a reaction from Idiot Cube in share your worst jokes   
    Once upon a time, there was a guy named Tom.
    He was travelling through the nearby woods when he got lost.
    He was getting hungry and happened upon a plant with red fruits on it.
    He recognized it as a plant that many people in his village were scared of. They thought that it was poisonous.
    He was hungry enough to eat it anyway.
    Luckily, he didn't die. In fact, he quite liked the fruit.
    He took several fruits from the plant and walked away.
    Somehow, he managed to make his way back to the village.
    While there, he told his story of the red fruits.
    Everyone was glad to know that the fruit was no longer a threat.
    Now, years later, whenever someone from that village sees that particular fruit, they say, "Hey! Tom-ate-those!"
  14. Upvote
    Mersopolis got a reaction from Idiot Cube in share your worst jokes   
    Once upon a time, there was a guy named Tom.
    He was travelling through the nearby woods when he got lost.
    He was getting hungry and happened upon a plant with red fruits on it.
    He recognized it as a plant that many people in his village were scared of. They thought that it was poisonous.
    He was hungry enough to eat it anyway.
    Luckily, he didn't die. In fact, he quite liked the fruit.
    He took several fruits from the plant and walked away.
    Somehow, he managed to make his way back to the village.
    While there, he told his story of the red fruits.
    Everyone was glad to know that the fruit was no longer a threat.
    Now, years later, whenever someone from that village sees that particular fruit, they say, "Hey! Tom-ate-those!"
  15. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Razputin in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
    EDIT: Shit this is probably one of my favorite /v/ comics I haven't seen it in ages

  16. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Doopliss2008 in share your worst jokes   
    Even if you cool your body down to -273C, you will be 0K.
  17. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to FrozenFirebug in The Reaction Pictures Thread   
  18. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to <Witty Name> in post your for old time's sake...   
    kayohgee can rest easy now that he has monochrome icons

  19. Upvote
  20. Upvote
  21. Upvote
  22. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Rynjin in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
    Chris Brown jokes never get old.
  23. Upvote
  24. Upvote
    Mersopolis got a reaction from Medic in Skye's Bug-Infested Homebrew   
    Wow... Looks like you made a dece-
  25. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Arm the Homeless in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
    Going to be dumping some stuff from 4chan.
    4chan's letter to EA
    Anon eats grapes
    Anon plays Runescape
    Anon is Mr. Rodgers.
    Anon activates a phone
    4chan makes Captcha Comics
    Anon sees the future of Xbox
    4chan asks for Battletoads
    Anon forgets something important.
    Anon is a true comrade.
    Anon is a revolutionary game dev