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John Caveson

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Status Replies posted by John Caveson

  1. Bored and I have all these games I could play, and yet I don't have the motivation to click the "Play" button.

  2. God, I fucking love Mad Men.

  3. I feel oddly sensual this morning.

  4. Favorite villains. Go.

  5. Holy Ballsucking Christ I passed an exam I deemed impossible

  6. "We're going to Escalator Land!"

  7. Happy 4/20 Guys

  8. I am mad because I am bad.

  9. I think I've lost my "spark" for TF2. What are the best methods for backpack selling / raffles / what have you?

  10. So, I'm going to be hitting up the DMV tomorrow morning to take the Learner's Permit test. Maybe I should study or something.

  11. It's SNOWING on the 15TH OF APRIL

  12. Is it bad that going over the Vietnam War in history makes me want to watch Full Metal Jacket?

  13. RIP in pizza Windows XP user. Tommorow is the day when you die. RIP in pizza.

  14. So I just took a look at a cup of orange juice I had just used. There's a big fucking dead ant it.


  16. I'm off to DIDNEY WORL! I won't be on Steam for a week and I'll only have internet through my phone, so I won't really be active here, either. See you guys in a week!

  17. Moderator Elections are now open. See the thread for details.

  18. And we're back.

  19. The new TF2 update according to the wiki isn't real, is it? I mean, STRANGUFIERS for CRAFT NUMBERED WEAPONS in NORMAL CRATES sound like a shitton of work to do for me.

  20. I fear I have lied to thine all. I am actually a slightly dusty tablecloth.

  21. Gentlemen, I need to formulate a smashing April Fools Prank for SPUF without being banned honorlessly. What do thine chaps suggest?

  22. Best layout

  23. Man there's a lot of people online during Americatime

  24. dota 2 is so easy
