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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/15 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Sign up for Disney.com without my parents' permission before the power goes out
  2. 2 points
    ​I'm just saying all the "No internet/electricity? Better kill myself" and "Bored now. Better kill myself" responses seem really short sighted. ​Why? Just because you could survive doesn't mean you would want to. I don't think a lot of people could witness the disappearance of everyone they've ever known and the end of all human civilization and go "Whelp, better get some guidebooks and ride this shit out". I think killing yourself would be a perfectly valid response in this situation.
  3. 2 points


      So if I understand this correctly, Cal has Caliborn+Arquius+HalfGamzee. Cal possesses Jack, but Cal is also the source material to make Doc Scratch, who housed Lord English. Lord English isn't Caliborn, he's an ungodly amalgamation of CaliAriquiuZee?   I also remember Hussie saying Gamzee can't die because he's the most important character in the story. The MPSA forums are suggesting that he couldn't die up until now, because his halfsoul was needed to create Lord English. Since that's done, he could actually be dead now... but permadeath and Homestuck tend to not get along.
  4. 1 point
    Just a Gigolo

    World of Warcraft

  5. 1 point

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    [f-zero fan crying continues]
  6. 1 point
    Assuming the power would stay on for a while: First I'd find a way to set up a radio tower to play whatever music I want. I'd break into every house in the city, open all their windows and make every stereo I find play that radio station as loud as they can. Then I'd run around to my custom city-wide playlist singing and dancing and destroying shit. aaand I guess I'd shoot myself in the head after that.
  7. 1 point
    Really? I didn't know that. Does it just stop being flammable or does it slowly vaporize or something? ​ Technically it oxidizes and draws in water, creating unwanted molecules/chemicals, so using it in an engine would damage it. There are gas preservatives designed to partially counter it.