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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Idiot Cube

    Anime General Discussion

    Cube's meme-fuel shonen adventure continues with season 1 of My/Boku no (delete where appropriate) Hero Academia! I really like the subversion of the "Protagonist is just TOO STRONG you guuuuuys" trope. Izuku (aka Deku the Scrub) has incredible power, but right now it's more of a hindrance than anything, and his greatest challenge is learning how to not injure himself when he throws a punch! I can't wait to see where they go with this. Katsuki (aka 'Splosion Man Jr.) is being this show's Vegeta, clearly. I hope they won't take the obvious route of him becoming a villain in order to defeat Deku once and for all. Tsuyu (aka Crazy Frogette) is cute and cool, but I don't get all the fuss over her. Maybe she does something really amazingly cool/cute later? There are also other characters. They do stuff and say things. Most importantly, All Might (aka Superman BUT COOLER) is the best thing ever. Six hundred pounds of Silver Age cheese (my second favorite kind of cheese next to pepper jack), but with a weakness that's actually interesting and significant, unlike magic green space rocks.
  2. 1 point
    As a memento, I've kept this image up in a tab ever since SPUF shut down. It was the last image I opened before it did. Think Abby posted it: