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Status Updates posted by Gyokuyoutama

  1. One word: Pyrokinesis.  How would you like to have that super power? I mean, you could play around in the Himalayas for hours and be perfectly fine!

    1. General DeGroot
    2. Rynjin


      It's nowhere near the top of my list of superpowers but I'd never turn one down lol.

    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Since my flames create heat without burning any fuel, I'd be a clean unlimited energy source! I could save the world!


      And then big oil would probably try to assassinate me, thus starting my villain arc. Sure would be a shame if all their tankers combusted at once...

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  2. Panzer vor means Panzer vor.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      TL Note: Schneizel just made an illegal move in chess, so it doesn't make sense that he could say checkmate, he might possibly say check but the use of the term here is wrong. The only way this could be a legal move is if this were blitz chess, also known as "Fast Chess". However, in this scene, it is never declared they are playing "Fast Chess", and neither of the players are using clocks to time their turns in the game. (Source: /a/) TL Note 2: The reason why Schneizel did this is because the game was going to turn into a threefold rep. By pulling this illegal move, he is able to gain insight into Zero's personality, and "un-mask" part of him, thus fulfilling his victory condition in a subtle and Schneizel-ish manner. To look at the picture more properly, think of the chess board not as a game but as a battlefield. Zero's other options were to take his King, which would have made him similar to his father, or to call Schneizel out on making an illegal move, which would have made Zero look dumb since "lol rules of war". What Zero chose to do was keep his pride and run away from a free victory. Furthermore, by placing his King behind a pawn instead of any other open tile, Zero symbolically shows cowardice. TL Note 3: Alternatively read like this: [aers | laptop] Well personally I think the symbolism in Schneizel moving his king is that he wants to be buddy-buddy with Zero. And that Zero moving behind the pawn is because he is afraid of Schneizel's advances. (Geass is about yaoi and shit, so the likelihood of aers being correct is somewhere over 9000.) TL Note 4: This scene is interesting because it raises the question of whether or not Schneizel "plays dirty" in bed with Canon. :3

    2. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      all according to keikaku

  3. Remember, theme goes to SPUFOrange or you get grabbed by the ghoulies.

  4. Researching the early history of virtual youtubing is like descending into a fever dream.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      The "people" making nightcore are sophisticated enough to assemble a community?! I assumed they were all just failed anime twitter bots

    2. TheOnlyGuyEver


      >Believing that music genres exist

    3. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Yeah the nightcore community is weird from what little shit I've seen of it. It's like someone smashed a group of ravers and a group of weebs together and decides fuck it, let's see what happens.


      That being said I'd be lying if I said I didn't like some nightcore. The quality goes from "total fucking shit" to "pretty good" and it mostly depends on the original song. EDM will always take it a lot better than fucking New Divide.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  5. RIP Erin's challenge.

    1. Gyokuyoutama


      I guess the videos are back up but the quizzes and such were in flash format and seem to have been lost to the aether.

  6. 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

    1. hugthebed2


      can't believe i'm dead

    2. Gyokuyoutama


      Sorry about the tired payoff.  Maybe this will be more to your liking:




      Since this one is more obtuse than the last one I'll give a couple of hints: First, this should be viewed as a number, but you'll want to look at it in a different way.  Second, notepad with wordwrap will help

    3. Expresate


      lol. That's actually cute.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  7. Something I've always wondered: Do people in the US generally have to deal with Canadian quarters getting mixed in with US currency?  Or is this just a northern border state problem?

    1. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      That never happens to me. But those dollar coins from the vending machine at work might as well be foreign currency.

    2. TheOnlyGuyEver


      I've seen one of those once in a coin collection.

    3. hugthebed2


      I always saved every piece of foreign currency I got as a kid, I think in my home state I've only ever gotten 3 canadian pieces of currency. Got more on many vacations though.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  8. Sometimes when I see someone on another site post with a Ran or Erwin avatar I momentarily think I posted something and forgot.

    1. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      They're your clones that escaped the facility and are loose.

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      The only solution is to draw your own avatars

    3. Gyokuyoutama


      Can't draw, but can force AIs to interpolate drawings for me.


      Original avatar, do not steal.

  9. Sometimes you notice two people on two completely different websites with the exact same posting styles, personalities, and favorite topics.  And then you have to awkwardly pretend like you haven't noticed that they're both the same person.

    1. Gyokuyoutama


      My current plan for the most recent incident is to wait until the guy posts something embarrassing on one site (he's the type of guy who will do this sooner rather than later) and then post it on the other site.

    2. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Look man, what I share on fuirsuitplaypen.com is not for you to repost here. Capisce?

    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      If you ever meet someone who ends every post with a :pinkiegasm:, just walk away and don't make eye contact.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  10. Studies show that if you still post on message boards in 2018 that you have some form of social disorder.

    1. TheOnlyGuyEver


      But it's still 2017 where I live.

    2. ToasterToastin'


      The human condition is a social disorder.

    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      But how else do kids these days form long-lasting bonds with strangers on the internet?

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  11. Superstition, fear and jelousy

    1. TheOnlyGuyEver


      Eggs, milk, butter, flour

    2. FreshHalibut
    3. Gyokuyoutama


      I always heard the next line as "inseminating son"

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  12. The biggest thing keeping me from making create.swf comics is that I don't feel like installing flash on my new computer.

  13. The first rule of card games: If you tech out your deck to counter a popular deck, you will never see that deck ever again in your life.

    1. Gyokuyoutama


      Fish is a pretty fun deck.

    2. hugthebed2


      "Aw yeah! I'm running all of these cool cards that aren't great but are thematic"


      "Why am I losing all of these duels? I guess I should side out these fun cards for negates"


      every time

    3. Gyokuyoutama


      There have been several times where I've set out to make a deck that breaks a certain card, and then after a lot of testing and revisions I end up with a really effective deck.... that doesn't include the card I set out to break.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  14. The gun is good.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      dick = unity
      so unity = evil??

    2. Gyokuyoutama


      The gun shoots death.


      The penis shoots seeds.

    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      It's like poetry, sort of, they rhyme. 

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  15. The most useful ability that the internet has taught me is how to defocus my eyes at will.

    1. TheOnlyGuyEver


      Novice. I remember doing that in pre-k and telling my friends about it.

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      You're both amateurs. I've been able to do that since birth with my bad eye.

    3. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      I did it when I was a kid but my mom said I'd wreck my eyes doing that, and I certainly didn't want that! Instead I just stare at screens for 16 hours a day.

  16. The perpetual Minnesotan game: Trying to get out of staters to pronounce "Wayzata."

    1. Gyokuyoutama



    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      More like "why haven't we got rid of your state yet" amirite

    3. TheOnlyGuyEver


      Yeah you tell 'em

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  17. The real reason that I am learning Japanese is so that one day I may get all of my news from yukkuris.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      I started learning so I could read porn game dialogue without needing a TL hack

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      I started learning because I had a GE requirement to fulfill. Then I stopped learning.

  18. The snes classic looks adorable sitting on the snes.

    1. FreshHalibut
    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Don't talk to me or my son ever again

  19. There's a lot more to my personality than weeb shit, vtubers and bitching about new technology but for some reason those are the only things that ever seem relevant to post here.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      I think you're good enough at articulating stuff that you could talk about anything here tbh (though those aforementioned topics are generally fun to discuss so I ain't complaining)

    2. John Caveson

      John Caveson

      No. You must conform to my preconceived notions and ideas of your entire existence, or you will perish.

    3. Gyokuyoutama


      I'll meet you both half way.  I'll talk about something else, but include an unnecessary reference to Sailor Moon.

  20. There's about the same amount of time between now and Half-Life's release as Half-Life's release and Space Invaders's release.

    1. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      A clip from the Simpsons was recommended to me yesterday. It was the Itchy and Scratchy land episode from Season 6 I think (might've been 7). There was a joke where Homer and Marge saw a 70s themed nightclub, and all I could think was how this 24-year old episode was making jokes about things that happened 24 years before it. Does anybody make 90s jokes now? I know they'll never make 00s jokes.

  21. Time to make the forum private again.

    1. TheOnlyGuyEver


      What happened?

    2. LordCOVID Monkey

      LordCOVID Monkey

      Some guest user made multiple threads with links to Viagra stuff. It's not as interesting as it sounds.

    3. aabicus


      Not as good as the “Free British bathrooms” guy on another forum I frequent. Viagra bot needs to up his game

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  22. Today marks three years.  Doesn't seem that long ago.

    1. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Another three years soon...
