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  1. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama reacted to A 1970 Corvette in We Media Now: TF2 Edition   
    i seriously don't understand spy sometimes
  2. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama reacted to Kraszu in TF2 general   
  3. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama got a reaction from A 1970 Corvette in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    The real way to prevent getting doxed as an internet celebrity.
    -Make very clear at the start that you are privacy conscious and won't be giving away private information.
    -"Accidentally" make offhand remarks that hint at your background, but largely do not give anything too specific away, like alluding to living in a specific state, being in certain clubs in high school, etc.
    -Fans obsess over these little tidbits and eventually come up with someone they're pretty sure is you, but don't yet have the definitive smoking gun for, making them pour all of their time into getting that last confirmation.
    -Jokes on them, all the personal details you talked about have nothing to do with you but instead come from some rando who overshares on facebook, and who will be definitively declared to be you when you get "doxed."
  4. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama reacted to Raison d'être in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    Huh, just realized Lou Dog's lifespan was basically the entire cultural 90's - very fitting for the Sublime dog.
  5. Upvote
  6. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama reacted to A 1970 Corvette in ITT We Appreciate Good Video Game Music   
    these arisu dancing memes only further emphasized blue archive's pretty damn good OST
  7. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama reacted to Razputin in I just hit 6000 hours in TF2. AMA?   
    According to Steam, I purchased the Orange Box on April 1st, 2009, meaning I played TF2 for approximately an hour every single day since then. There's definitely been times in the past where I played it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much to get to that number; nowadays I don't have time to game that often anymore and it's just my comfort game.
    Anyways I thought that was a good reason to start a subspuf thread, see how y'all are doing, and maybe talk about TF2 a bit
  8. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama reacted to Razputin in I just hit 6000 hours in TF2. AMA?   
    Solly just has really good secondaries, and the Buff Banner can't really keep up. The other banners, shotty and gunboats are all items I equip when I am playing 'optimally', but the buff banner always feels like I'm gimping myself. It should have some kind of passive like the other two banners.
    I definitely have a bunch of controversial balance ideas, the biggest one being that I think airblast shouldn't be able to push players around at all whilst projectile reflects can stay as they are. Soldier needs a proper heel and there is a lot of interesting counterplay against a reflect happy Pyro, but getting your entire Uber stuffed, or being pushed off a cliff, or getting stuck in a corner by someone holding mouse 2 with the most generous hitbox in the game is not good gameplay.
    For buffs, there's just such a massive inventory of useless items in TF2 it's kind of hard to start on it. The question is also whether you want them to be really viable or just fun to play; for example the Force a Nature can be fun to use, but if you were to try and turn it into a true sidegrade to the Scattergun, it would have to become obnoxious as hell. On the other hand you have stuff like the Sun on a Stick that just serve no purpose whatsoever.
    I think the weapons most in dire need for a buff are all the Pyromania pyro unlocks, which just all either fell barely short (Dragon's Fury being able to be reflected and missing an airblast makes you killbind) or just turned out kind of garbage (all the other ones). It's depressing the second banana was actually the most truly viable unlock with TF2's last real update.
    For a rework it would probably be Spy in its entirety, I really dislike how the 'meta' Spy has turned into Kunai and Dead Ringer abuse. It's quite funny how that combo can give Spy the highest effective health and movement speed in the game and still leave him the weakest class. In my opinion the big issue with Spy is that even if you get a reasonable amount of kills with him, you're still not applying as much pressure as a Soldier/Demo/Heavy shooting down a hallway. Getting kills doesn't mean much in TF2 if you're not gaining ground with it so in 12v12, an invisible spy is just a player down. If Spy was able to provide pressure like the other classes and then go invisible to try to make a play on a flank, he'd feel a lot less absent
    Maybe like 20 or so, I played that kind of maps more when I played TF2 with a group of friends. I actually have some footage recorded of us having a few nostalgic games of prophunt and mario_kart from 2 years ago that I never edited because I forgot editing costs time and effort
    -Brass Beast: should be more extreme, make it unable to move at all and make it deal even more damage. I also rarely play heavy
    -Classic: is an awful sniper rifle which means it's still pretty dang good, being able to instagib someone from anywhere
    -Thermal Thruster: it's pretty clear valve was scared of bombing pyros because they made this way too restrictive, I wish this was just better because it is quite fun.
  9. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama got a reaction from Razputin in We Media Now: TF2 Edition   
    Took me forever to find this video again, so I am preserving this important bit of TF2 history:
  10. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama reacted to Moby in In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.   
    April Fool's for Granblue Versus, made by the GALO SENGEN/Bob Team Epic guys. Every frame is so dense, its a work of art.
  11. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama reacted to Moby in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    I actually found the model my parents had. Turns out it wasn't wood grain, but these red lines. It kinda looked like an Atari or Master System.
    My dad used it as an alarm for years, every day the radio would start at 6AM to wake us up for school.

  12. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama reacted to A 1970 Corvette in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    I've never used an alarm clock in my life. I started using my DS's alarm clock feature when I needed one, and then as time has gone on I've always had some kind of device to handle alarms for me from then on.
    It's an effective alarm I'd say. I use a dumb joke as my alarm now, but this would be one I'd consider if I was going to take one that is easier to explain.
    I think I've seen one of those clocks at a military base's housing though.
  13. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama reacted to Raison d'être in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    Mine isn't there, but my parents had 4.

    These days I use both the clock and my phone alarm, just in case one fails.
  14. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama got a reaction from A 1970 Corvette in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    If you just want cheap animation/audio plays, I found that youtube actually does a good job recommending them when you are watching one provided that you watch from a clean browser.  Here are some examples.
    I didn't go past the first twenty seconds or so on these videos so I make no guarantees about the contents, but each of these channels seem to have plenty of videos to go through.
  15. Like
    Gyokuyoutama reacted to Moby in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
    Welp, Akira Toriyama has passed. Apparently he died last week and it was only confirmed today.
    Kentaro Miura, Kazuki Takahashi and now him.
  16. Upvote
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  18. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama reacted to hugthebed2 in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    It really is a far cry from the days of being taught in school "be careful what you post online - it's there forever!".
    There's many solo amateur websites over the years I've seen that just don't exist anymore, and their pages were not put on the web archive. There's also so many youtube videos I adored lost to channels being deleted or intentional privating. I should really youtube-dl more than I do.
  19. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama reacted to Raison d'être in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    This LinkedIn spambot is crazy because it seems like it got the short end of the stick: https://www.linkedin.com/today/author/sarmad-mayo-444258171?trk=public_profile_see-all-articles
    Here's my favorite.
    "Come and see what all the fuss is about with my beautiful feet..." Knocked that out of the park, LLM buddy!
  20. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama got a reaction from Raison d'être in In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.   
    Yep, I'd believe that these designs are from 2014:
  21. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama reacted to Moby in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    The only people I see using untranslated "what the fuck" are teens that spend too much time on the internet.
    We already have like 3 expressions that mean the same thing: "Mas que merda" (What the shit), "Mas que porra" (What the fuck), "Mas que droga" (What the damn).
    "Porra" actually means cum, but expresses the same sentiment on that line. "Foda" would be our fuck word, "Foda-se" being basically our "Fuck you".
    "Droga" means drug, but also shares the same sentiment as damn.
    My personal favorite is "Vai para a puta que te pariu", which basically means "Go back to the whore that birth you".
  22. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama got a reaction from TheOnlyGuyEver in TIAM: Entertainment Stuff   
    This is the only Disney Movie I own.  Because it's Don Bluth's first animation credit, see, and I have stuff from throughout his career.  Definitely not for any other reason.
    I guess on that topic if you want to watch actual Don Bluth movies, the ones that hold up the best are Secret of NIMH, The Land Before Time and Anastasia.  An American Tail and All Dogs Go to Heaven are enjoyable but definitely a step down.  Titan AE would be top tier if all the dialogue wasn't generic Joss Whedonisms.
    But the real thing I wanted to talk about was this scene from Fargo:
    Most of the "Minnesotan accents" in this movie are somewhat based in reality, but taken to an absurd level.  Kind of like saying "I've got a real Southern accent" and then sounding like Foghorn Leghorn.  But the guy this cop talks to is 100% legit.  There were many people in my grandfather's generation who talked and acted exactly like that, and you still run into people like that in rural areas.
    To get things out of the way, yeah, they are wearing way too much for what is obviously a mild winter day.  But you can't control the weather when shooting a movie.  This was done by a second unit in a warm spell, and the rest of the movie was supposed to be very cold, so they made do.
    What makes this great? First of all the accent is dead on.  Kinda singsong-y but not absurdly so.  The "th" sound reliably changed into "d."  Perhaps the only natural "ja" in the whole movie.  And listen to how he says "Moose."
    In terms of phrasing we have the "so I says", "so he says" way of quickly talking about a previous conversation.  About half of my Grandpa's anecdotes went that way.  There's an improper use of verb conjugation vs. the subject (ex. "so I says" instead of "so I say",  "that don't sound..." instead of "that doesn't sound...", "he don't use" instead of "he doesn't use") I don't know the exact rule for how this works, since it's not like rural Minnesotans don't conjugate things incorrectly every time, but those specific examples are common.
    Lack of profanity even though Steve Buscemi's character obviously swore.  Profanity is pretty common now in Minnesota, but in that generation people did avoid it.  Note too the way that he treats the situation.  It's not like he's offended or is bewildered by the thought of profanity.  If anything he's kind of acting like it's funny that anyone would talk like that.
    "So I called it in" long pause "end of story."  One thing that this hints at is the long pauses common to Minnesotan conversation.  In "How to Talk Minnesotan" Howard Mohr suggests that most Minnesotan phone conversations consist of as much silence as speech, and even today I would believe it.  Now for such an incidental conversation in the movie they couldn't stretch this scene into five minutes, but I do like this hint at the end.
    "He says... the last guy who thought he's a jerk is dead now... what do you think about that? I says, well that don't sound like too good of deal for him then."  The end of this phrase is perhaps the most Minnesotan response ever.  To begin with it's understated and mildly passive aggressive.  It's a negation rather than affirming something directly.  A true Minnesotan will never say "that sounds good" when he can instead say "that doesn't sound too bad."  He talks about it in terms of "deals."  This too is a common Minnesota phrasing, with phrases like "no big deal", "not too bad of a deal", "heck of a deal" all being common.
    The sudden shift from talking about police business to the weather with no hesitation might seem like a movie contrivance, but no that's also accurate.  This is known as the "Minnesotan Non-Sequitur" and it happens when a conversation suddenly changes topic (often to something about the weather, food or cars.)  Having a non-sequitur right before the end of the conversation is common when the people involved are not related or close friends.  (If they were, the conversation would have had 15 minutes of small talk before it could end.)  Note too how they don't say goodbye.  They just make an observation and mutually decide to walk away from each other.  This too, is accurate.
  23. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama got a reaction from Idiot Cube in What song are you listening to RIGHT now?   
    As the kids say, this is a mood:
  24. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama got a reaction from Idiot Cube in What song are you listening to RIGHT now?   
    As the kids say, this is a mood:
  25. Upvote
    Gyokuyoutama got a reaction from A 1970 Corvette in In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.   
    On his way to get his salad for the day
    Youtube forbids embedding of this video.  They don't want you to know!